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标题:最新版Oracle dul支持Oracle 7.2.3
网上有朋友发过来了oracle 7.2.3的数据文件说dul新版本无法支持,我进行测试,可以正常使用dul挖oracle 7.2.3版本oracle.再次实测刷新dul对于oracle老版本支持记录(以前实测dul支持oracle 8.0:DUL10直接支持ORACLE 8.0,DUL挖ORACLE 8.0数据库).根据dul官方说法从oracle 6 及其以后版本都支持
最新版dul(支持oracle 7.2.3
H:\temp\recover\dul10>dul.exe Data UnLoader: - Internal Only - on Sun Nov 08 22:45:26 2015 with 64-bit io functions Copyright (c) 1994 2015 Bernard van Duijnen All rights reserved. Strictly Oracle Internal Use Only DUL: Warning: Recreating file "dul.log" Found db_id = 1190425910 Found db_name = ORA7 DUL> show datafiles; ts# rf# start blocks offs open err file name UNK 1 0 524289 0 0 0 H:\temp\recover\headof\headof\home\systora7.dbf UNK 2 0 524289 0 1 0 H:\temp\recover\headof\headof\home1\rbsora7.dbf UNK 3 0 524289 0 0 0 H:\temp\recover\headof\headof\home\tempora7.dbf UNK 4 0 15361 0 0 0 H:\temp\recover\headof\headof\home\toolora7.dbf UNK 5 0 513 0 1 0 H:\temp\recover\headof\headof\home\usrora7.dbf UNK 6 0 524289 0 0 0 H:\temp\recover\headof\headof\home\BSYS_DISK1.dbf UNK 7 0 524289 0 1 0 H:\temp\recover\headof\headof\home1\BSYS_DISK2.dbf UNK 8 0 512001 0 1 0 H:\temp\recover\headof\headof\home1\BALANCE_DATA01.dbf UNK 9 0 262145 0 0 0 H:\temp\recover\headof\headof\home\BALANCE_IDX01.dbf UNK 10 0 524289 0 0 0 H:\temp\recover\headof\headof\home\CARD.dbf UNK 11 0 524289 0 0 0 H:\temp\recover\headof\headof\home\LARGE_TRANS.dbf UNK 12 0 524289 0 0 0 H:\temp\recover\headof\headof\home\tool01.dbf UNK 13 0 524289 0 0 0 H:\temp\recover\headof\headof\home\system1.dbf UNK 14 0 524289 0 0 0 H:\temp\recover\headof\headof\home\balance_data02.dbf UNK 15 0 524289 0 0 0 H:\temp\recover\headof\headof\home\BSYS_DISK3.dbf UNK 16 0 524289 0 0 0 H:\temp\recover\headof\headof\home\BSYS_DISK4.dbf UNK 17 0 524289 0 0 0 H:\temp\recover\headof\headof\home\BSYS_DISK5.dbf UNK 18 0 524289 0 0 0 H:\temp\recover\headof\headof\home\BSYS_DISK6.dbf UNK 19 0 524289 0 0 0 H:\temp\recover\headof\headof\home\system2.dbf UNK 20 0 524289 0 0 0 H:\temp\recover\headof\headof\home\card1.dbf DUL> bootstrap; Probing file = 1, block = 377 database version 7 bootstrap$ at file 1, block 302 . unloading table BOOTSTRAP$ DUL: Warning: block number is non zero but marked deferred trying to process it anyhow 45 rows unloaded DUL: Warning: Dictionary cache DC_BOOTSTRAP is empty Reading BOOTSTRAP.dat 45 entries loaded Parsing Bootstrap$ contents DUL: Warning: Recreating file "dict.ddl" Generating dict.ddl for version 7 OBJ$: segobjno 17, file 1 block 162 TAB$: segobjno 1, tabno 1, file 1 block 52 COL$: segobjno 1, tabno 5, file 1 block 52 USER$: segobjno 9, tabno 1, file 1 block 142 Running generated file "@dict.ddl" to unload the dictionary tables . unloading table OBJ$ 6076 rows unloaded . unloading table TAB$ 1067 rows unloaded . unloading table COL$ 18105 rows unloaded . unloading table USER$ 56 rows unloaded Reading USER.dat 56 entries loaded Reading OBJ.dat 6076 entries loaded and sorted 6076 entries Reading SCANNEDLOBPAGE.dat 0 entries loaded and sorted 0 entries Reading TAB.dat 1067 entries loaded Reading COL.dat 18105 entries loaded and sorted 18105 entries Reading SEG.dat 0 entries loaded Reading EXT.dat 0 entries loaded and sorted 0 entries Reading COMPATSEG.dat 0 entries loaded Reading BOOTSTRAP.dat 45 entries loaded DUL: Warning: Recreating file "dict.ddl" Generating dict.ddl for version 7 OBJ$: segobjno 17, file 1 block 162 TAB$: segobjno 1, tabno 1, file 1 block 52 COL$: segobjno 1, tabno 5, file 1 block 52 USER$: segobjno 9, tabno 1, file 1 block 142 Running generated file "@dict.ddl" to unload the dictionary tables . unloading table OBJ$ DUL: Warning: Recreating file "OBJ.ctl" 6076 rows unloaded . unloading table TAB$ DUL: Warning: Recreating file "TAB.ctl" 1067 rows unloaded . unloading table COL$ DUL: Warning: Recreating file "COL.ctl" 18105 rows unloaded . unloading table USER$ DUL: Warning: Recreating file "USER.ctl" 56 rows unloaded Reading USER.dat 56 entries loaded Reading OBJ.dat 6076 entries loaded and sorted 6076 entries Reading SCANNEDLOBPAGE.dat 0 entries loaded and sorted 0 entries Reading TAB.dat 1067 entries loaded Reading COL.dat 18105 entries loaded and sorted 18105 entries Reading SEG.dat 0 entries loaded Reading EXT.dat 0 entries loaded and sorted 0 entries Reading COMPATSEG.dat 0 entries loaded Reading BOOTSTRAP.dat 45 entries loaded DUL> unload table user$; . unloading table USER$ DUL: Warning: Recreating file "USER.ctl" 56 rows unloaded DUL>



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