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客户有一套oracle exadata x3-2的1/4配置(采用高容量磁盘)的机器,反馈由于flash卡异常导致性能很慢,通过临时关闭异常卡所在机器业务恢复正常
[root@oa0cel03 ~]# imageinfo Kernel version: 2.6.32-400.11.1.el5uek #1 SMP Thu Nov 22 03:29:09 PST 2012 x86_64 Cell version: OSS_11. Cell rpm version: cell- Active image version: Active image activated: 2013-06-27 02:24:19 -0700 Active image status: success Active system partition on device: /dev/md6 Active software partition on device: /dev/md8 In partition rollback: Impossible Cell boot usb partition: /dev/sdm1 Cell boot usb version: Inactive image version: Inactive image activated: 2012-10-14 06:46:16 -0700 Inactive image status: success Inactive system partition on device: /dev/md5 Inactive software partition on device: /dev/md7 [root@oa0cel03 ~]# cellcli CellCLI: Release - Production on Thu Jun 20 18:28:37 CST 2024 Copyright (c) 2007, 2012, Oracle. All rights reserved. Cell Efficiency Ratio: 3,617 CellCLI> list cell detail name: oa0cel03 bbuTempThreshold: 60 bbuChargeThreshold: 800 bmcType: IPMI cellVersion: OSS_11. cpuCount: 24 diagHistoryDays: 7 fanCount: 8/8 fanStatus: normal flashCacheMode: WriteBack id: 1238FM507A interconnectCount: 3 interconnect1: bondib0 iormBoost: 0.0 ipaddress1: kernelVersion: 2.6.32-400.11.1.el5uek locatorLEDStatus: off makeModel: Oracle Corporation SUN FIRE X4270 M3 SAS metricHistoryDays: 7 notificationMethod: snmp notificationPolicy: critical,warning,clear offloadEfficiency: 3,616.5 powerCount: 2/2 powerStatus: normal releaseVersion: releaseTrackingBug: 14522699 snmpSubscriber: host=oa0db02.qhsrmyy.com,port=3872,community=cell host=oa0db01.qhsrmyy.com,port=3872,community=cell status: online temperatureReading: 28.0 temperatureStatus: normal upTime: 0 days, 3:49 cellsrvStatus: running msStatus: running rsStatus: running
[root@oa0cel03 ~]# cellcli -e list metriccurrent attributes name,metricvalue where name like \'FC_BY_DIRTY.*\' FC_BY_DIRTY 38,820 MB [root@oa0cel03 ~]# cellcli -e "alter flashcache all flush" Flash cache on FD_00_oa0cel03 successfully altered Flash cache on FD_01_oa0cel03 successfully altered Flash cache on FD_02_oa0cel03 successfully altered Flash cache on FD_03_oa0cel03 successfully altered Flash cache on FD_04_oa0cel03 successfully altered Flash cache on FD_05_oa0cel03 successfully altered Flash cache on FD_06_oa0cel03 successfully altered Flash cache on FD_07_oa0cel03 successfully altered Flash cache on FD_09_exastlx01 successfully altered Flash cache on FD_10_exastlx01 successfully altered Flash cache on FD_11_oa0cel03 skipped because FD_11_oa0cel03 is degraded Flash cache on FD_12_oa0cel03 successfully altered Flash cache on FD_13_oa0cel03 successfully altered Flash cache on FD_14_oa0cel03 successfully altered Flash cache on FD_15_oa0cel03 successfully altered [root@oa0cel03 ~]# cellcli -e list metriccurrent attributes name,metricvalue where name like \'FC_BY_DIRTY.*\' FC_BY_DIRTY 0.000 MB [root@oa0cel03 ~]# cellcli -e "alter griddisk all inactive" GridDisk DATA_oa0_CD_00_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DATA_oa0_CD_01_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DATA_oa0_CD_02_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DATA_oa0_CD_03_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DATA_oa0_CD_04_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DATA_oa0_CD_05_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DATA_oa0_CD_06_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DATA_oa0_CD_07_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DATA_oa0_CD_08_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DATA_oa0_CD_09_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