asm恢复 bbed bootstrap$ dul In Memory kcbzib_kcrsds_1 kccpb_sanity_check_2 MySQL恢复 ORA-00312 ORA-00607 ORA-00704 ORA-00742 ORA-01110 ORA-01555 ORA-01578 ORA-08103 ORA-600 2131 ORA-600 2662 ORA-600 2663 ORA-600 3020 ORA-600 4000 ORA-600 4137 ORA-600 4193 ORA-600 4194 ORA-600 16703 ORA-600 kcbzib_kcrsds_1 ORA-600 KCLCHKBLK_4 ORA-15042 ORA-15196 ORACLE 12C oracle dul ORACLE PATCH Oracle Recovery Tools oracle加密恢复 oracle勒索 oracle勒索恢复 oracle异常恢复 Oracle 恢复 ORACLE恢复 ORACLE数据库恢复 oracle 比特币 OSD-04016 YOUR FILES ARE ENCRYPTED 勒索恢复 比特币加密文章分类
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SQL> select * from v$version; BANNER ---------------------------------------------------------------- Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Production TNS for Linux: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - Production --查询asm disk SQL> select group_number,DISK_NUMBER,PATH 2 from v$asm_disk where group_number<>0; GROUP_NUMBER DISK_NUMBER PATH ------------ ----------- -------------------- 1 0 /dev/raw/raw2 1 1 /dev/raw/raw3 SQL> conn chf/xifenfei Connected. --创建测试表 SQL> create table t_xifenfei 2 as 3 select object_id,object_name from dba_objects where rownum<10; Table created. SQL> select * from t_xifenfei; OBJECT_ID OBJECT_NAME ---------- -------------------------------- 44 I_USER1 28 CON$ 15 UNDO$ 29 C_COBJ# 3 I_OBJ# 25 PROXY_ROLE_DATA$ 39 I_IND1 51 I_CDEF2 9 rows selected. --数据文件 SQL> select name from v$datafile; NAME ---------------------------------------------------------------------- +XIFENFEI/asm10g/datafile/system.256.786578479 +XIFENFEI/asm10g/datafile/undotbs1.258.786578481 +XIFENFEI/asm10g/datafile/sysaux.257.786578481 +XIFENFEI/asm10g/datafile/users.259.786578481 +XIFENFEI/asm10g/datafile/xff.265.786578851 --关闭数据库 SQL> shutdown immediate; ORA-01031: insufficient privileges SQL> conn / as sysdba Connected. SQL> shutdown immediate Database closed. Database dismounted. ORACLE instance shut down. SQL> exit Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options --关闭asm [oracle@xifenfei home]$ export ORACLE_SID=+ASM [oracle@xifenfei home]$ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Jun 22 00:18:18 2012 Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options SQL> shutdown immediate ASM diskgroups dismounted ASM instance shutdown SQL> exit Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options [oracle@xifenfei home]$ ps -ef|grep ASM oracle 18885 10980 0 00:18 pts/0 00:00:00 grep ASM [oracle@xifenfei home]$ ps -ef|grep ora_ oracle 18887 10980 0 00:18 pts/0 00:00:00 grep ora_
[oracle@xifenfei dul]$ vi init.dul db_block_size=8192 control_file = control.dul dc_segments=100000 osd_word_size = 32 osd_big_endian_flag=false osd_dba_file_bits=10 osd_c_struct_alignment=32 osd_file_leader_size=1 osd_word_size = 32 dc_columns=2000000 dc_tables=10000 dc_objects=1000000 dc_users=400 dc_segments=100000 control_file = control.dul db_block_size=8192 export_mode=false compatible=10 BUFFER=10485760
