asm恢复 bbed bootstrap$ dul In Memory kcbzib_kcrsds_1 kccpb_sanity_check_2 MySQL恢复 ORA-00312 ORA-00607 ORA-00704 ORA-00742 ORA-01110 ORA-01555 ORA-01578 ORA-01595 ORA-08103 ORA-600 2131 ORA-600 2662 ORA-600 3020 ORA-600 4000 ORA-600 4137 ORA-600 4193 ORA-600 4194 ORA-600 16703 ORA-600 kcbzib_kcrsds_1 ORA-600 KCLCHKBLK_4 ORA-15042 ORA-15196 ORACLE 12C oracle dul ORACLE PATCH Oracle Recovery Tools oracle加密恢复 oracle勒索 oracle勒索恢复 oracle异常恢复 Oracle 恢复 ORACLE恢复 ORACLE数据库恢复 oracle 比特币 OSD-04016 YOUR FILES ARE ENCRYPTED 勒索恢复 比特币加密文章分类
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- ORA-39773: parse of metadata stream failed故障处理
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- vmdk文件被加密恢复(虚拟机文件加密)
- 差点被误操作的ORA-600 kcratr_nab_less_than_odr故障
- win平台19c 打patch遭遇2个小问题汇总
- pg单个数据库目录恢复-pdu恢复单个数据库目录数据
- pg删除数据恢复—pdu恢复pg delete数据
- .[OnlyBuy@cyberfear.com].REVRAC勒索mysql恢复
- 表dml操作权限授权给public,导致只读用户失效
- 21c数据库恢复遭遇ora-600 ktugct: corruption detected
- pg_control丢失/损坏处理
- 当前主流数据库版本服务支持周期-202503
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12.2数据库启动报ORA-07445 lmebucp错误
有一个客户找到我们,说他们是数据库启动之时报的错误和数据库不能open 报ORA-7445 lmebucp错类似,让我们对其进行恢复支持,通过分析确定客户数据库版本为12.2.0.1
Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Productio PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Production TNS for Linux: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - Production
--最初报错 2020-05-11T03:43:06.787164+08:00 Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_m004_3253.trc (incident=639048): ORA-00600: 内部错误代码, 参数: [kkpo_rcinfo_defstg:delseg], [72280], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] Incident details in: /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/incident/incdir_639048/orcl_m004_3253_i639048.trc Use ADRCI or Support Workbench to package the incident. See Note 411.1 at My Oracle Support for error and packaging details. 2020-05-11T03:43:14.250993+08:00 Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_m004_3253.trc (incident=639049): ORA-00600: 内部错误代码, 参数: [kkpo_rcinfo_defstg:delseg], [72280], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] Incident details in: /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/incident/incdir_639049/orcl_m004_3253_i639049.trc 2020-05-11T03:43:21.286310+08:00 Use ADRCI or Support Workbench to package the incident. See Note 411.1 at My Oracle Support for error and packaging details. Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_m004_3253.trc (incident=639050): ORA-00600: 内部错误代码, 参数: [kkpo_rcinfo_defstg:delseg], [72280], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ORA-06512: 在 line 2 Incident details in: /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/incident/incdir_639050/orcl_m004_3253_i639050.trc 2020-05-11T03:43:28.059048+08:00 Use ADRCI or Support Workbench to package the incident. See Note 411.1 at My Oracle Support for error and packaging details. 2020-05-11T03:43:28.074681+08:00 Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_m004_3253.trc: ORA-00600: 内部错误代码, 参数: [kkpo_rcinfo_defstg:delseg], [72280], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ORA-06512: 在 line 2 2020-05-11T08:31:22.416087+08:00 Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_j000_16511.trc: ORA-12012: 自动执行作业 141 出错 ORA-30732: 表中不包含用户可见的列 ORA-06512: 在 line 1 ---关闭数据库之后重启报错 2020-05-11T09:42:43.234769+08:00 ALTER DATABASE OPEN 2020-05-11T09:42:44.353085+08:00 Ping without log force is disabled: instance mounted in exclusive mode. Endian type of dictionary set to little 2020-05-11T09:42:44.660388+08:00 TT00: Gap Manager starting (PID:31134) 2020-05-11T09:42:45.180876+08:00 Thread 1 