asm恢复 bbed bootstrap$ dul In Memory kcbzib_kcrsds_1 kccpb_sanity_check_2 kfed MySQL恢复 ORA-00312 ORA-00607 ORA-00704 ORA-01110 ORA-01555 ORA-01578 ORA-08103 ORA-600 2131 ORA-600 2662 ORA-600 2663 ORA-600 3020 ORA-600 4000 ORA-600 4137 ORA-600 4193 ORA-600 4194 ORA-600 16703 ORA-600 kcbzib_kcrsds_1 ORA-600 KCLCHKBLK_4 ORA-15042 ORA-15196 ORACLE 12C oracle dul ORACLE PATCH Oracle Recovery Tools oracle加密恢复 oracle勒索 oracle勒索恢复 oracle异常恢复 Oracle 恢复 ORACLE恢复 ORACLE数据库恢复 oracle 比特币 OSD-04016 YOUR FILES ARE ENCRYPTED 勒索恢复 比特币加密文章分类
- Others (2)
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- 专题索引 (5)
- 勒索恢复 (79)
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- PostgreSQL恢复 (6)
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- 断电引起的ORA-08102: 未找到索引关键字, 对象号 39故障处理
- ORA-00227: corrupt block detected in control file
- 手工删除19c rac
- 解决oracle数据文件路径有回车故障
- .wstop扩展名勒索数据库恢复
- Oracle Recovery Tools工具一键解决ORA-00376 ORA-01110故障(文件offline)
- OGG-02771 Input trail file format RELEASE 19.1 is different from previous trail file form at RELEASE 11.2.
- OGG-02246 Source redo compatibility level 19.0.0 requires trail FORMAT 12.2 or higher
- GoldenGate 19安装和打patch
- dd破坏asm磁盘头恢复
- 删除asmlib磁盘导致磁盘组故障恢复
- Kylin Linux 安装19c
- ORA-600 krse_arc_complete.4
- Oracle 19c 202410补丁(RUs+OJVM)
- ntfs MFT损坏(ntfs文件系统故障)导致oracle异常恢复
- .mkp扩展名oracle数据文件加密恢复
- 清空redo,导致ORA-27048: skgfifi: file header information is invalid
- 通过alert日志分析客户自行对一个数据库恢复的来龙去脉和点评
- ORA-12514: TNS: 监听进程不能解析在连接描述符中给出的SERVICE_NAME
IMP-00098: INTERNAL ERROR: impgst2
有网友找到我们,imp导入数据库报IMP-00098: INTERNAL ERROR: impgst2错误,原始环境已经彻底破坏,无法通过数据文件恢复
3240997713: TABLE "SWIP_ENTITY_TRX" 3241009738: BIND information for 218 columns col[ 1] type 1 max length 19 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 2] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 3] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 4] type 1 max length 14 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 5] type 2 max length 22 col[ 6] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 7] type 1 max length 20 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 8] type 1 max length 20 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 9] type 1 max length 20 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 10] type 1 max length 20 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 11] type 1 max length 12 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 12] type 1 max length 12 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 13] type 1 max length 20 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 14] type 1 max length 12 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 15] type 1 max length 12 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 16] type 1 max length 12 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 17] type 1 max length 200 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 18] type 1 max length 200 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 19] type 1 max length 20 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 20] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 21] type 1 max length 200 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 22] type 1 max length 200 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 23] type 1 max length 20 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 24] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 25] type 1 max length 14 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 26] type 1 max length 14 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 27] type 1 max length 14 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 28] type 1 max length 12 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 29] type 1 max length 12 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 30] type 12 max length 7 col[ 31] type 12 max length 7 col[ 32] type 12 max length 7 col[ 33] type 12 max length 7 col[ 34] type 12 max length 7 col[ 35] type 12 max length 7 col[ 36] type 12 max length 7 col[ 37] type 12 max length 7 col[ 38] type 12 max length 7 col[ 39] type 12 max length 7 col[ 40] type 12 max length 7 col[ 41] type 1 max length 12 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 42] type 12 max length 7 col[ 43] type 2 max length 22 col[ 44] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 45] type 2 max length 22 col[ 46] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 47] type 2 max length 22 col[ 48] type 2 max length 22 col[ 49] type 2 max length 22 col[ 50] type 2 max length 22 col[ 51] type 2 max length 22 col[ 52] type 2 max length 22 col[ 53] type 2 max length 22 col[ 54] type 2 max length 22 col[ 55] type 2 max length 22 col[ 56] type 2 max length 22 col[ 57] type 2 max length 22 col[ 58] type 1 max length 19 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 59] type 1 max length 19 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 60] type 1 max length 19 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 61] type 1 max length 19 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 62] type 1 max length 19 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 63] type 2 max length 22 col[ 64] type 2 max length 22 col[ 65] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 66] type 2 max length 22 col[ 67] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 68] type 1 max length 2048 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 69] type 1 max length 12 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 70] type 1 max length 10 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 71] type 1 max length 14 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 72] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 73] type 1 max length 12 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 74] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 75] type 1 