[oracle@xifenfei dul]$ more control.dul disk /dev/raw/raw2 disk /dev/raw/raw3 0 1 +XIFENFEI/asm10g/datafile/system.256.786578479 1 2 +XIFENFEI/asm10g/datafile/undotbs1.258.786578481 2 3 +XIFENFEI/asm10g/datafile/sysaux.257.786578481 4 4 +XIFENFEI/asm10g/datafile/users.259.786578481 6 5 +XIFENFEI/asm10g/datafile/xff.265.786578851
--启动dul [oracle@xifenfei dul]$ ./dul Data UnLoader: - Internal Only - on Thu Jun 21 23:49:46 2012 with 64-bit io functions Copyright (c) 1994 2012 Bernard van Duijnen All rights reserved. Strictly Oracle Internal Use Only DUL: Warning: Recreating file "dul.log" Disk group XIFENFEI, dul group_cid 0 Discovered disk /dev/raw/raw2 as diskgroup XIFENFEI, disk number 0 size 784 Mb File1 starts at 2, dul_disk_cid 0 Discovered disk /dev/raw/raw3 as diskgroup XIFENFEI, disk number 1 size 7059 Mb without File1 meta data, dul_disk_cid 1 DUL: Warning: Dictionary cache DC_ASM_EXTENTS is empty DUL: Error: Filedir block not allocated, file does not exist DUL: Error: Could not load asm meta data for group XIFENFEI file 9 Oracle data file size 503324672, block size 8192 Found db_id = 123111609 Found db_name = ASM10G Oracle data file size 26222592, block size 8192 Oracle data file size 251666432, block size 8192 Oracle data file size 5251072, block size 8192 --加载数据字典 DUL> bootstrap; Probing file = 1, block = 377 . unloading table BOOTSTRAP$ DUL: Warning: block number is non zero but marked deferred trying to process it anyhow 57 rows unloaded DUL: Warning: Dictionary cache DC_BOOTSTRAP is empty Reading BOOTSTRAP.dat 57 entries loaded Parsing Bootstrap$ contents DUL: Warning: Recreating file "dict.ddl" Generating dict.ddl for version 10 OBJ$: segobjno 18, file 1 block 121 TAB$: segobjno 2, tabno 1, file 1 block 25 COL$: segobjno 2, tabno 5, file 1 block 25 USER$: segobjno 10, tabno 1, file 1 block 89 Running generated file "@dict.ddl" to unload the dictionary tables . unloading table OBJ$ 50806 rows unloaded . unloading table TAB$ 1560 rows unloaded . unloading table COL$ 54822 rows unloaded . unloading table USER$ 57 rows unloaded Reading USER.dat 57 entries loaded Reading OBJ.dat 50806 entries loaded and sorted 50806 entries Reading TAB.dat 1560 entries loaded Reading COL.dat 54822 entries loaded and sorted 54822 entries Reading BOOTSTRAP.dat 57 entries loaded DUL: Warning: Recreating file "dict.ddl" Generating dict.ddl for version 10 OBJ$: segobjno 18, file 1 block 121 TAB$: segobjno 2, tabno 1, file 1 block 25 COL$: segobjno 2, tabno 5, file 1 block 25 USER$: segobjno 10, tabno 1, file 1 block 89 TABPART$: segobjno 266, file 1 block 2121 INDPART$: segobjno 271, file 1 block 2161 TABCOMPART$: segobjno 288, file 1 block 2297 INDCOMPART$: segobjno 293, file 1 block 2345 TABSUBPART$: segobjno 278, file 1 block 2217 INDSUBPART$: segobjno 283, file 1 block 2257 IND$: segobjno 2, tabno 3, file 1 block 25 ICOL$: segobjno 2, tabno 4, file 1 block 25 LOB$: segobjno 2, tabno 6, file 1 block 25 COLTYPE$: segobjno 2, tabno 7, file 1 block 25 TYPE$: segobjno 181, tabno 1, file 1 block 1297 COLLECTION$: segobjno 181, tabno 2, file 1 block 1297 ATTRIBUTE$: segobjno 181, tabno 3, file 1 block 1297 LOBFRAG$: segobjno 299, file 1 block 2393 