opened at log sequence 78596 Current log# 2 seq# 78596 mem# 0: /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/redo02.log Successful open of redo thread 1 2020-05-11T09:42:45.181357+08:00 MTTR advisory is disabled because FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET is not set Exception [type: SIGSEGV, Address not mapped to object][ADDR:0x0][PC:0x10F4C112, lmebucp()+34][flags: 0x0, count: 1] Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_31125.trc (incident=646445): ORA-07445: exception encountered:core dump[lmebucp()+34][SIGSEGV][ADDR:0x0][PC:0x10F4C112][Address not mapped to object] Incident details in: /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/incident/incdir_646445/orcl_ora_31125_i646445.trc Use ADRCI or Support Workbench to package the incident. See Note 411.1 at My Oracle Support for error and packaging details. 2020-05-11T09:42:46.070049+08:00 ***************************************************************** An internal routine has requested a dump of selected redo. This usually happens following a specific internal error, when analysis of the redo logs will help Oracle Support with the diagnosis. It is recommended that you retain all the redo logs generated (by all the instances) during the past 12 hours, in case additional redo dumps are required to help with the diagnosis. ***************************************************************** 2020-05-11T09:42:53.344955+08:00 Instance Critical Process (pid: 41, ospid: 31125) died unexpectedly PMON (ospid: 31026): terminating the instance due to error 12752 2020-05-11T09:42:53.377209+08:00 System state dump requested by (instance=1, osid=31026 (PMON)), summary=[abnormal instance termination]. System State dumped to trace file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_diag_31046_20200511094253.trc 2020-05-11T09:42:56.690224+08:00 Instance terminated by PMON, pid = 31026
PARSING IN CURSOR #139821999713040 len=65 dep=1 uid=0 oct=3 lid=0 tim=2200910467 hv=1762642493 ad='1bfd79130'sqlid='aps3qh1nhzkjx' select line#, sql_text from bootstrap$ where obj# not in (:1, :2) END OF STMT PARSE #139821999713040:c=378,e=378,p=0,cr=0,cu=0,mis=1,r=0,dep=1,og=4,plh=0,tim=2200910467 BINDS #139821999713040: Bind#0 oacdty=02 mxl=22(22) mxlc=00 mal=00 scl=00 pre=00 oacflg=08 fl2=1000001 frm=00 csi=00 siz=24 off=0 kxsbbbfp=7f2ad89fe6c8 bln=22 avl=02 flg=05 value=59 Bind#1 oacdty=02 mxl=22(22) mxlc=00 mal=00 scl=00 pre=00 oacflg=08 fl2=1000001 frm=00 csi=00 siz=24 off=0 kxsbbbfp=7f2ad89fe698 bln=24 avl=06 flg=05 value=4294967295 EXEC #139821999713040:c=219,e=658,p=0,cr=0,cu=0,mis=1,r=0,dep=1,og=4,plh=867914364,tim=2200911218 WAIT #139821999713040: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 9 file#=1 block#=520 blocks=1 obj#=59 tim=2200911300 WAIT #139821999713040: nam='db file scattered read' ela= 19 file#=1 block#=521 blocks=3 obj#=59 tim=2200911559 FETCH #139821999713040:c=404,e=404,p=4,cr=5,cu=0,mis=0,r=0,dep=1,og=4,plh=867914364,tim=2200911646 STAT #139821999713040 id=1 cnt=0 pid=0 pos=1 obj=59 op='TABLE ACCESS FULL BOOTSTRAP$ (cr=5 pr=4 pw=0 str=1 time=406 us)' *** 2020-05-11T12:25:30.977832+08:00 Exception [type: SIGSEGV, Address not mapped to object] [ADDR:0x0] [PC:0x10F4C112, lmebucp()+34] [flags: 0x0, count: 1] 2020-05-11T12:25:31.026914+08:00 Incident 718445 created, dump file:/u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/incident/incdir_718445/orcl_ora_14324_i718445.trc ORA-07445: exception encountered:core dump [lmebucp()+34][SIGSEGV][ADDR:0x0][PC:0x10F4C112][Address not mapped to object]
根据该报错,可以大概定位数据库重启之后报ORA-07445 lmebucp()+34错误不能正常启动是由于bootstrap$表异常导致.
