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标题:老版本PL/SQL Developer操作数据库导致ORA-00600[17113]
Thu Feb 2 13:54:52 2012 Errors in file /oracle9/app/admin/bill/udump/bill1_ora_35651918.trc: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [17113], [0x000000000], [], [], [], [], [], []
Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning option JServer Release - Production ORACLE_HOME = /oracle9/app/product/9.2.0 System name: AIX Node name: zwq_bill_1 Release: 1 Version: 6 Machine: 00F64FF34C00 Instance name: bill1 Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1 Oracle process number: 200 Unix process pid: 35651918, image: oracle@zwq_bill_1 (TNS V1-V3) *** 2012-02-02 13:54:52.169 *** SESSION ID:(210.1380) 2012-02-02 13:54:52.150 ********** Internal heap ERROR 17113 addr=0 ********* ****************************************************** HEAP DUMP heap name="" desc=0 extent sz=0x0 alt=0 het=0 rec=0 flg=0 opc=0 parent=0 owner=0 nex=0 xsz=0x0 Hla: -1 *** 2012-02-02 13:54:52.169 ksedmp: internal or fatal error ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [17113], [0x000000000], [], [], [], [], [], [] Current SQL statement for this session: declare t_owner varchar2(30); t_name varchar2(30); procedure check_mview is dummy integer; begin if :object_type = 'TABLE' then select 1 into dummy from sys.all_objects where owner = :object_owner and object_name = :object_name and object_type = 'MATERIALIZED VIEW' and rownum = 1; :object_type := 'MATERIALIZED VIEW'; end if; exception when others then null; end; begin :sub_object := null; if :deep != 0 then begin if :part2 is null then select constraint_type, owner, constraint_name into :object_type, :object_owner, :object_name from sys.all_constraints c where c.constraint_name = :part1 and c.owner = user and rownum = 1; else select constraint_type, owner, constraint_name, :part3 into :object_type, :object_owner, :object_name, :sub_object from sys.all_constraints c where c.constraint_name = :part2 and c.owner = :part1 and rownum = 1; end if; if :object_type = 'P' then :object_type := 'PRIMARY KEY'; end if; if :object_type = 'U' then :object_type := 'UNIQUE KEY'; end if; if :object_type = 'R' then :object_type := 'FOREIGN KEY'; end if; if :object_type = 'C' then :object_type := 'CHECK CONSTRAINT'; end if; return; exception when no_data_found then null; end; end if; :sub_object := :part2; if (:part2 is null) or (:part1 != user) then begin select object_type, user, :part1 into :object_type, :object_owner, :object_name from sys.all_objects where owner = user and object_name = :part1 and object_type in ('MATERIALIZED VIEW', 'TABLE', 'VIEW', 'SEQUENCE', 'PROCEDURE', 'FUNCTION', 'PACKAGE', 'TYPE', 'TRIGGER', 'SYNONYM') and rownum = 1; if :object_type = 'SYNONYM' then select s.table_owner, s.table_name into t_owner, t_name from sys.all_synonyms s where s.synonym_name = :part1 and s.owner = user and rownum = 1; select o.object_type, o.owner, o.object_name into :object_type, :object_owner, :object_name from sys.all_objects o where o.owner = t_owner and o.object_name = t_name and object_type in ('MATERIALIZED VIEW', 'TABLE', 'VIEW', 'SEQUENCE', 'PROCEDURE', 'FUNCTION', 'PACKAGE', 'TYPE', 'TRIGGER', 'SYNONYM') and rownum = 1; end if; :sub_object := :part2; if :part3 is not null then :sub_object := :sub_object || '.' || :part3; end if; check_mview; return; exception when no_data_found then null; end; end if; begin select s.table_owner, s.table_name into t_owner, t_name from sys.all_synonyms s where s.synonym_name = :part1 and s.owner = 'PUBLIC' and rownum = 1; select o.object_type, o.owner, o.object_name into :object_type, :object_owner, :object_name from sys.all_objects o where o.owner = t_owner and o.object_name = t_name and object_type in ('MATERIALIZED VIEW', 'TABLE', 'VIEW', 'SEQUENCE', 'PROCEDURE', 'FUNCTION', 'PACKAGE', 'TYPE', 'TRIGGER', 'SYNONYM') and rownum = 1; check_mview; return; exception when no_data_found then null; end; :sub_object := :part3; begin select o.object_type, o.owner, o.object_name into :object_type, :object_owner, :object_name from sys.all_objects o where o.owner = :part1 and o.object_name = :part2 and object_type in ('MATERIALIZED VIEW', 'TABLE', 'VIEW', 'SEQUENCE', 'PROCEDURE', 'FUNCTION', 'PACKAGE', 'TYPE', 'TRIGGER', 'SYNONYM') and rownum = 1; check_mview; return; exception when no_data_found then null; end; begin if :part2 is null and :part3 is null then select 'USER', null, :part1 into :object_type, :object_owner, :object_name from sys.all_users u where u.username = :part1 and rownum = 1; return; end if; exception when no_data_found then null; end; begin if :part2 is null and :part3 is null and :deep != 0 then select 'ROLE', null, :part1 into :object_type, :object_owner, :object_name from sys.session_roles r where r.role = :part1 and rownum = 1; return; end if; exception when no_data_found then null; end; :object_owner := null; :object_type := null; :object_name := null; :sub_object := null; end;
SO: 7000000b926f188, type: 4, owner: 7000000bd298b00, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00 (session) trans: 0, creator: 7000000bd298b00, flag: (41) USR/- BSY/-/-/-/-/- DID: 0001-00C8-0009F6EF, short-term DID: 0000-0000-00000000 txn branch: 0 oct: 47, prv: 0, sql: 7000000d481ee78, psql: 7000000e086d8d8, user: 567/IBILLAPP O/S info: user: Administrator, term: WWW-39A255460E8, ospid: 784:2080, machine: WORKGROUP\WWW-39A255460E8 program: plsqldev.exe application name: PL/SQL Developer, hash value=1190136663 action name: Main session, hash value=1773317990 last wait for 'SQL*Net more data from client' blocking sess=0x0 seq=78 wait_time=4 driver id=54435000, #bytes=34, =0 temporary object counter: 0
从这里进一步确认是有人使用PL/SQL Developer从WORKGROUP\WWW-39A255460E8的机器上操作该数据库导致,查询mos,果然发现该问题记录[ID 396326.1]。
解决办法:使用新版本的plsql dev工具即可解决问题。