LOBCOMPPART$: segobjno 302, file 1 block 2425 UNDO$: segobjno 15, file 1 block 105 TS$: segobjno 6, tabno 2, file 1 block 57 PROPS$: segobjno 96, file 1 block 721 Running generated file "@dict.ddl" to unload the dictionary tables . unloading table OBJ$ DUL: Warning: Recreating file "OBJ.ctl" 50806 rows unloaded . unloading table TAB$ DUL: Warning: Recreating file "TAB.ctl" 1560 rows unloaded . unloading table COL$ DUL: Warning: Recreating file "COL.ctl" 54822 rows unloaded . unloading table USER$ DUL: Warning: Recreating file "USER.ctl" 57 rows unloaded . unloading table TABPART$ 72 rows unloaded . unloading table INDPART$ 80 rows unloaded . unloading table TABCOMPART$ 0 rows unloaded . unloading table INDCOMPART$ 0 rows unloaded . unloading table TABSUBPART$ 0 rows unloaded . unloading table INDSUBPART$ 0 rows unloaded . unloading table IND$ 2213 rows unloaded . unloading table ICOL$ 3618 rows unloaded . unloading table LOB$ 528 rows unloaded . unloading table COLTYPE$ 1688 rows unloaded . unloading table TYPE$ 1885 rows unloaded . unloading table COLLECTION$ 551 rows unloaded . unloading table ATTRIBUTE$ 7051 rows unloaded . unloading table LOBFRAG$ 1 row unloaded . unloading table LOBCOMPPART$ 0 rows unloaded . unloading table UNDO$ 21 rows unloaded . unloading table TS$ 7 rows unloaded . unloading table PROPS$ 27 rows unloaded Reading USER.dat 57 entries loaded Reading OBJ.dat 50806 entries loaded and sorted 50806 entries Reading TAB.dat 1560 entries loaded Reading COL.dat 54822 entries loaded and sorted 54822 entries Reading TABPART.dat 72 entries loaded and sorted 72 entries Reading TABCOMPART.dat 0 entries loaded and sorted 0 entries Reading TABSUBPART.dat 0 entries loaded and sorted 0 entries Reading INDPART.dat 80 entries loaded and sorted 80 entries Reading INDCOMPART.dat 0 entries loaded and sorted 0 entries Reading INDSUBPART.dat 0 entries loaded and sorted 0 entries Reading IND.dat 2213 entries loaded Reading LOB.dat 528 entries loaded Reading ICOL.dat 3618 entries loaded Reading COLTYPE.dat 1688 entries loaded Reading TYPE.dat 1885 entries loaded Reading ATTRIBUTE.dat 7051 entries loaded Reading COLLECTION.dat 551 entries loaded Reading BOOTSTRAP.dat 57 entries loaded Reading LOBFRAG.dat 1 entries loaded and sorted 1 entries Reading LOBCOMPPART.dat 0 entries loaded and sorted 0 entries Reading UNDO.dat 21 entries loaded Reading TS.dat 7 entries loaded Reading PROPS.dat 27 entries loaded Database character set is ZHS16GBK Database national character set is AL16UTF16 --恢复表 DUL> unload table chf.t_xifenfei; . unloading table T_XIFENFEI 9 rows unloaded
[oracle@xifenfei dul]$ ll CHF_T_XIFENFEI* -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 269 Jun 22 00:26 CHF_T_XIFENFEI.ctl -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 134 Jun 22 00:26 CHF_T_XIFENFEI.dat [oracle@xifenfei dul]$ more CHF_T_XIFENFEI.ctl load data CHARACTERSET UTF8 infile 'CHF_T_XIFENFEI.dat' insert into table "CHF"."T_XIFENFEI" fields terminated by whitespace ( "OBJECT_ID" CHAR(2) enclosed by X'22' ,"OBJECT_NAME" CHAR(16) enclosed by X'22' ) [oracle@xifenfei dul]$ more CHF_T_XIFENFEI.dat "20" "ICOL$" "44" "I_USER1" "28" "CON$" "15" "UNDO$" "29" "C_COBJ#" "3" "I_OBJ#" "25" "PROXY_ROLE_DATA$" "39" "I_IND1" "51" "I_CDEF2"