BBED> p kcvfhrdb ub4 kcvfhrdb @96 0x00400208 BBED> set block 523 BLOCK# 523 BBED> map File: F:\temp\12.2\1\system01.dbf (0) Block: 523 Dba:0x00000000 ------------------------------------------------------------ KTB Data Block (Table/Cluster) struct kcbh, 20 bytes @0 struct ktbbh, 48 bytes @20 struct kdbh, 14 bytes @68 struct kdbt[1], 4 bytes @82 sb2 kdbr[20] @86 ub1 freespace[1015] @126 ub1 rowdata[7047] @1141 ub4 tailchk @8188 BBED> p *kdbr[1] rowdata[6431] ------------- ub1 rowdata[6431] @7572 0x3c BBED> x /rnnc rowdata[6431] @7572 ------------- flag@7572: 0x3c (KDRHFL, KDRHFF, KDRHFD, KDRHFH) lock@7573: 0x01 cols@7574: 0
通过bbed定位rootdba,然后dump相关block,随机找一条记录,确认bootstrap表无后效记录.但是该数据库在重启之前已经报了ORA-600 kkpo_rcinfo_defstg:delseg和ORA-30732错误,很可能还有其他的基表异常.通过先修复bootstrap$记录,然后根据该表中记录分析其他相关表记录,最终确定tab$中记录也异常,通过bbed 批量循环修复方法,对其进行恢复,open数据库,可以验证数据没有问题.至此该问题解决,但是没有找出来故障原因(是人为破坏【直接人工删除】,还是某种工具带入恶意脚本导致,类似:plsql dev引起的数据库被黑勒索比特币实现原理分析和解决方案,亦或者是数据库安装介质带有恶意程序,类似:警告:互联网中有oracle介质被注入恶意程序导致—ORA-600 16703)
由于bootstrap$异常导致数据库启动报ORA-03113 ORA-07445 lmebucp
SQL> startup ORACLE 例程已经启动。 Total System Global Area 5016387584 bytes Fixed Size 2011136 bytes Variable Size 905969664 bytes Database Buffers 4093640704 bytes Redo Buffers 14766080 bytes 数据库装载完毕。 ORA-03113: 通信通道的文件结束
alert日志报错ORA-07445 lmebucp
Mon Aug 27 15:31:37 2018 Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 21691 Thread 1 opened at log sequence 21691 Current log# 2 seq# 21691 mem# 0: /data/oracle/orcl/redo02.log Successful open of redo thread 1 Mon Aug 27 15:31:37 2018 MTTR advisory is disabled because FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET is not set Mon Aug 27 15:31:37 2018 SMON: enabling cache recovery Mon Aug 27 15:31:37 2018 Errors in file /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/admin/orcl/udump/orcl_ora_5827.trc: ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [lmebucp()+24] [SIGSEGV] [Address not mapped to object] [0x000000000] [] []
跟踪启动10046 trace
WAIT #1: nam='instance state change' ela= 822 layer=2 value=1 waited=1 obj#=-1 tim=1499370211971345 WAIT #1: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 29 file#=1 block#=257 blocks=1 obj#=-1 tim=1499370211971896 ===================== PARSING IN CURSOR #2 len=188 dep=1 uid=0 oct=1 lid=0 tim=1499370211972625 hv=2809067040 ad='b5fe2d00' create table bootstrap$ ( line# number not null, obj# number not null, sql_text varchar2(4000) not null) storage (initial 50K objno 41 extents (file 1 block 257)) END OF STMT PARSE #2:c=0,e=598,p=0,cr=0,cu=0,mis=1,r=0,dep=1,og=4,tim=1499370211972621 BINDS #2: EXEC #2:c=1000,e=195,p=0,cr=0,cu=0,mis=0,r=0,dep=1,og=4,tim=1499370211972873 ===================== PARSING IN CURSOR #2 len=55 dep=1 uid=0 oct=3 lid=0 tim=1499370211973429 hv=2111436465 ad='b7bd0530' select line#, sql_text from bootstrap$ where obj# != :1 END OF STMT PARSE #2:c=0,e=472,p=0,cr=0,cu=0,mis=1,r=0,dep=1,og=4,tim=1499370211973426 BINDS #2: kkscoacd Bind#0 oacdty=02 mxl=22(22) mxlc=00 mal=00 scl=00 pre=00 oacflg=08 fl2=0001 frm=00 csi=00 