max length 12 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 76] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 77] type 1 max length 12 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 78] type 1 max length 12 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 79] type 1 max length 12 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 80] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 81] type 12 max length 7 col[ 82] type 1 max length 20 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 83] type 1 max length 19 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 84] type 1 max length 12 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 85] type 1 max length 12 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 86] type 1 max length 200 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 87] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 88] type 1 max length 1 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 89] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 90] type 1 max length 1000 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 91] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 92] type 1 max length 100 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 93] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 94] type 12 max length 7 col[ 95] type 1 max length 1000 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 96] type 1 max length 200 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 97] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 98] type 1 max length 12 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[ 99] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[100] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[101] type 1 max length 20 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[102] type 96 max length 1 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[103] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[104] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[105] type 1 max length 80 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[106] type 1 max length 12 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[107] type 12 max length 7 col[108] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[109] type 96 max length 1 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[110] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[111] type 96 max length 1 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[112] type 1 max length 12 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[113] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[114] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[115] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[116] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[117] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[118] type 1 max length 12 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[119] type 1 max length 12 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[120] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[121] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[122] type 96 max length 1 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[123] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[124] type 96 max length 1 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[125] type 2 max length 22 col[126] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[127] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[128] type 12 max length 7 col[129] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[130] type 1 max length 19 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[131] type 1 max length 19 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[132] type 1 max length 19 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[133] type 1 max length 19 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[134] type 1 max length 19 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[135] type 1 max length 19 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[136] type 1 max length 19 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[137] type 1 max length 19 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[138] type 1 max length 19 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[139] type 1 max length 19 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[140] type 1 max length 10 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[141] type 1 max length 19 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[142] type 1 max length 10 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[143] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[144] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[145] type 96 max length 1 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[146] type 1 max length 10 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[147] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[148] type 2 max length 22 col[149] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[150] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[151] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[152] type 1 max length 12 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[153] type 12 max length 7 col[154] type 1 max length 12 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[155] type 1 max length 19 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[156] type 1 max length 200 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[157] type 1 max length 200 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[158] type 1 max length 12 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[159] type 1 max length 200 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[160] type 1 max length 1 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[161] type 96 max length 1 