DATA_oa0_CD_10_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DATA_oa0_CD_11_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DBFS_DG_CD_02_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DBFS_DG_CD_03_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DBFS_DG_CD_04_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DBFS_DG_CD_05_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DBFS_DG_CD_06_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DBFS_DG_CD_07_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DBFS_DG_CD_08_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DBFS_DG_CD_09_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DBFS_DG_CD_10_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DBFS_DG_CD_11_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk RECO_oa0_CD_00_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk RECO_oa0_CD_01_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk RECO_oa0_CD_02_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk RECO_oa0_CD_03_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk RECO_oa0_CD_04_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk RECO_oa0_CD_05_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk RECO_oa0_CD_06_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk RECO_oa0_CD_07_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk RECO_oa0_CD_08_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk RECO_oa0_CD_09_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk RECO_oa0_CD_10_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk RECO_oa0_CD_11_oa0cel03 successfully altered [root@oa0cel03 ~]# cellcli -e list griddisk DATA_oa0_CD_00_oa0cel03 inactive DATA_oa0_CD_01_oa0cel03 inactive DATA_oa0_CD_02_oa0cel03 inactive DATA_oa0_CD_03_oa0cel03 inactive DATA_oa0_CD_04_oa0cel03 inactive DATA_oa0_CD_05_oa0cel03 inactive DATA_oa0_CD_06_oa0cel03 inactive DATA_oa0_CD_07_oa0cel03 inactive DATA_oa0_CD_08_oa0cel03 inactive DATA_oa0_CD_09_oa0cel03 inactive DATA_oa0_CD_10_oa0cel03 inactive DATA_oa0_CD_11_oa0cel03 inactive DBFS_DG_CD_02_oa0cel03 inactive DBFS_DG_CD_03_oa0cel03 inactive DBFS_DG_CD_04_oa0cel03 inactive DBFS_DG_CD_05_oa0cel03 inactive DBFS_DG_CD_06_oa0cel03 inactive DBFS_DG_CD_07_oa0cel03 inactive DBFS_DG_CD_08_oa0cel03 inactive DBFS_DG_CD_09_oa0cel03 inactive DBFS_DG_CD_10_oa0cel03 inactive DBFS_DG_CD_11_oa0cel03 inactive RECO_oa0_CD_00_oa0cel03 inactive RECO_oa0_CD_01_oa0cel03 inactive RECO_oa0_CD_02_oa0cel03 inactive RECO_oa0_CD_03_oa0cel03 inactive RECO_oa0_CD_04_oa0cel03 inactive RECO_oa0_CD_05_oa0cel03 inactive RECO_oa0_CD_06_oa0cel03 inactive RECO_oa0_CD_07_oa0cel03 inactive RECO_oa0_CD_08_oa0cel03 inactive RECO_oa0_CD_09_oa0cel03 inactive RECO_oa0_CD_10_oa0cel03 inactive RECO_oa0_CD_11_oa0cel03 inactive [root@oa0cel03 ~]# cellcli -e list griddisk attributes name,asmmodestatus,asmdeactivationoutcome DATA_oa0_CD_00_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes DATA_oa0_CD_01_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes DATA_oa0_CD_02_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes DATA_oa0_CD_03_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes DATA_oa0_CD_04_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes DATA_oa0_CD_05_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes DATA_oa0_CD_06_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes DATA_oa0_CD_07_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes DATA_oa0_CD_08_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes DATA_oa0_CD_09_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes DATA_oa0_CD_10_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes DATA_oa0_CD_11_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes DBFS_DG_CD_02_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes DBFS_DG_CD_03_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes DBFS_DG_CD_04_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes DBFS_DG_CD_05_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes DBFS_DG_CD_06_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes DBFS_DG_CD_07_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes DBFS_DG_CD_08_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes DBFS_DG_CD_09_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes DBFS_DG_CD_10_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes DBFS_DG_CD_11_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes RECO_oa0_CD_00_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes RECO_oa0_CD_01_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes RECO_oa0_CD_02_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes RECO_oa0_CD_03_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes RECO_oa0_CD_04_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes RECO_oa0_CD_05_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes RECO_oa0_CD_06_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes RECO_oa0_CD_07_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes RECO_oa0_CD_08_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes RECO_oa0_CD_09_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes RECO_oa0_CD_10_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes RECO_oa0_CD_11_oa0cel03 OFFLINE Yes
[root@oa0cel03 ~]# cellcli -e list celldisk CD_00_oa0cel03 normal CD_01_oa0cel03 normal CD_02_oa0cel03 normal CD_03_oa0cel03 normal CD_04_oa0cel03 normal CD_05_oa0cel03 normal CD_06_oa0cel03 normal CD_07_oa0cel03 normal CD_08_oa0cel03 normal CD_09_oa0cel03 normal CD_10_oa0cel03 normal CD_11_oa0cel03 normal FD_00_oa0cel03 not present FD_01_oa0cel03 not present FD_02_oa0cel03 not present FD_03_oa0cel03 not present FD_04_oa0cel03 normal FD_05_oa0cel03 normal FD_06_oa0cel03 normal FD_07_oa0cel03 normal FD_08_oa0cel03 normal FD_09_oa0cel03 normal FD_10_oa0cel03 normal FD_10_exastlx01 normal FD_12_oa0cel03 normal FD_13_oa0cel03 normal FD_14_oa0cel03 normal FD_15_oa0cel03 normal
[root@oa0cel03 ~]# cellcli -e drop celldisk FD_10_exastlx01 CellDisk FD_10_exastlx01 successfully dropped [root@oa0cel03 ~]# cellcli -e create celldisk all flashdisk CellDisk FD_11_oa0cel03 successfully created [root@oa0cel03 ~]# cellcli -e list celldisk CD_00_oa0cel03 normal CD_01_oa0cel03 normal CD_02_oa0cel03 normal CD_03_oa0cel03 normal CD_04_oa0cel03 normal CD_05_oa0cel03 normal CD_06_oa0cel03 normal CD_07_oa0cel03 normal CD_08_oa0cel03 normal CD_09_oa0cel03 normal CD_10_oa0cel03 normal CD_11_oa0cel03 normal FD_00_oa0cel03 not present FD_01_oa0cel03 not present FD_02_oa0cel03 not present FD_03_oa0cel03 not present FD_04_oa0cel03 normal FD_05_oa0cel03 normal FD_06_oa0cel03 normal FD_07_oa0cel03 normal FD_08_oa0cel03 normal FD_09_oa0cel03 normal FD_10_oa0cel03 normal FD_11_oa0cel03 normal FD_12_oa0cel03 normal FD_13_oa0cel03 normal FD_14_oa0cel03 normal FD_15_oa0cel03 normal
[root@oa0cel03 ~]# cellcli -e drop flashlog Flash log oa0cel03_FLASHLOG successfully dropped [root@oa0cel03 ~]# [root@oa0cel03 ~]# [root@oa0cel03 ~]# [root@oa0cel03 ~]# cellcli -e drop flashcache Flash cache oa0cel03_FLASHCACHE successfully dropped
[root@oa0cel03 ~]# cellcli -e create flashlog all size=512M Flash log oa0cel03_FLASHLOG successfully created, but the following cell disks were degraded because their statuses are not normal: FD_00_oa0cel03, FD_01_oa0cel03, FD_02_oa0cel03, FD_03_oa0cel03