siz=24 off=0 kxsbbbfp=2b8c5d50a4d0 bln=22 avl=02 flg=05 value=41 EXEC #2:c=1000,e=838,p=0,cr=0,cu=0,mis=1,r=0,dep=1,og=4,tim=1499370211974375 WAIT #2: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 27 file#=1 block#=257 blocks=1 obj#=-1 tim=1499370211974522 WAIT #2: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 21 file#=1 block#=258 blocks=1 obj#=-1 tim=1499370211974855 FETCH #2:c=1000,e=479,p=2,cr=3,cu=0,mis=0,r=0,dep=1,og=4,tim=1499370211974908 Exception signal: 11 (SIGSEGV), code: 1 (Address not mapped to object), addr: 0x0, PC: [0x348772c, lmebucp()+24] *** 2018-08-27 15:31:37.074 ksedmp: internal or fatal error ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [lmebucp()+24] [SIGSEGV] [Address not mapped to object] [0x000000000] [] [] Current SQL statement for this session: alter database open ----- Call Stack Trace ----- calling call entry argument values in hex location type point (? means dubious value) -------------------- -------- -------------------- ---------------------------- Cannot find symbol Cannot find symbol Cannot find symbol ksedst()+31 call ksedst1() 000000001 ? 000000001 ? 000000000 ? 000000000 ? 000000000 ? 000000001 ? ksedmp()+610 call ksedst() 000000001 ? 000000001 ? 000000000 ? 000000000 ? 000000000 ? 000000001 ? ssexhd()+630 call ksedmp() 000000003 ? 000000001 ? 000000000 ? 000000000 ? 000000000 ? 000000001 ? <0x336800eca0> call ssexhd() 00000000B ? 2B8C5D238D70 ? 2B8C5D238C40 ? 000000000 ? 000000000 ? 000000001 ? --------------------- Binary Stack Dump ---------------------
通过这里发现,数据库启动执行select line#, sql_text from bootstrap$ where obj# != :1然后报ORA-07445 lmebucp错误。这样的错误比较诡异,一般可能是由于bootstrap异常导致,但是这里再往上跟踪发现 create bootstrap$表指定的记录为file 1 block 257,根据经验知道数据库的bootstrap$表记录一般是377 或者520比较常见.通过工具对于file 1进行分析
DUL> dump datafile 1 block 257 Block Header: block type=0x10 (data segment header block (unlimited extents)) block format=0xa2 (oracle 10) block rdba=0x00400101 (file#=1, block#=257) scn=0x0000.0000007e, seq=1, tail=0x007e1001 block checksum value=0xe75c=59228, flag=4 Data Segment Header: Extent Control Header ------------------------------------------------------------- Extent Header:: extents: 1 blocks: 7 last map: 0x00000000 #maps: 0 offset: 4128 Highwater:: 0x00400103 (rfile#=1,block#=259) ext#: 0 blk#: 1 ext size:7 #blocks in seg. hdr's freelists: 0 #blocks below: 1 mapblk: 0x00000000 offset: 0 Map Header:: next: 0x00000000 #extents: 1 obj#: 41 flag: 0x40000000 Extent Control Header ------------------------------------------------------------- 0x00400102 length: 7 nfl = 1, nfb = 1, typ = 2, nxf = 0, ccnt = 0 SEG LST:: flg:UNUSED lhd: 0x00000000 ltl: 0x00000000
发现异常比较明显,block 257为data_object_id=41,也就是
数据库不能open 报ORA-7445 lmebucp错
SQL> select * from v$version; BANNER ---------------------------------------------------------------- Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Production TNS for Linux: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - Production SQL> startup ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 1610612736 bytes Fixed Size 2096632 bytes Variable Size 385876488 bytes Database Buffers 1207959552 bytes Redo Buffers 14680064 bytes Database mounted. ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