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[162] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[163] type 96 max length 1 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[164] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[165] type 1 max length 12 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[166] type 1 max length 12 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[167] type 1 max length 200 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[168] type 1 max length 200 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[169] type 1 max length 20 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[170] type 2 max length 22 col[171] type 2 max length 22 col[172] type 2 max length 22 col[173] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[174] type 12 max length 7 col[175] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[176] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[177] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[178] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[179] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[180] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[181] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[182] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[183] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[184] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[185] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[186] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[187] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[188] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[189] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[190] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[191] type 1 max length 12 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[192] type 2 max length 22 col[193] type 12 max length 7 col[194] type 12 max length 7 col[195] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[196] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[197] type 1 max length 1 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[198] type 12 max length 7 col[199] type 2 max length 22 col[200] type 96 max length 1 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[201] type 96 max length 1 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[202] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[203] type 1 max length 12 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[204] type 1 max length 40 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[205] type 96 max length 1 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[206] type 1 max length 10 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[207] type 1 max length 10 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[208] type 12 max length 7 col[209] type 1 max length 14 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[210] type 1 max length 14 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[211] type 1 max length 12 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[212] type 1 max length 24 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[213] type 96 max length 1 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[214] type 1 max length 100 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[215] type 2 max length 22 col[216] type 1 max length 100 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[217] type 1 max length 100 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 col[218] type 1 max length 100 cset 873 (AL32UTF8) form 1 Conventional export 3241011300: start of table data
exp dmp文件损坏(坏块/corruption)恢复—跳过dmp坏块
在有些情况下,大家都知道通过dul可以恢复损坏的dmp文件的表的数据,但是该方法有很多问题,特别是对很多数据类型的支持不够完美,比如lob,long raw类型等,而且还有可能恢复出来数据大量丢失,本人通过对dmp结构的分析,使用使用一些特殊的技巧方法,可以实现对于损坏的dmp文件,通过跳过异常坏块所在表,继续恢复后续表,从而最大程度减少损坏
SQL> conn xifenfei/"www.xifenfei.com" Connected. SQL> create table t_xifenfei1 as select * from dba_objects; Table created. SQL> create table t_xifenfei2 as select * from v$sql; Table created. SQL> create table t_xifenfei3 as select * from dba_tables; Table created. SQL> select * from tab; TNAME TABTYPE CLUSTERID ------------------------------ ------- ---------- T_XIFENFEI1 TABLE T_XIFENFEI2 TABLE T_XIFENFEI3 TABLE SQL> select count(*) from t_xifenfei1; COUNT(*) ---------- 86275 SQL> select count(*) from t_xifenfei2; COUNT(*) ---------- 3387 SQL> select count(*) from t_xifenfei3; COUNT(*) ---------- 2800
[oracle@web103 ~]$ exp "'/ as sysdba'" owner=xifenfei file=/data/temp/t_xifenfei.dmp log=/data/temp/exp_t_xifenfei.log Export: Release - Production on Tue Aug 18 22:08:30 2015 Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options Export done in ZHS16GBK character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set About to export specified users ... . exporting pre-schema procedural objects and actions . exporting foreign function library names for user XIFENFEI . exporting PUBLIC type synonyms . exporting private type synonyms . exporting object type definitions for user XIFENFEI About to export XIFENFEI's objects ... . exporting database links . exporting sequence numbers . exporting cluster definitions . about to export XIFENFEI's tables via Conventional Path ... . . exporting table T_XIFENFEI1 86275 rows exported . . exporting table T_XIFENFEI2 3387 rows exported . . exporting table T_XIFENFEI3 2800 rows exported . exporting synonyms . exporting views . exporting stored procedures . exporting operators . exporting referential integrity constraints . exporting triggers . exporting indextypes . exporting bitmap, functional and extensible indexes . exporting posttables actions . exporting materialized views . exporting snapshot logs . exporting job queues . exporting refresh groups and children . exporting dimensions . exporting post-schema procedural objects and actions . exporting statistics Export terminated successfully without warnings.
