
Release Date Version Download link Included in Windows Bundle Comments
20-Jul-2021 (Jul 2021) Database Patch Set Update (DB PSU) Patch 32758711 Patch 32775108 Linux x86-64 is Available. Bundles for other Platforms ETA is 13-Aug-2021.
20-Apr-2021 (Apr 2021) Database Patch Set Update (DB PSU) Patch 32328626 Patch 32392141
19-Jan-2021 (Jan 2021) Database Patch Set Update (DB PSU) Patch 31983472 Patch 32003403
20-Oct-2020 (Oct 2020) Database Patch Set Update (DB PSU) Patch 31537677 Patch 31659823
Release Date Version Download link
20-Jul-2021 (Jul 2021) Grid Infrastructure Patch Set Update (GI PSU) Patch 32917428
20-Apr-2021 (Apr 2021) Grid Infrastructure Patch Set Update (GI PSU) Patch 32495145
19-Jan-2021 (Jan 2021) Grid Infrastructure Patch Set Update (GI PSU) Patch 32131250
20-Oct-2020 (Oct 2020) Grid Infrastructure Patch Set Update (GI PSU) Patch 31718723
Release Date Version Unix PSU Patch Windows Bundle Patch Comments
20-Jul-2021 (Jul2021) OJVM Component Patch Set Update Patch 32876451 Patch 32905855 Patches are delayed. ETA is 13-Aug-2021.
20-Apr-2021 (Apr2021) OJVM Component Patch Set Update Patch 32671980 Patch 32428494
19-Jan-2021 (Jan2021) OJVM Component Patch Set Update ** Patch 32145687
20-Oct-2020 (Oct 2020) OJVM Component Patch Set Update Patch 31668908 Patch 31740195
Release Date Version Download Link Comments
20-Jul-2021 Combo OJVM PSU and DB PSU Patch 32900228 Patch is delayed. ETA is 13-Aug-2021.
20-Apr-2021 Combo OJVM PSU and DB PSU Patch 32579111
19-Jan-2021 Combo OJVM PSU and DB PSU Patch 32126939 
20-Oct-2020 Combo OJVM PSU and DB PSU Patch 31720776
Release Date Version Download Link Comments
20-Jul-2021 Combo OJVM PSU and GI PSU Patch 32900245 Patch is delayed. ETA is 13-Aug-2021.
20-Apr-2021 Combo OJVM PSU and GI PSU Patch 32579106
19-Jan-2021 Combo OJVM PSU and GI PSU Patch 32126942
20-Oct-2020 Combo OJVM PSU and GI PSU Patch 31720783
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对于安全公司对oracle漏洞扫描的结果的准确性一直不太认可,前几天有客户linux 平台11.2.0.4的数据库打上了210420的patch,结果xx安全厂商扫描之后,依旧有大量安全漏洞,我随机对其中的两个高危漏洞进行分析,结果发现主要有:已经修复的漏洞继续报,漏洞对应数据库版本和实际数据库不符




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Assistant: Download Reference for Oracle Database/GI PSU, SPU(CPU), Bundle Patches, Patchsets and Base Releases-202107
Description OJVMUpdate OJVM+DBUpdate OJVM+GIUpdate
JUL2021( 32876380 32900021 32900083
APR2021( 32399816 32578972 32578973
JAN2021( 32067171 32126828 32126842
OCT2020( 31668882 31720396 31720429
JUL2020( 31219897 31326362 31326369
APR2020( 30805684 30783543 30783556
JAN2020( 30484981 30463595 30463609
OCT2019( 30128191 30133124 30133178
JUL2019( 29774421 29699079 29699097
APR2019( 29548437 29621253 29621299
Description DatabaseUpdate GIUpdate WindowsBundlePatch
JUL2021( 32904851 32895426 32832237
APR2021( 32545013 32545008 32409154
JAN2021( 32218454 32226239 32062765
OCT2020( 31771877 31750108 31719903
JUL2020( 31281355 31305339 31247621
APR2020( 30869156 30899722 30901317
JAN2020( 30557433 30501910 30445947
OCT2019( 30125133 30116789 30151705
JUL2019( 29834717 29708769 NA
APR2019( 29517242 29517302 NA
Description OJVMUpdate OJVM+DBUpdate OJVM+GIUpdate
APR2021( 32552752 32579022 32579024