AMDU是Oracle 11g里自带的一个免费的工具,用于分析ASM磁盘组的元数据以及从不能mount的磁盘组中往外抽取数据文件“NOTE:553639.1 Placeholder for AMDU binaries and using with ASM 10g”明确指出:AMDU也可用于10g,并提供了可用于10g的AMDU的各个操作系统的版本供大家下载。
rac1-> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/tmp/amdu
rac1-> ./amdu -diskstring '/dev/raw/raw*' amdu_2012_03_05_03_17_19/ rac1-> cd amdu_2012_03_05_03_17_19/ rac1-> ls report.txt rac1-> more report.txt -*-amdu-*- ******************************* AMDU Settings ******************************** ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1 System name: Linux Node name: rac1 Release: 2.6.9- Version: #1 SMP Tue May 19 04:38:38 EDT 2009 Machine: i686 amdu run: 05-MAR-12 03:17:19 Endianess: 1 --------------------------------- Operations --------------------------------- ------------------------------- Disk Selection ------------------------------- -diskstring '/dev/raw/raw*' ------------------------------ Reading Control ------------------------------- ------------------------------- Output Control ------------------------------- ********************************* DISCOVERY ********************************** ----------------------------- DISK REPORT N0001 ------------------------------ Disk Path: /dev/raw/raw23 Unique Disk ID: Disk Label: Physical Sector Size: 512 bytes Disk Size: 156 megabytes ** NOT A VALID ASM DISK HEADER. BAD VALUE IN FIELD blksize_kfdhdb ** ----------------------------- DISK REPORT N0002 ------------------------------ Disk Path: /dev/raw/raw11 Unique Disk ID: Disk Label: Physical Sector Size: 512 bytes Disk Size: 156 megabytes ** NOT A VALID ASM DISK HEADER. BAD VALUE IN FIELD blksize_kfdhdb ** ----------------------------- DISK REPORT N0003 ------------------------------ Disk Path: /dev/raw/raw32 Unique Disk ID: Disk Label: Physical Sector Size: 512 bytes Disk Size: 156 megabytes ** NOT A VALID ASM DISK HEADER. BAD VALUE IN FIELD blksize_kfdhdb ** ----------------------------- DISK REPORT N0004 ------------------------------ Disk Path: /dev/raw/raw31 Unique Disk ID: Disk Label: Physical Sector Size: 512 bytes Disk Size: 156 megabytes ** NOT A VALID ASM DISK HEADER. BAD VALUE IN FIELD blksize_kfdhdb ** ----------------------------- DISK REPORT N0005 ------------------------------ Disk Path: /dev/raw/raw12 Unique Disk ID: Disk Label: Physical Sector Size: 512 bytes Disk Size: 156 megabytes ** NOT A VALID ASM DISK HEADER. BAD VALUE IN FIELD blksize_kfdhdb ** ----------------------------- DISK REPORT N0006 ------------------------------ Disk Path: /dev/raw/raw2 Unique Disk ID: Disk Label: Physical Sector Size: 512 bytes Disk Size: 1976 megabytes Group Name: DATA Disk Name: DATA_0001 Failure Group Name: DATA_0001 Disk Number: 1 Header Status: 3 Disk Creation Time: 2012/03/01 22:32:39.289000 Last Mount Time: 2012/03/05 02:10:02.771000 Compatibility Version: 0x0a100000 Disk Sector Size: 512 bytes Disk size in AUs: 1976 AUs