[root@oa0cel03 ~]# cellcli -e drop celldisk FD_00_oa0cel03 CELL-04519: Cannot complete the drop of cell disk: FD_00_oa0cel03. Received error: CELL-04516: LUN Object cannot be obtained for cell disk: FD_00_oa0cel03 Cell disks not dropped: FD_00_oa0cel03 --强制删除 [root@oa0cel03 ~]# cellcli -e drop celldisk FD_00_oa0cel03 force CellDisk FD_00_oa0cel03 successfully dropped [root@oa0cel03 ~]# cellcli -e drop celldisk FD_01_oa0cel03 force CellDisk FD_01_oa0cel03 successfully dropped [root@oa0cel03 ~]# cellcli -e drop celldisk FD_02_oa0cel03 force CellDisk FD_02_oa0cel03 successfully dropped [root@oa0cel03 ~]# cellcli -e drop celldisk FD_03_oa0cel03 force CellDisk FD_03_oa0cel03 successfully dropped [root@oa0cel03 ~]# cellcli -e list celldisk CD_00_oa0cel03 normal CD_01_oa0cel03 normal CD_02_oa0cel03 normal CD_03_oa0cel03 normal CD_04_oa0cel03 normal CD_05_oa0cel03 normal CD_06_oa0cel03 normal CD_07_oa0cel03 normal CD_08_oa0cel03 normal CD_09_oa0cel03 normal CD_10_oa0cel03 normal CD_11_oa0cel03 normal FD_04_oa0cel03 normal FD_05_oa0cel03 normal FD_06_oa0cel03 normal FD_07_oa0cel03 normal FD_08_oa0cel03 normal FD_09_oa0cel03 normal FD_10_oa0cel03 normal FD_11_oa0cel03 normal FD_12_oa0cel03 normal FD_13_oa0cel03 normal FD_14_oa0cel03 normal FD_15_oa0cel03 normal
[root@oa0cel03 ~]# cellcli -e create flashlog all size=512M Flash log oa0cel03_FLASHLOG successfully created [root@oa0cel03 ~]# cellcli -e list flashlog detail name: oa0cel03_FLASHLOG cellDisk: ………… creationTime: 2024-06-21T18:20:51+08:00 degradedCelldisks: effectiveSize: 384M efficiency: 100.0 id: f3ab3882-fa03-4f49-b0ca-879ef3f2ac05 size: 384M status: normal [root@oa0cel03 ~]# cellcli -e create flashcache all Flash cache oa0cel03_FLASHCACHE successfully created [root@oa0cel03 ~]# cellcli -e list flashcache detail name: oa0cel03_FLASHCACHE cellDisk: ………… creationTime: 2024-06-21T18:21:24+08:00 degradedCelldisks: effectiveCacheSize: 1116.5625G id: 2195ac46-3021-461f-a6d5-5f64ff1da546 size: 1116.5625G status: normal [root@oa0cel03 ~]# cellcli -e list cell detail | grep flashCacheMode flashCacheMode: WriteBack
active griddisk,把这个cell的griddisk加入到asm磁盘组中
[root@oa0cel03 ~]# cellcli -e "alter griddisk all active" GridDisk DATA_oa0_CD_00_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DATA_oa0_CD_01_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DATA_oa0_CD_02_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DATA_oa0_CD_03_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DATA_oa0_CD_04_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DATA_oa0_CD_05_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DATA_oa0_CD_06_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DATA_oa0_CD_07_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DATA_oa0_CD_08_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DATA_oa0_CD_09_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DATA_oa0_CD_10_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DATA_oa0_CD_11_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DBFS_DG_CD_02_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DBFS_DG_CD_03_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DBFS_DG_CD_04_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DBFS_DG_CD_05_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DBFS_DG_CD_06_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DBFS_DG_CD_07_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DBFS_DG_CD_08_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DBFS_DG_CD_09_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DBFS_DG_CD_10_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk DBFS_DG_CD_11_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk RECO_oa0_CD_00_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk RECO_oa0_CD_01_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk RECO_oa0_CD_02_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk RECO_oa0_CD_03_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk RECO_oa0_CD_04_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk RECO_oa0_CD_05_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk RECO_oa0_CD_06_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk RECO_oa0_CD_07_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk RECO_oa0_CD_08_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk RECO_oa0_CD_09_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk RECO_oa0_CD_10_oa0cel03 successfully altered GridDisk RECO_oa0_CD_11_oa0cel03 successfully altered [root@oa0cel03 ~]# cellcli -e list griddisk attributes name,asmmodestatus,asmdeactivationoutcome,status DATA_oa0_CD_00_oa0cel03 SYNCING Yes active DATA_oa0_CD_01_oa0cel03 SYNCING Yes active DATA_oa0_CD_02_oa0cel03 SYNCING Yes active DATA_oa0_CD_03_oa0cel03 SYNCING Yes active DATA_oa0_CD_04_oa0cel03 SYNCING Yes active DATA_oa0_CD_05_oa0cel03 SYNCING Yes active DATA_oa0_CD_06_oa0cel03 SYNCING Yes active DATA_oa0_CD_07_oa0cel03 SYNCING Yes active DATA_oa0_CD_08_oa0cel03 SYNCING Yes active DATA_oa0_CD_09_oa0cel03 SYNCING Yes active DATA_oa0_CD_10_oa0cel03 SYNCING Yes active DATA_oa0_CD_11_oa0cel03 SYNCING Yes active DBFS_DG_CD_02_oa0cel03 ONLINE Yes active DBFS_DG_CD_03_oa0cel03 ONLINE Yes active DBFS_DG_CD_04_oa0cel03 ONLINE Yes active DBFS_DG_CD_05_oa0cel03 ONLINE Yes active DBFS_DG_CD_06_oa0cel03 ONLINE Yes active DBFS_DG_CD_07_oa0cel03 ONLINE Yes active DBFS_DG_CD_08_oa0cel03 ONLINE Yes active DBFS_DG_CD_09_oa0cel03 ONLINE Yes active DBFS_DG_CD_10_oa0cel03 ONLINE Yes active DBFS_DG_CD_11_oa0cel03 ONLINE Yes active RECO_oa0_CD_00_oa0cel03 SYNCING Yes active RECO_oa0_CD_01_oa0cel03 SYNCING Yes active RECO_oa0_CD_02_oa0cel03 SYNCING Yes active RECO_oa0_CD_03_oa0cel03 SYNCING Yes active RECO_oa0_CD_04_oa0cel03 SYNCING Yes active RECO_oa0_CD_05_oa0cel03 SYNCING Yes active RECO_oa0_CD_06_oa0cel03 SYNCING Yes active RECO_oa0_CD_07_oa0cel03 SYNCING Yes active RECO_oa0_CD_08_oa0cel03 SYNCING Yes active RECO_oa0_CD_09_oa0cel03 SYNCING Yes active RECO_oa0_CD_10_oa0cel03 SYNCING Yes active RECO_oa0_CD_11_oa0cel03 SYNCING Yes active [root@oa0cel03 ~]# cellcli -e list metriccurrent attributes name,metricvalue where name like \'FC_BY_DIRTY.*\' FC_BY_DIRTY 585 MB
Exadata X4-2 满配的硬件配置(Full Rack,高容量)
Exadata X4-2 满配的硬件配置(Full Rack,高性能)
Exadata X4-2 二分之一配的硬件配置(1/2 Rack,高性能)
Exadata X4-2 二分之一配的硬件配置(1/2 Rack,高容量)
Exadata X4-2 四分之一配的硬件配置(1/4 Rack,高性能)
Exadata X4-2 四分之一配的硬件配置(1/4 Rack,高容量)
Exadata X4-2 八分之一配的硬件配置(1/8 Rack,高性能)
Exadata X4-2 八分之一配的硬件配置(1/8 Rack,高容量)
Exadata X3-2 满配的硬件配置(Full Rack,高容量)
Exadata X3-2 满配的硬件配置(Full Rack,高性能)
Exadata X3-2 二分之一配的硬件配置(1/2 Rack,高容量)
Exadata X3-2 二分之一配的硬件配置(1/2 Rack,高性能)
Exadata X3-2 四分之一配的硬件配置(1/4 Rack,高容量)
Exadata X3-2 四分之一配的硬件配置(1/4 Rack,高性能)
Exadata X3-2 八分之一配的硬件配置(1/8 Rack,高容量)
Exadata X3-2 八分之一配的硬件配置(1/8 Rack,高性能)
Exadata X2-2 满配的硬件配置(Full Rack,高容量)
Exadata X2-2 满配的硬件配置(Full Rack,高性能)
Exadata X2-2 二分之一配的硬件配置(1/2 Rack,高容量)
Exadata X2-2 二分之一配的硬件配置(1/2 Rack,高性能)
Exadata X2-2 四分之一配的硬件配置(1/4 Rack,高容量)
Exadata X2-2 四分之一配的硬件配置(1/4 Rack,高性能)
Exadata V2 满配的硬件配置(Full Rack,高容量)
Exadata V2 满配的硬件配置(Full Rack,高性能)
Exadata V2 二分之一配的硬件配置(1/2 Rack,高容量)
Exadata V2 二分之一配的硬件配置(1/2 Rack,高性能)
Exadata V2 四分之一配的硬件配置(1/4 Rack,高容量)
Exadata V2 四分之一配的硬件配置(1/4 Rack,高性能)
Exadata V1 满配的硬件配置(Full Rack,高容量)
Exadata V1 满配的硬件配置(Full Rack,高性能)