JAN2021( 32119939 32126855 32126862
OCT2020( 31668892 31720435 31720457
JUL2020( 31219909 31326374 31326376
APR2020( 30805598 30783603 30783607
JAN2020( 30501926 30463620 30463635
OCT2019( 30133603 30133203 30133246
JUL2091( 29774410 29699112 29699160
APR2019( 29249584 29249695 29251992
JAN2019( 28790647 28980087 28980105
OCT2018( 28502229 28689117 28689122
JUL2018( 27923415 28317326 28317346
APR2018( 27636900 27726465 27726470
Description DatabaseUpdate GIUpdate WindowsBundlePatch
APR2021( 32524155 32524152 32438481
JAN2021( 32204699 32226219 32062760
OCT2020( 31730250 31748523 31629682
JUL2020( 31308624 31305362 31247612
APR2020( 30872794 30899645 30901451
JAN2020( 30480385 30480702 30445951
OCT2019( 30112122 30116795 30150321
JUL2019( 29757256 29708703 29859180
APR2019( 29301631 29301682 29589622
JAN2019( 28822489 28828717 29124511
OCT2018( 28655784 28659165 NA
JUL2018( 28090523 28096386 NA
APR2018( 27676517 27681568 NA
Description OJVMUpdate OJVMWindowsBundlePatch ComboOJVM+DBUpdate ComboOJVM+GIUpdate
JUL2021( 32876409 32905896 32900144 32900156
APR2021( 32473172 32427674 32579049 32579057
JAN2021( 32119931 32142294 32126871 32226491
OCT2020( 31668898 31740064 31720473 31720486
JUL2020( 31219919 31465105 31326379 31326390
APR2020( 30805580 31035002 30783641 30783652
JAN2020( 30502018 30525838 30463660 30463673
OCT2019( 30133625 30268021 30133374 30133386
JUL2019( 29774415 29837425 29699168 29699173
APR2019( 29249637 29281550 29252035 29252072
JAN2019( 28790651 28994068 28980102 28980109
NOV2018( NA 28412314 NA NA
OCT2018( 28440725 28412312 28689128 28689130
JUL2018( 27923353 28135129 28317292 28317269
APR2018( 27475613 27650410 27726453 27726454
JAN2018( 27001739 27162975 27010695 27010711
OCT2017( 26635944 26792369 26636004 26636246
AUG2017( N/A 26565082 26550033 26550314
JUL2017( 25811364 26182467 26146314 26146318
Description DatabaseUpdate GIUpdate WindowsBundlePatch
JUL2021( 32916808 32928749 32775037
APR2021( 32507738 32540149 32392089
JAN2021( 32228578 32226491 31987852
OCT2020( 31741641 31750094 31654782
JUL2020( 31312468 31305382 31210848
APR2020( 30886680 30920127 30861472
JAN2020( 30593149 30501932 30446296
OCT2019( 30138470 30116802 30150416
JUL2019( 29757449 29708720 29832062
APR2019( 29314339 29301687 29394003
JAN2019( 28822515 28828733 28810696
NOV2018( NA NA 28810550(64bit)
OCT2018( 28662603 28714316 28574555
JUL2018( 28163133 NA 27937914
APR2018( 27674384 27468969 27426753
JAN2018( 27105253 27100009 27162931
NOV2017( NA 27010638 NA
OCT2017( 26710464 26737266 26758841
AUG2017( 26609817 26610291 26204214
JUL2017( 26123830 26133434 26204212
Description OJVMPSU(Linux/Unix) OJVMBP(Windows) ComboOJVM+DBPSU ComboOJVM+GIPSU ComboOJVM+DBProactiveBP GenericJDBC
JUL2021( 32876425 32905878 32900172 32900185 32900201 IncludedinOJVMPSU
APR2021( 32473164 32427683 32579074 32579077 32579100 IncludedinOJVMPSU
JAN2021( 32119956 32142066 32126886 32126899 32126908 IncludedinOJVMPSU
OCT2020( 31668915 31740134 31720729 31720761 31720769 IncludedinOJVMPSU
JUL2020( 31219939 31465095 31326396 31326400 31326402 IncludedinOJVMPSU
APR2020( 30805558 31037459 30783658 30783882 30783885 IncludedinOJVMPSU