获取dmp file中的T_XIFENFEI2所在位置
CPFL> SEARCH TABLE T_XIFENFEI2 FROM EXPFILE /tmp/t_xifenfei.dmp 9980561: TABLE "T_XIFENFEI2" 9980581: CREATE TABLE "T_XIFENFEI2" (表定义忽略) 9985356: BIND information for 87 columns col[ 1] type 1 max length 1000 cset 852 (ZHS16GBK) form 1 col[ 2] type 112 max length 86 cset 852 (ZHS16GBK) form 1 col[ 3] type 1 max length 13 cset 852 (ZHS16GBK) form 1 col[ 4] type 2 max length 22 col[ 5] type 2 max length 22 col[ 6] type 2 max length 22 col[ 7] type 2 max length 22 col[ 8] type 2 max length 22 col[ 9] type 2 max length 22 col[ 10] type 2 max length 22 col[ 11] type 2 max length 22 col[ 12] type 2 max length 22 col[ 13] type 2 max length 22 col[ 14] type 2 max length 22 col[ 15] type 2 max length 22 col[ 16] type 2 max length 22 col[ 17] type 1 max length 38 cset 852 (ZHS16GBK) form 1 col[ 18] type 2 max length 22 col[ 19] type 2 max length 22 col[ 20] type 2 max length 22 col[ 21] type 2 max length 22 col[ 22] type 2 max length 22 col[ 23] type 2 max length 22 col[ 24] type 2 max length 22 col[ 25] type 2 max length 22 col[ 26] type 2 max length 22 col[ 27] type 2 max length 22 col[ 28] type 2 max length 22 col[ 29] type 2 max length 22 col[ 30] type 2 max length 22 col[ 31] type 1 max length 10 cset 852 (ZHS16GBK) form 1 col[ 32] type 2 max length 22 col[ 33] type 23 max length 2000 col[ 34] type 2 max length 22 col[ 35] type 2 max length 22 col[ 36] type 2 max length 22 col[ 37] type 1 max length 30 cset 852 (ZHS16GBK) form 1 col[ 38] type 2 max length 22 col[ 39] type 23 max length 8 col[ 40] type 23 max length 8 col[ 41] type 2 max length 22 col[ 42] type 2 max length 22 col[ 43] type 2 max length 22 col[ 44] type 2 max length 22 col[ 45] type 1 max length 64 cset 852 (ZHS16GBK) form 1 col[ 46] type 2 max length 22 col[ 47] type 1 max length 64 cset 852 (ZHS16GBK) form 1 col[ 48] type 2 max length 22 col[ 49] type 1 max length 64 cset 852 (ZHS16GBK) form 1 col[ 50] type 2 max length 22 col[ 51] type 2 max length 22 col[ 52] type 1 max length 64 cset 852 (ZHS16GBK) form 1 col[ 53] type 2 max length 22 col[ 54] type 2 max length 22 col[ 55] type 2 max length 22 col[ 56] type 23 max length 8 col[ 57] type 2 max length 22 col[ 58] type 1 max length 1 cset 852 (ZHS16GBK) form 1 col[ 59] type 1 max length 19 cset 852 (ZHS16GBK) form 1 col[ 60] type 2 max length 22 col[ 61] type 1 max length 38 cset 852 (ZHS16GBK) form 1 col[ 62] type 1 max length 1 cset 852 (ZHS16GBK) form 1 col[ 63] type 1 max length 1 cset 852 (ZHS16GBK) form 1 col[ 64] type 1 max length 1 cset 852 (ZHS16GBK) form 1 col[ 65] type 1 max length 1 cset 852 (ZHS16GBK) form 1 col[ 66] type 2 max length 22 col[ 67] type 1 max length 64 cset 852 (ZHS16GBK) form 1 col[ 68] type 1 max length 30 cset 852 (ZHS16GBK) form 1 col[ 69] type 1 max length 30 cset 852 (ZHS16GBK) form 1 col[ 70] type 2 max length 22 col[ 71] type 2 max length 22 col[ 72] type 2 max length 22 col[ 73] type 2 max length 22 col[ 74] type 12 max length 7 col[ 75] type 23 max length 2000 col[ 76] type 2 max length 22 col[ 77] type 2 max length 22 col[ 78] type 2 max length 22 col[ 79] type 2 max length 22 col[ 80] type 2 max length 22 col[ 81] type 2 max length 22 col[ 82] type 2 max length 22 col[ 83] type 2 max length 22 col[ 84] type 2 max length 22 col[ 85] type 2 max length 22 col[ 86] type 2 max length 22 col[ 87] type 2 max length 22 Conventional export 9986063: start of table data 19675141: TABLE "T_XIFENFEI3"