alert日志报ORA-7445 lmebucp()+24错误
Sun Apr 08 08:05:07 CST 2018 ALTER DATABASE MOUNT Sun Apr 08 08:05:11 CST 2018 Setting recovery target incarnation to 2 Sun Apr 08 08:05:11 CST 2018 Successful mount of redo thread 1, with mount id 2650526067 Sun Apr 08 08:05:11 CST 2018 Database mounted in Exclusive Mode Completed: ALTER DATABASE MOUNT Sun Apr 08 08:05:11 CST 2018 ALTER DATABASE OPEN Sun Apr 08 08:05:11 CST 2018 Thread 1 opened at log sequence 1 Current log# 1 seq# 1 mem# 0: /u01/app/oracle/oradata/t10g/redo01.log Successful open of redo thread 1 Sun Apr 08 08:05:11 CST 2018 MTTR advisory is disabled because FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET is not set Sun Apr 08 08:05:11 CST 2018 SMON: enabling cache recovery Sun Apr 08 08:05:11 CST 2018 Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/t10g/udump/t10g_ora_32810.trc: ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [lmebucp()+24] [SIGSEGV] [Address not mapped to object] [0x000000000] [] []
Exception signal: 11 (SIGSEGV), code: 1 (Address not mapped to object), addr: 0x0, PC: [0x37e6418, lmebucp()+24] *** 2014-04-08 08:05:11.793 ksedmp: internal or fatal error ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [lmebucp()+24] [SIGSEGV] [Address not mapped to object] [0x000000000] [] [] Current SQL statement for this session: ALTER DATABASE OPEN ----- Call Stack Trace ----- calling call entry argument values in hex location type point (? means dubious value) -------------------- -------- -------------------- ---------------------------- ksedst()+31 call ksedst1() 000000000 ? 000000001 ? 7F4238A22BD0 ? 7F4238A22C30 ? 7F4238A22B70 ? 000000000 ? ksedmp()+610 call ksedst() 000000000 ? 000000001 ? 7F4238A22BD0 ? 7F4238A22C30 ? 7F4238A22B70 ? 000000000 ? ssexhd()+629 call ksedmp() 000000003 ? 000000001 ? 7F4238A22BD0 ? 7F4238A22C30 ? 7F4238A22B70 ? 000000000 ? __restore_rt()+0 call ssexhd() 00000000B ? 7F4238A23BF0 ? 7F4238A23AC0 ? 7F4238A22C30 ? 7F4238A22B70 ? 000000000 ? lmebucp()+24 signal __restore_rt() 000000000 ? 000008C00 ? 7FFF0F778790 ? 000000009 ? 000000000 ? 00000000D ? kqlbebs()+1468 call lmebucp() 000000000 ? 000008C00 ? 7FFF0F778790 ? 000000009 ? 000000000 ? 00000000D ? kqlblfc()+172 call kqlbebs() 000000000 ? 0BC119DE0 ? 7FFF0F778790 ? 000000009 ? 000000000 ? 00000000D ? adbdrv()+58009 call kqlblfc() 000000000 ? 7FFF0F77F610 ? 7FFF0F778790 ? 000000009 ? 000000000 ? 00000000D ? opiexe()+13745 call adbdrv() 000000000 ? 7FFF0F77F610 ? 0B9FFF9A8 ? 000000009 ? 000000000 ? 00000000D ? opiosq0()+3398 call opiexe() 000000004 ? 000000000 ? 7FFF0F7807CC ? 000000001 ? 000000000 ? 00000000D ? kpooprx()+318 call opiosq0() 000000003 ? 00000000E ? 7FFF0F780AF8 ? 0000000A4 ? 000000000 ? 600000013 ? kpoal8()+783 call kpooprx() 7FFF0F783CDC ? 7FFF0F781D30 ? 000000013 ? 000000001 ? 000000000 ? 