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最近两例oracle数据库被该病毒加密,通过一系列处理,实现较为完美恢复(均为恢复之后,业务直接使用),这种病毒的FILE RECOVERY.txt内容类似为:
Hello Your files are encrypted and can not be used To return your files in work condition you need decryption tool Follow the instructions to decrypt all your data Do not try to change or restore files yourself, this will break them If you want, on our site you can decrypt one file for free. Free test decryption allowed only for not valuable file with size less than 3MB How to contact us: The fastest way: 1) Download and install TOR browser by this link: https://www.torproject.org/download/ 2) If TOR blocked in your country and you can't access to the link then use any VPN software 3) Run TOR browser and open the site: wtyafjyhwqrgo4a45wdvvwhen3cx4euie73qvlhkhvlrexljoyuklaad.onion/mallox/privateSignin 4) Copy your private ID in the input field. Your Private key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 5) You will see payment information and we can make free test decryption here The slowest way: If you are unable to contact us through the site, then you can email us: mallox@stealthypost.net Waiting for a response via mail can be several days. Do not use it if you have not tried contacting through the site. Our blog of leaked companies: wtyafjyhwqrgo4a45wdvvwhen3cx4euie73qvlhkhvlrexljoyuklaad.onion
h:\BaiduNetdisk>dir *.dmp.mallox 驱动器 H 中的卷是 SSD-SX 卷的序列号是 84EB-F434 h:\BaiduNetdisk 的目录 2022-11-08 17:18 17,016,836,196 1.dmp.mallox 2022-11-08 17:18 16,801,267,812 6.dmp.mallox 2022-11-08 16:22 17,016,152,164 7.dmp.mallox 3 个文件 50,834,256,172 字节 0 个目录 433,633,767,424 可用字节
对于类似这种被加密的勒索的数据文件,我们可以实现比较好的恢复效果,如果此类的数据库(oracle,mysql,sql server)等被加密,需要专业恢复技术支持,请联系我们:
电话/微信:17813235971 Q Q:107644445