Exadata V1 二分之一配的硬件配置(1/2 Rack,高容量)
Exadata V1 二分之一配的硬件配置(1/2 Rack,高性能)
Exadata V1 四分之一配的硬件配置(1/4 Rack,高容量)
Exadata V1 四分之一配的硬件配置(1/4 Rack,高性能)
bind dhcp system-config-netboot tftp-server
[root@xifenfei ~]# more /etc/redhat-release Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 8) [root@xifenfei ~]# more /etc/dhcpd.conf subnet netmask { range dynamic-bootp; option broadcast-address; option routers; next-server; filename = "pxelinux.0"; } --以下直接复制无需修改 ddns-update-style none; subnet netmask {} subnet netmask { range dynamic-bootp; option broadcast-address; option routers; next-server; filename = "pxelinux.0"; }
[root@xifenfei ~]# more /etc/xinetd.d/tftp service tftp { socket_type = dgram protocol = udp wait = yes user = root server = /usr/sbin/in.tftpd server_args = -v -s /xd disable = no per_source = 11 cps = 100 2 flags = IPv4 }
[root@xifenfei ~]# more /etc/exports /xd *(no_root_squash,no_subtree_check,insecure)
[root@xifenfei ~]# cp /usr/share/syslinux/pxelinux.0 /xd [root@xifenfei pxelinux.cfg]# more /xd/pxelinux.cfg/default default linux timeout 70 label cell prompt 1 display boot.msg kernel dl180/vmlinux- append initrd=dl180/initrd- pxe stit updfrm dhcp sk= preconf= onf.csv label db prompt 1 display boot.msg kernel dl360/vmlinux- append initrd=dl360/initrd- pxe stit updfrm dhcp sk= preconf= onf.csv
tar -pxvf the ImageMaker.tar cd /xd/dl180 [root@xifenfei dl180]# ./makeImageMedia.sh -pxe -pxeout dl180 Please wait. Calculating md5 checksums for cellbits ... Calculating md5 checksum for exaos.tbz ... Calculating md5 checksum for cellboot.tbz ... Calculating md5 checksum for cellfw.tbz ... Calculating md5 checksum for kernel.tbz ... Calculating md5 checksum for ofed.tbz ... Calculating md5 checksum for sunutils.tbz ... Calculating md5 checksum for hputils.tbz ... Calculating md5 checksum for c7rpms.tbz ... Calculating md5 checksum for commonos.tbz ... Calculating md5 checksum for debugos.tbz ... Calculating md5 checksum for cellrpms.tbz ... Calculating md5 checksum for doclib.zip ... Calculating md5 checksum for cell.bin ... Store filename of nfsimg tarball nfsimg- inside initrd Please wait. Making initrd ... 214836 blocks Please wait. Calculating md5 checksums for boot ... PXE NFS image: /xd/dl180/./PXE/nfsimg- PXE NFS md5 sum: /xd/dl180/./PXE/nfsimg- PXE initrd: /xd/dl180/./PXE/initrd- PXE kernel: /xd/dl180/./PXE/vmlinux- [root@xifenfei dl180]# mv /xd/dl180/./PXE/nfsimg- /xd/dl180/ [root@xifenfei dl180]# mv /xd/dl180/./PXE/nfsimg- /xd/dl180/ [root@xifenfei dl180]# mv /xd/dl180/./PXE/initrd- /xd/dl180/ [root@xifenfei dl180]# mv /xd/dl180/./PXE/vmlinux- /xd/dl180/ [root@xifenfei dl180]# ll total 1531612 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Mar 26 23:41 boot drwxrwxr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan 9 22:34 doc drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan 9 22:33 grub drwxr-xr-x 17 root root 4096 Mar 26 23:41 initrd -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 38839215 Mar 26 23:41 initrd- -rwxrwxr-x 1 root root 27485 Jan 9 22:34 makeImageMedia.sh -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1524193280 Mar 26 23:40 nfsimg- -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 68 Mar 26 23:41 nfsimg- drwxrwxr-x 3 root root 4096 Jan 9 22:34 patches drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Mar 26 23:48 PXE -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 39041 Mar 31 2011 README_FOR_FACTORY.txt -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 3688864 Mar 26 23:41 vmlinux-
[root@xifenfei xd]# ll preconf.csv -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2133 Mar 14 18:14 preconf.csv