600000013 ? opiodr()+1184 call kpoal8() 00000005E ? 000000017 ? 7FFF0F783CD8 ? 000000001 ? 000000001 ? 600000013 ? ttcpip()+1226 call opiodr() 00000005E ? 000000017 ? 7FFF0F783CD8 ? 000000000 ? 005BEBD70 ? 600000013 ? opitsk()+1310 call ttcpip() 006AF1FB0 ? 0054A6760 ? 7FFF0F783CD8 ? 000000000 ? 7FFF0F7837D8 ? 7FFF0F783E40 ? opiino()+1024 call opitsk() 000000003 ? 000000000 ? 7FFF0F783CD8 ? 000000001 ? 000000000 ? 721000200000001 ? opiodr()+1184 call opiino() 00000003C ? 000000004 ? 7FFF0F784ED8 ? 000000001 ? 000000000 ? 721000200000001 ? opidrv()+548 call opiodr() 00000003C ? 000000004 ? 7FFF0F784ED8 ? 000000000 ? 005BEB820 ? 721000200000001 ? sou2o()+114 call opidrv() 00000003C ? 000000004 ? 7FFF0F784ED8 ? 000000000 ? 005BEB820 ? 721000200000001 ? opimai_real()+163 call sou2o() 7FFF0F784EB0 ? 00000003C ? 000000004 ? 7FFF0F784ED8 ? 005BEB820 ? 721000200000001 ? main()+116 call opimai_real() 000000002 ? 7FFF0F784F40 ? 000000004 ? 7FFF0F784ED8 ? 005BEB820 ? 721000200000001 ? __libc_start_main() call main() 000000002 ? 7FFF0F784F40 ? +244 000000004 ? 7FFF0F784ED8 ? 005BEB820 ? 721000200000001 ? _start()+41 call __libc_start_main() 00072D108 ? 000000002 ? 7FFF0F785098 ? 000000000 ? 005BEB820 ? 000000002 ? --------------------- Binary Stack Dump ---------------------
SQL> staRTUP MOUNT ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 1610612736 bytes Fixed Size 2096632 bytes Variable Size 385876488 bytes Database Buffers 1207959552 bytes Redo Buffers 14680064 bytes Database mounted. SQL> oradebug setmypid Statement processed. SQL> alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever, level 12'; Session altered. SQL> oradebug tracefile_name /u01/app/oracle/admin/t10g/udump/t10g_ora_32908.trc SQL> alter database open; ERROR: ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel SQL> PARSING IN CURSOR #2 len=55 dep=1 uid=0 oct=3 lid=0 tim=1463569438249596 hv=2111436465 ad='beb13e10' select line#, sql_text from bootstrap$ where obj# != :1 END OF STMT PARSE #2:c=0,e=471,p=0,cr=0,cu=0,mis=1,r=0,dep=1,og=4,tim=1463569438249594 BINDS #2: kkscoacd Bind#0 oacdty=02 mxl=22(22) mxlc=00 mal=00 scl=00 pre=00 oacflg=08 fl2=0001 frm=00 csi=00 siz=24 off=0 kxsbbbfp=7f8f940fadc0 bln=22 avl=02 flg=05 value=56 EXEC #2:c=2000,e=61246,p=0,cr=0,cu=0,mis=1,r=0,dep=1,og=4,tim=1463569438310929 WAIT #2: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 41 file#=1 block#=377 blocks=1 obj#=56 tim=1463569438311099 WAIT #2: nam='db file scattered read' ela= 73 file#=1 block#=378 blocks=3 obj#=56 tim=1463569438311528 FETCH #2:c=1000,e=775,p=4,cr=5,cu=0,mis=0,r=0,dep=1,og=4,tim=1463569438311772 Exception signal: 11 (SIGSEGV), code: 1 (Address not mapped to object), addr: 0x0, PC: [0x37e6418, lmebucp()+24] *** 2018-04-08 08:11:44.840 ksedmp: internal or fatal error ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [lmebucp()+24] [SIGSEGV] [Address not mapped to object] [0x000000000] [] [] Current SQL statement for this session: alter database open
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