Group Redundancy: 1 Metadata Block Size: 4096 bytes AU Size: 1048576 bytes Stride: 113792 AUs Group Creation Time: 2012/03/01 22:32:39.221000 File 1 Block 1 location: AU 0 ----------------------------- DISK REPORT N0007 ------------------------------ Disk Path: /dev/raw/raw1 Unique Disk ID: Disk Label: Physical Sector Size: 512 bytes Disk Size: 3137 megabytes Group Name: DATA Disk Name: DATA_0000 Failure Group Name: DATA_0000 Disk Number: 0 Header Status: 3 Disk Creation Time: 2012/03/01 22:32:39.289000 Last Mount Time: 2012/03/05 02:10:02.771000 Compatibility Version: 0x0a100000 Disk Sector Size: 512 bytes Disk size in AUs: 3137 AUs Group Redundancy: 1 Metadata Block Size: 4096 bytes AU Size: 1048576 bytes Stride: 113792 AUs Group Creation Time: 2012/03/01 22:32:39.221000 File 1 Block 1 location: AU 2 ******************************* END OF REPORT ********************************
rac1-> ../amdu -diskstring '/dev/raw/raw*' -dump 'DATA' amdu_2012_03_05_03_19_38/ rac1-> cd amdu_2012_03_05_03_19_38/ rac1-> ls DATA_0001.img DATA.map report.txt rac1-> strings DATA_0001.img |grep DATAFILE DATAFILE DATAFILE DATAFILE DEVDB/DATAFILE/SYSTEM.256.776817753 DEVDB/DATAFILE/SYSAUX.257.776817753 DEVDB/DATAFILE/UNDOTBS1.258.776817753 DEVDB/DATAFILE/USERS.259.776817753 DEVDB/DATAFILE/UNDOTBS2.267.776817909
rac1-> ../../amdu -diskstring '/dev/raw/raw*' -extract 'DATA.259' amdu_2012_03_05_03_27_21/ rac1-> cd amdu_2012_03_05_03_27_21/ rac1-> ls -l total 5148 -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 5251072 Mar 5 03:27 DATA_259.f -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 6468 Mar 5 03:27 report.txt rac1-> dbv file=DATA_259.f DBVERIFY: Release - Production on Mon Mar 5 03:28:00 2012 Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. DBVERIFY - Verification starting : FILE = DATA_259.f DBVERIFY - Verification complete Total Pages Examined : 640 Total Pages Processed (Data) : 15 Total Pages Failing (Data) : 0 Total Pages Processed (Index): 2 Total Pages Failing (Index): 0 Total Pages Processed (Other): 26 Total Pages Processed (Seg) : 0 Total Pages Failing (Seg) : 0 Total Pages Empty : 597 Total Pages Marked Corrupt : 0 Total Pages Influx : 0 Highest block SCN : 442362 (0.442362)
[root@rac1 oracle]# more disk /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdb2
[root@rac1 oracle]# ./aulasm_linux32_trial.bin AUL : AnySQL UnLoader(MyDUL) for Oracle ASM, release 2.0.0 (C) Copyright Lou Fangxin 2011-2012 (AnySQL.net), all rights reserved. ASM> help SET -- set options (BLOCK_SIZE, AU_SIZE, F1B1_DISK, F1B1_AU) OPEN -- open data file ADD -- add disk with customized disk num (disk, path) LIST -- list opened disks information (to) LSAU -- list file of given AU (disk, au, count) FILE -- list all file entries in ASM (file, [disk, au, block]). ALIAS -- list all alias entries in ASM (file, [disk, au, block]). EXTENT -- list or adjust variable extent (level, au, count). FMAP -- list file extent (file, [disk, au, block], to) DUMP -- dump file extent (file, [disk, au, block], offset, to) COPY -- copy file to os (file, [disk, au, block], to) QUIT/EXIT -- exit the program. ASM> open disk 2012-03-05 03:32:48 2012-03-05 03:32:48 ASM> list 2012-03-05 03:32:49 Total Disks = 2, ausize=1048576, blksize=4096 disk size block disk name disk group disk path ===== ======== ===== ================ ============ ======================== 0 3137 4096 DATA_0000 DATA /dev/sdb1 1 1976 4096 DATA_0001 DATA /dev/sdb2 f1b1disk = 0, f1b1au = 2, score=256, compat=0x0a100000 file=(1,0,2,1), disk=(2,0,2,2), alias=(6,0,2,6) 2012-03-05 03:32:49 ASM> alias 2012-03-05 03:33:15 file inc parent fstblk flag refer alias ======== ============ ====== ====== ==== ====== ========================== -1 -1 0 0 4 1 DEVDB -1 -1 0 1 4 2 DATAFILE -1 -1 0 1 4 3 CONTROLFILE -1 -1 0 1 4 4 ONLINELOG -1 -1 0 1 4 5 TEMPFILE -1 -1 0 1 4 6 PARAMETERFILE -1 -1 0 1 4 7 ARCHIVELOG 256 776817753 1 2 18 -1 SYSTEM 257 776817753 1 2 18 -1 SYSAUX 258 776817753 1 2 18 -1 UNDOTBS1 259 776817753 1 2 18 -1 USERS 267 776817909 1 2 18 -1 UNDOTBS2 261 776817829 1 3 18 -1 Current 260 776817829 1 3 18 -1 Current 262 776817833 1 4 18 -1 group_1 263 776817835 1 4 18 -1 group_1 264 776817837 1 4 18 -1 group_2 265 776817841 1 4 18 -1 group_2 268 776818011 1 4 18 -1 group_3 269 776818013 1 4 18 -1 group_3 270 776818015 1 4 18 -1 group_4 271 776818017 1 4 18 -1 group_4 266 776817859 1 5 18 -1 TEMP 272 776818021 1 6 18 -1 spfile -1 -1 1 7 4 8 2012_03_01 -1 -1 1 7 4 9 2012_03_03 -1 -1 1 7 4 10 2012_03_05 273 776818747 7 8 18 -1 thread_1_seq_2 274 776819571 7 8 18 -1 thread_1_seq_3 275 776819721 7 8 18 -1 thread_2_seq_1 276 776820331 7 8 18 -1 thread_1_seq_4 277 776992321 7 9 18 -1 thread_1_seq_5 278 776992321 7 9 18 -1 thread_2_seq_2 279 777089437 7 10 18 -1 thread_1_seq_6 2012-03-05 03:33:15 ASM> fmap file 259 2012-03-05 03:34:49 fid=259, disk=0, au=56, block=3 siz=5, ecnt=6, eeof=6, flags=17, type=12, alias=109,-1 extid disk auid cnt flg chk ========== ===== ========== ==== === === 1 0 428 1 0 135 2 1 408 1 0 178 3 0 429 1 0 134 4 1 409 1 0 179 5 0 430 1 0 133 6 1 410 1 0 176 2012-03-05 03:34:49 ASM> copy file 259 to user_259 2012-03-05 03:35:01 2012-03-05 03:35:01 [root@rac1 oracle]# ll total 6252 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 84619 Mar 6 2012 aulasm_linux32_trial.bin -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 20 Mar 5 02:52 disk -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6291456 Mar 5 03:35 user_259 [root@rac1 oracle]# su - oracle rac1-> dbv file=user_259 DBVERIFY: Release - Production on Mon Mar 5 03:35:27 2012 Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. DBVERIFY - Verification starting : FILE = user_259 DBVERIFY - Verification complete Total Pages Examined : 640 Total Pages Processed (Data) : 15 Total Pages Failing (Data) : 0 Total Pages Processed (Index): 2 Total Pages Failing (Index): 0 Total Pages Processed (Other): 26 Total Pages Processed (Seg) : 0 Total Pages Failing (Seg) : 0 Total Pages Empty : 597 Total Pages Marked Corrupt : 0 Total Pages Influx : 0 Highest block SCN : 442362 (0.442362)
如果因为磁盘头损坏太多或者其他原因,以上方法都不能实现抽取asm磁盘组中数据文件,参考:asm disk header 彻底损坏恢复