asm恢复 bbed bootstrap$ dul In Memory kcbzib_kcrsds_1 kccpb_sanity_check_2 kfed MySQL恢复 ORA-00312 ORA-00607 ORA-00704 ORA-01110 ORA-01555 ORA-01578 ORA-08103 ORA-600 2131 ORA-600 2662 ORA-600 2663 ORA-600 3020 ORA-600 4000 ORA-600 4137 ORA-600 4193 ORA-600 4194 ORA-600 16703 ORA-600 kcbzib_kcrsds_1 ORA-600 KCLCHKBLK_4 ORA-15042 ORA-15196 ORACLE 12C oracle dul ORACLE PATCH Oracle Recovery Tools oracle加密恢复 oracle勒索 oracle勒索恢复 oracle异常恢复 Oracle 恢复 ORACLE恢复 ORACLE数据库恢复 oracle 比特币 OSD-04016 YOUR FILES ARE ENCRYPTED 勒索恢复 比特币加密文章分类
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- 断电引起的ORA-08102: 未找到索引关键字, 对象号 39故障处理
- ORA-00227: corrupt block detected in control file
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- Oracle Recovery Tools工具一键解决ORA-00376 ORA-01110故障(文件offline)
- OGG-02771 Input trail file format RELEASE 19.1 is different from previous trail file form at RELEASE 11.2.
- OGG-02246 Source redo compatibility level 19.0.0 requires trail FORMAT 12.2 or higher
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[db2inst1@xifenfei ~]$ db2licm -l Product name: "DB2 Enterprise Server Edition" License type: "Trial" Expiry date: "06/22/2012" Product identifier: "db2ese" Version information: "9.5" Product name: "DB2 Connect Server" License type: "Trial" Expiry date: "06/22/2012" Product identifier: "db2consv" Version information: "9.5"
[db2inst1@xifenfei ~]$ db2licm -l db2ese_cV9.5CPU.lic Product name: "DB2 Enterprise Server Edition" License type: "CPU Option" Expiry date: "Permanent" Product identifier: "db2ese" Version information: "9.5" Features: DB2 Database Partitioning: "Not licensed" DB2 Performance Optimization ESE: "Not licensed" DB2 Storage Optimization: "Not licensed" DB2 Advanced Access Control: "Not licensed" DB2 Geodetic Data Management: "Not licensed" DB2 pureXML ESE: "Not licensed" IBM Homogeneous Federation ESE: "Not licensed" IBM Homogeneous Replication ESE: "Not licensed" Product name: "DB2 Connect Server" License type: "Trial" Expiry date: "06/22/2012" Product identifier: "db2consv" Version information: "9.5"
[db2inst1@xifenfei ~]$ db2licm -a db2ese_cV9.5CPU.lic LIC1402I License added successfully. LIC1426I This product is now licensed for use as outlined in your License Agreement. USE OF THE PRODUCT CONSTITUTES ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS OF THE IBM LICENSE AGREEMENT, LOCATED IN THE FOLLOWING DIRECTORY: "/opt/db2/V9.5/license/en_US.iso88591"
[db2inst1@xifenfei ~]$ db2licm -l Product name: "DB2 Enterprise Server Edition" License type: "CPU Option" Expiry date: "Permanent" Product identifier: "db2ese" Version information: "9.5" Features: DB2 Database Partitioning: "Not licensed" DB2 Performance Optimization ESE: "Not licensed" DB2 Storage Optimization: "Not licensed" DB2 Advanced Access Control: "Not licensed" DB2 Geodetic Data Management: "Not licensed" DB2 pureXML ESE: "Not licensed" IBM Homogeneous Federation ESE: "Not licensed" IBM Homogeneous Replication ESE: "Not licensed" Product name: "DB2 Connect Server" License type: "Trial" Expiry date: "06/22/2012" Product identifier: "db2consv" Version information: "9.5"
2.sql server 需要序列号激活