JAN2020( 30502041 30671054 30463684 30463691 30463708 IncludedinOJVMPSU
OCT2019( 30128197 30268189 30133412 30133443 30133464 IncludedinOJVMPSU
JUL2019( 29774383 29837393 29699220 29699244 29699255 IncludedinOJVMPSU
APR2019( 29251241 29447962 29252146 29252164 29252171 IncludedinOJVMPSU
JAN2019( 28790654 28994063 28980115 28980120 28980123 IncludedinOJVMPSU
NOV2018( NA 28412301 NA NA NA IncludedinOJVMPSU
OCT2018( 28440711 28412299 28689146 28689148 28689151 IncludedinOJVMPSU
JUL2018( 27923320 28135126 28317232 28317214 28317206 IncludedinOJVMPSU
APR2018( 27475603 27650403 27726471 27726478 27726492 IncludedinOJVMPSU
JAN2018( 27001733 27162998 27010839 27010888 27010941 IncludedinOJVMPSU
OCT2017( 26635845 26792364 26636270 26636286 26636295 IncludedinOJVMPSU
AUG2017( N/A 26182441 26550023 26550339 26550390 IncludedinOJVMPSU
JUL2017( 26027162 26182439 25901056 26030704 26030586 IncludedinOJVMPSU
APR2017( 25437695 25590993 25433980 25434018 25437795 IncludedinOJVMPSU
JAN2017( 24917972 25112498 24917069 24917916 24917987 IncludedinOJVMPSU
OCT2016( 24315824 24591630 24433133 24433148 24436306 IncludedinOJVMPSU
JUL2016( 23177536 23515290 23615289 23615308 23615334 23727148(IncludedinOJVMPSU)
APR2016( 22674709 22839633 22738582 22738641 22738657 N/A
JAN2016( 22139226 22311086 22191659 22191676 22378102
OCT2015 21555660( 21788394( 21520444 21523260 21744313
JUL2015 21068507( 21153530( 21150768 21150782 21150792
APR2015 20415564( 20391199( 20834354 20834538 20834553
JAN2015 19877336( 20225938( 20132434 20132450 20132462
OCT2014( 19282028 19791366 19791375 19791399
Description PSU GIPSU ProactiveBundlePatch BundlePatch(Windows32bit&64bit)
JUL2021( 32768233 32917447 32917362 32774982
APR2021( 32328635 32495126 32518631 32396181
JAN2021( 31985579 32131261 32131231 32000405
OCT2020( 31550110 31718737 31718813 31658987
JUL2020( 31113348 31305174 31307682 31211574
APR2020( 30700212 30805421 30805478 30861721
JAN2020( 30340202 30464119 30464171 30455401
OCT2019( 29918340 30070257 30070242 30049606
JUL2019( 29494060 29698592 29698629 29831650
APR2019( 29141015 29176115 29176139 29413116
JAN2019( 28729169 28813884 28833531 28810679
NOV2018( NA NA NA 28810544(64bit)
OCT2018( 28259833 28349311 28349951 28563501
JUL2018( 27547329 27967747 27968010 27937907
APR2018( 27338041 27468957 27486326 27440294
JAN2018( 26925311 27010872 27010930 27162953
OCT2017( 26713565 26635815 26635880 26720785
AUG2017( 26609783 26610308 26610322 26161726
JUL2017( 25755742 25901062 26022196 26161724
APR2017( 25171037 25434003 25433352 25632533
JAN2017( 24732082 24917825 24968615 25115951
OCT2016( 24006101 24412235 24448103 24591642
JUL2016( 23054246 23273629 23273686 23530387
APR2016( 22291127 22646084 22899531 22809813
JAN2016( 21948354 22191349 22243551 22310559
OCT2015 21359755( 21523234( 21744410( 21821214(
JUL2015 20831110( 20996835( 21188742( 21126814(
APR2015 20299023( 20485724( 20698050( 20684004(
JAN2015 19769480( 19954978( 20141343( 19720843(
OCT2014 19303936( 19392646( 19404326( N/A

参考:Assistant: Download Reference for Oracle Database/GI Update, Revision, PSU, SPU(CPU), Bundle Patches, Patchsets and Base Releases (Doc ID 2118136.2)

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