dul 12.2完美支持Oracle 19c恢复

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标题:dul 12.2完美支持Oracle 19c恢复


Oracle dul 12.2完美支持12c+版本(实测19c恢复正常)

[root@ora11g dul]# ./dul

Data UnLoader: Beta - Internal Only - on Wed Nov 11 00:00:39 2020
with 64-bit io functions and the decompression option

Copyright (c) 1994 2019 Bernard van Duijnen All rights reserved.

 Strictly Oracle Internal Use Only

Found db_id = 2193655303
Found db_name = UORA19C
DUL> bootstrap;
Probing file = 1, block = 520
. unloading table                BOOTSTRAP$
DUL: Warning: block number is non zero but marked deferred trying to process it anyhow
      60 rows unloaded
Reading BOOTSTRAP.dat 60 entries loaded
Parsing Bootstrap$ contents
DUL: Warning: Recreating file "dict.ddl"
Generating dict.ddl for version 12
 OBJ$: segobjno 18, file 1 block 240
 TAB$: segobjno 2, tabno 1, file 1  block 144
 COL$: segobjno 2, tabno 5, file 1  block 144
 USER$: segobjno 10, tabno 1, file 1  block 208
Running generated file "@dict.ddl" to unload the dictionary tables
. unloading table                      OBJ$   72485 rows unloaded
. unloading table                      TAB$    2243 rows unloaded
. unloading table                      COL$  123798 rows unloaded
. unloading table                     USER$     127 rows unloaded
Reading USER.dat 127 entries loaded
Reading OBJ.dat 72485 entries loaded and sorted 72485 entries
Reading TAB.dat 2243 entries loaded
Reading COL.dat 123798 entries loaded and sorted 123798 entries
Reading BOOTSTRAP.dat 60 entries loaded

DUL: Warning: Recreating file "dict.ddl"
Generating dict.ddl for version 12
 OBJ$: segobjno 18, file 1 block 240
 TAB$: segobjno 2, tabno 1, file 1  block 144
 COL$: segobjno 2, tabno 5, file 1  block 144
 USER$: segobjno 10, tabno 1, file 1  block 208
 TABPART$: segobjno 814, file 1 block 5424
 INDPART$: segobjno 819, file 1 block 5464
 TABCOMPART$: segobjno 836, file 1 block 5600
 INDCOMPART$: segobjno 841, file 1 block 5640
 TABSUBPART$: segobjno 826, file 1 block 5520
 INDSUBPART$: segobjno 831, file 1 block 5560
 IND$: segobjno 2, tabno 3, file 1  block 144
 ICOL$: segobjno 2, tabno 4, file 1  block 144
 LOB$: segobjno 2, tabno 6, file 1  block 144
 COLTYPE$: segobjno 2, tabno 7, file 1  block 144
 TYPE$: segobjno 740, tabno 1, file 1  block 4880
 COLLECTION$: segobjno 740, tabno 2, file 1  block 4880
 ATTRIBUTE$: segobjno 740, tabno 3, file 1  block 4880
 LOBFRAG$: segobjno 847, file 1 block 5688
 LOBCOMPPART$: segobjno 850, file 1 block 5720
 UNDO$: segobjno 15, file 1 block 224
 TS$: segobjno 6, tabno 2, file 1  block 176
 PROPS$: segobjno 127, file 1 block 1320
Running generated file "@dict.ddl" to unload the dictionary tables
. unloading table                      OBJ$
DUL: Warning: Recreating file "OBJ.ctl"
   72485 rows unloaded
. unloading table                      TAB$
DUL: Warning: Recreating file "TAB.ctl"
    2243 rows unloaded
. unloading table                      COL$
DUL: Warning: Recreating file "COL.ctl"
  123798 rows unloaded
. unloading table                     USER$
DUL: Warning: Recreating file "USER.ctl"
     127 rows unloaded
. unloading table                  TABPART$     304 rows unloaded
. unloading table                  INDPART$     204 rows unloaded
. unloading table               TABCOMPART$       1 row  unloaded
. unloading table               INDCOMPART$       0 rows unloaded
. unloading table               TABSUBPART$      32 rows unloaded
. unloading table               INDSUBPART$       0 rows unloaded
. unloading table                      IND$    2922 rows unloaded
. unloading table                     ICOL$    4996 rows unloaded
. unloading table                      LOB$     702 rows unloaded
. unloading table                  COLTYPE$    3035 rows unloaded
. unloading table                     TYPE$    5889 rows unloaded
. unloading table               COLLECTION$    1385 rows unloaded
. unloading table                ATTRIBUTE$   15376 rows unloaded
. unloading table                  LOBFRAG$      15 rows unloaded
. unloading table              LOBCOMPPART$       0 rows unloaded
. unloading table                     UNDO$      21 rows unloaded
. unloading table                       TS$      21 rows unloaded
. unloading table                    PROPS$      42 rows unloaded
Reading USER.dat 127 entries loaded
Reading OBJ.dat 72485 entries loaded and sorted 72485 entries
Reading TAB.dat 2243 entries loaded
Reading COL.dat 123798 entries loaded and sorted 123798 entries
Reading TABPART.dat 304 entries loaded and sorted 304 entries
Reading TABCOMPART.dat 1 entries loaded and sorted 1 entries
Reading TABSUBPART.dat 32 entries loaded and sorted 32 entries
Reading INDPART.dat 204 entries loaded and sorted 204 entries
Reading INDCOMPART.dat 0 entries loaded and sorted 0 entries
Reading INDSUBPART.dat 0 entries loaded and sorted 0 entries
Reading IND.dat 2922 entries loaded
Reading LOB.dat 702 entries loaded
Reading ICOL.dat 4996 entries loaded
Reading COLTYPE.dat 3035 entries loaded
Reading TYPE.dat
DUL: Notice: Increased the size of DC_TYPES from 4096 to 32768 entries
 5889 entries loaded
Reading ATTRIBUTE.dat 15376 entries loaded
Reading COLLECTION.dat
DUL: Notice: Increased the size of DC_COLLECTIONS from 1024 to 8192 entries
 1385 entries loaded
Reading BOOTSTRAP.dat 60 entries loaded
Reading LOBFRAG.dat 15 entries loaded and sorted 15 entries
Reading LOBCOMPPART.dat 0 entries loaded and sorted 0 entries
Reading UNDO.dat 21 entries loaded
Reading TS.dat 21 entries loaded
Reading PROPS.dat 42 entries loaded
Database character set is AL32UTF8
Database national character set is AL16UTF16


DUL> unload table sys.props$;
. unloading table                    PROPS$
DUL: Warning: Recreating file "SYS_PROPS.ctl"
      42 rows unloaded


此条目发表在 非常规恢复 分类目录,贴了 , , , 标签。将固定链接加入收藏夹。
