asm恢复 bbed bootstrap$ dul In Memory kcbzib_kcrsds_1 kccpb_sanity_check_2 MySQL恢复 ORA-00312 ORA-00607 ORA-00704 ORA-00742 ORA-01110 ORA-01555 ORA-01578 ORA-08103 ORA-600 2131 ORA-600 2662 ORA-600 2663 ORA-600 3020 ORA-600 4000 ORA-600 4137 ORA-600 4193 ORA-600 4194 ORA-600 16703 ORA-600 kcbzib_kcrsds_1 ORA-600 KCLCHKBLK_4 ORA-15042 ORA-15196 ORACLE 12C oracle dul ORACLE PATCH Oracle Recovery Tools oracle加密恢复 oracle勒索 oracle勒索恢复 oracle异常恢复 Oracle 恢复 ORACLE恢复 ORACLE数据库恢复 oracle 比特币 OSD-04016 YOUR FILES ARE ENCRYPTED 勒索恢复 比特币加密文章分类
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标签归档:cursor: pin S wait on X undo$
oracle open hang 等待cursor: pin S wait on X
2022-10-18T15:04:57.374918+08:00 db_recovery_file_dest_size of 102400 MB is 9.58% used. This is a user-specified limit on the amount of space that will be used by this database for recovery-related files, and does not reflect the amount of space available in the underlying filesystem or ASM diskgroup. 2022-10-18T15:09:55.535116+08:00 ORCLPDB(4):>>> WAITED TOO LONG FOR A ROW CACHE ENQUEUE LOCK! pid=40 ORCLPDB(4):System State dumped to trace file /data/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_p000_31225.trc 2022-10-18T15:19:33.374783+08:00 ORCLPDB(4):Undo initialization recovery: err:1013 start: 1911760 end: 2790176 diff: 878416 ms (878.4 seconds) Pdb ORCLPDB hit error 1013 during open read write (1) and will be closed.
SQL> select event,sql_id from v$session where wait_class#<>6; EVENT SQL_ID ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- cursor: pin S wait on X 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X 8vyjutx6hg3wh EVENT SQL_ID ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- cursor: pin S wait on X 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X 8vyjutx6hg3wh row cache lock 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X 8vyjutx6hg3wh SQL*Net message to client 1dhc13tspcmys cursor: pin S wait on X 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X 8vyjutx6hg3wh EVENT SQL_ID ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- cursor: pin S wait on X 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X 8vyjutx6hg3wh 33 rows selected. SQL> select sql_text from v$sql where sql_id='8vyjutx6hg3wh'; SQL_TEXT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- update /*+ rule */ undo$ set name=:2,file#=:3,block#=:4,status$=:5,user#=:6,undo sqn=:7,xactsqn=:8,scnbas=:9,scnwrp=:10,inst#=:11,ts#=:12,spare1=:13 where us#=:1 SQL> col machine for a30 SQL> / INST_ID SID PADDR SQL_ID EVENT MACHINE PROGRAM ---------- ---------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------ ------------ ------------------------ 1 5645 000000018095AF40 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X xifenfei oracle@xifenfei (P002) 1 5645 000000018095AF40 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X xifenfei oracle@xifenfei (P002) 1 5645 000000018095AF40 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X xifenfei oracle@xifenfei (P002) 1 5645 000000018095AF40 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X xifenfei oracle@xifenfei (P002) 1 5645 000000018095AF40 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X xifenfei oracle@xifenfei (P002) 1 5645 000000018095AF40 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X xifenfei oracle@xifenfei (P002) 1 5645 000000018095AF40 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X xifenfei oracle@xifenfei (P002) 1 5645 000000018095AF40 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X xifenfei oracle@xifenfei (P002) 1 5645 000000018095AF40 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X xifenfei oracle@xifenfei (P002) 1 5645 000000018095AF40 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X xifenfei oracle@xifenfei (P002) 1 5645 000000018095AF40 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X xifenfei oracle@xifenfei (P002) INST_ID SID PADDR SQL_ID EVENT MACHINE PROGRAM ---------- ---------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------ ------------ ----------------------- 1 5645 000000018095AF40 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X xifenfei oracle@xifenfei (P002) 1 5645 000000018095AF40 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X xifenfei oracle@xifenfei (P002) 1 5645 000000018095AF40 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X xifenfei oracle@xifenfei (P002) 1 5645 000000018095AF40 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X xifenfei oracle@xifenfei (P002) 1 5645 000000018095AF40 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X xifenfei oracle@xifenfei (P002) 1 5645 000000018095AF40 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X xifenfei oracle@xifenfei (P002) 1 5645 000000018095AF40 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X xifenfei oracle@xifenfei (P002) 1 5645 000000018095AF40 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X xifenfei oracle@xifenfei (P002) 1 4517 00000001907FEC50 8vyjutx6hg3wh row cache lock xifenfei oracle@xifenfei (P000) 1 5645 000000018095AF40 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X xifenfei oracle@xifenfei (P002) 1 5645 000000018095AF40 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X xifenfei oracle@xifenfei (P002) INST_ID SID PADDR SQL_ID EVENT MACHINE PROGRAM ---------- ---------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------ ------------ ----------------------- 1 5645 000000018095AF40 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X xifenfei oracle@xifenfei (P002) 1 5645 000000018095AF40 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X xifenfei oracle@xifenfei (P002) 1 5645 000000018095AF40 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X xifenfei oracle@xifenfei (P002) 1 5645 000000018095AF40 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X xifenfei oracle@xifenfei (P002) 1 5645 000000018095AF40 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X xifenfei oracle@xifenfei (P002) 1 5645 000000018095AF40 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X xifenfei oracle@xifenfei (P002) 1 5645 000000018095AF40 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X xifenfei oracle@xifenfei (P002) 1 5645 000000018095AF40 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X xifenfei oracle@xifenfei (P002) 1 5645 000000018095AF40 8vyjutx6hg3wh cursor: pin S wait on X xifenfei oracle@xifenfei (P002) 31 rows selected. SQL> l 1 select b.INST_ID,b.sid,b.paddr,b.sql_id,b.event,b.MACHINE,b.PROGRAM from gv$session a,gv$session b 2* where a.event='cursor: pin S wait on X' and a.FINAL_BLOCKING_INSTANCE=b.INST_ID and 3* a.FINAL_BLOCKING_SESSION=b.sid SQL>
通过上述分析,可以确认是在open pdb的过程中被cursor: pin S wait on X等待事件阻塞,而被阻塞的sql是update /*+ rule */ undo$ set …………,基于这样的情况.大概率可以确认是由于bug导致.通过查询mos,确认和Bug 30931981 – Open Reset Logs Hangs With ‘row cache lock’ and ‘cursor: pin s wait for x’ Waits (Doc ID 30931981.8)类似.