[oracle@web103 ~]$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/data/temp/t_xifenfei.dmp bs=1024 count=2 conv=notrunc seek=9747 2+0 records in 2+0 records out 2048 bytes (2.0 kB) copied, 1.6e-05 seconds, 128 MB/s
[oracle@web103 ~]$ imp "'/ as sysdba'" fromuser=xifenfei touser=xifenfeinew >file=/data/temp/t_xifenfei.dmp log=/data/temp/imp_t_xifenfei.log Import: Release - Production on Tue Aug 18 22:35:09 2015 Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options Export file created by EXPORT:V11.02.00 via conventional path import done in ZHS16GBK character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set . importing XIFENFEI's objects into XIFENFEINEW . . importing table "T_XIFENFEI1" 86275 rows imported IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 1740: "CREATE TABLE "T_XIFENFEI2" ("SQL_TEXT" VARCHAR2(1000), "SQL_FULLTEXT" CLOB," " "SQL_ID" VARCHAR2(13), "SHARABLE_MEM" NUMBER, "PERSISTENT_MEM" NUMBER, "RU" "NTIME_MEM" NUMBER, "SORTS" NUMBER, "LOADED_VERSIONS" NUMBER, "OPEN_VERSIONS" "" NUMBER, "USERS_OPENING" NUMBER, "FETCHES" NUMBER, "EXECUTIONS" NUMBER, "P" "X_SERVERS_EXECUTIONS" NUMBER, "END_OF_FETCH_COU" IMP-00003: ORACLE error 1740 encountered ORA-01740: missing double quote in identifier IMP-00008: unrecognized statement in the export file: IMP-00008: unrecognized statement in the export file:
导入报IMP-00003 ORA-01740 IMP-00008,由于dmp文件被dd破坏(而且破坏位置是T_XIFENFEI2所在之处),因此imp导入到T_XIFENFEI2之时,抛出大量异常,imp终止
SQL> conn xifenfeinew/"www.xifenfei.com" Connected. SQL> select * from tab; TNAME TABTYPE CLUSTERID ------------------------------ ------- ---------- T_XIFENFEI1 TABLE SQL> select count(*) from t_xifenfei1; COUNT(*) ---------- 86275
CPFL>getdmp '/data/temp/t_xifenfei.dmp' skip table 'T_XIFENFEI2' >/data/temp/t_xifenfeinew.dmp
[oracle@web103 ~]$ imp "'/ as sysdba'" fromuser=xifenfei touser=xifenfeinew >file=/data/temp/t_xifenfeinew.dmp log=/data/temp/imp_t_xifenfeinew.log Import: Release - Production on Tue Aug 18 22:41:04 2015 Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options Export file created by EXPORT:V11.02.00 via conventional path import done in ZHS16GBK character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set . importing XIFENFEI's objects into XIFENFEINEW . . importing table "T_XIFENFEI1" 86275 rows imported . . importing table "T_XIFENFEI3" 2800 rows imported Import terminated successfully no warnings.
[oracle@web103 ~]$ sqlplus xifenfeinew/"www.xifenfei.com" SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Aug 18 22:41:32 2015 Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options SQL> select * from tab; TNAME TABTYPE CLUSTERID ------------------------------ ------- ---------- T_XIFENFEI1 TABLE T_XIFENFEI3 TABLE SQL> select count(*) from t_xifenfei1; COUNT(*) ---------- 86275 SQL> select count(*) from t_xifenfei3; COUNT(*) ---------- 2800 SQL>