查看db2版本 db2 => select * from sysibm.sysversions 列出所有实例 [db2inst1@xifenfei ~]$ db2ilist db2inst1 列出当前实例 [db2inst1@xifenfei ~]$ db2 get instance The current database manager instance is: db2inst1 察看示例配置文件 [db2inst1@xifenfei ~]$ db2 get dbm cfg|more 察看数据库配置参数信息 [db2inst1@xifenfei ~]$ db2 get db cfg for TOOLSDB|more 列出所有表空间的详细信息 [db2inst1@xifenfei ~]$ db2 list tablespaces show detail|more 连接数据库 [db2inst1@xifenfei ~]$ db2 connect to TOOLSDB Database Connection Information Database server = DB2/LINUX 9.7.4 SQL authorization ID = DB2INST1 Local database alias = TOOLSDB sql操作数据库 [db2inst1@xifenfei ~]$ db2 "select * from t_xff" 查看端口号 [db2inst1@xifenfei ~]$ db2 get dbm cfg|grep SVCENAME 查看表结构 [db2inst1@xifenfei ~]$ db2 describe table t_xifenfei 查看某个表索引 [db2inst1@xifenfei ~]$ db2 describe indexes for table t_xff 显示当前活动数据库 [db2inst1@xifenfei ~]$ db2 list active databases 列出所有的系统表 [db2inst1@xifenfei ~]$ db2 list tables for system 列出表空间 [db2inst1@xifenfei ~]$ db2 list tablespaces 显示用户数据库的存取权限 [db2inst1@xifenfei ~]$ db2 GET AUTHORIZATIONS 检查 DB2 数据库管理程序配置 [db2inst1@xifenfei ~]$ db2 get dbm cfg
发表在 DB2
--关闭db2 [db2inst1@xifenfei ~]$ db2stop 03/28/2012 09:23:39 0 0 SQL1064N DB2STOP processing was successful. SQL1064N DB2STOP processing was successful. --开启db2 [db2inst1@xifenfei ~]$ db2start 03/28/2012 09:23:55 0 0 SQL1063N DB2START processing was successful. SQL1063N DB2START processing was successful.
[db2inst1@xifenfei ~]$ db2 list db directory System Database Directory Number of entries in the directory = 1 Database 1 entry: Database alias = TOOLSDB Database name = TOOLSDB Local database directory = /home/db2inst1 Database release level = d.00 Comment = Directory entry type = Indirect Catalog database partition number = 0 Alternate server hostname = Alternate server port number =
[db2inst1@xifenfei ~]$ db2 (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1993,2007 Command Line Processor for DB2 Client 9.7.4 You can issue database manager commands and SQL statements from the command prompt. For example: db2 => connect to sample db2 => bind sample.bnd For general help, type: ?. For command help, type: ? command, where command can be the first few keywords of a database manager command. For example: ? CATALOG DATABASE for help on the CATALOG DATABASE command ? CATALOG for help on all of the CATALOG commands. To exit db2 interactive mode, type QUIT at the command prompt. Outside interactive mode, all commands must be prefixed with 'db2'. To list the current command option settings, type LIST COMMAND OPTIONS. For more detailed help, refer to the Online Reference Manual. db2 => connect to TOOLSDB Database Connection Information Database server = DB2/LINUX 9.7.4 SQL authorization ID = DB2INST1 Local database alias = TOOLSDB
db2 => list tables Table/View Schema Type Creation time ------------------------------- --------------- ----- -------------------------- 0 record(s) selected. db2 => create table t_xff (id int,name varchar(100)) DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully. db2 => list tables Table/View Schema Type Creation time ------------------------------- --------------- ----- -------------------------- T_XFF DB2INST1 T 2012-03-28- 1 record(s) selected.
db2 => insert into t_xff values(1,'xifenfei') DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully. db2 => insert into t_xff values(2,'www.xifenfei') DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully. db2 => select * from t_xff ID NAME ----------- --------------------------------------- 1 xifenfei 2 www.xifenfei 2 record(s) selected. db2 => delete from t_xff where id=1 DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully. db2 => select * from t_xff ID NAME ----------- ----------------------------------------- 2 www.xifenfei 1 record(s) selected. db2 => quit DB20000I The QUIT command completed successfully.
发表在 DB2