asm恢复 bbed bootstrap$ dul In Memory kcbzib_kcrsds_1 kccpb_sanity_check_2 kfed MySQL恢复 ORA-00312 ORA-00607 ORA-00704 ORA-01110 ORA-01555 ORA-01578 ORA-08103 ORA-600 2131 ORA-600 2662 ORA-600 2663 ORA-600 3020 ORA-600 4000 ORA-600 4137 ORA-600 4193 ORA-600 4194 ORA-600 16703 ORA-600 kcbzib_kcrsds_1 ORA-600 KCLCHKBLK_4 ORA-15042 ORA-15196 ORACLE 12C oracle dul ORACLE PATCH Oracle Recovery Tools oracle加密恢复 oracle勒索 oracle勒索恢复 oracle异常恢复 Oracle 恢复 ORACLE恢复 ORACLE数据库恢复 oracle 比特币 OSD-04016 YOUR FILES ARE ENCRYPTED 勒索恢复 比特币加密文章分类
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- Kylin Linux 安装19c
- ORA-600 krse_arc_complete.4
- Oracle 19c 202410补丁(RUs+OJVM)
- ntfs MFT损坏(ntfs文件系统故障)导致oracle异常恢复
- .mkp扩展名oracle数据文件加密恢复
- 清空redo,导致ORA-27048: skgfifi: file header information is invalid
- 通过alert日志分析客户自行对一个数据库恢复的来龙去脉和点评
- ORA-12514: TNS: 监听进程不能解析在连接描述符中给出的SERVICE_NAME
- ORA-01092 ORA-00604 ORA-01558故障处理
- ORA-65088: database open should be retried
- Oracle 19c异常恢复—ORA-01209/ORA-65088
- ORA-600 16703故障再现
- 数据库启动报ORA-27102 OSD-00026 O/S-Error: (OS 1455)
- .[metro777@cock.li].Elbie勒索病毒加密数据库恢复
- 应用连接错误,初始化mysql数据库恢复
- RAC默认服务配置优先节点
Tue Dec 19 15:21:23 2023 ALTER DATABASE MOUNT Successful mount of redo thread 1, with mount id 1683789043 Database mounted in Exclusive Mode Lost write protection disabled Completed: ALTER DATABASE MOUNT Tue Dec 19 15:22:01 2023 alter database open resetlogs RESETLOGS is being done without consistancy checks. This may result in a corrupted database. The database should be recreated. ORA-1248 signalled during: alter database open resetlogs... Tue Dec 19 16:16:26 2023 alter database datafile 83 offline Completed: alter database datafile 83 offline Tue Dec 19 16:19:13 2023 alter database open resetlogs RESETLOGS is being done without consistancy checks. This may result in a corrupted database. The database should be recreated. Archived Log entry 50 added for thread 1 sequence 3657135 ID 0x5d907698 dest 1: Tue Dec 19 16:20:01 2023 Errors in file /oracle/app/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_94696.trc: ORA-00333: 重做日志读取块 8806400 计数 16384 出错 ORA-00312: 联机日志 2 线程 1: '/data/oradata/orcl/redo2.log' ORA-27072: 文件 I/O 错误 Linux-x86_64 Error: 25: Inappropriate ioctl for device Additional information: 4 Additional information: 8806400 Additional information: 4325376 Errors in file /oracle/app/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_94696.trc: ORA-00333: 重做日志读取块 8806400 计数 16384 出错 ARCH: All Archive destinations made inactive due to error 333 ARCH: Closing local archive destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1: '/data/arch/1_3657136_874715183.dbf' (error 333) (orcl) Committing creation of archivelog '/data/arch/1_3657136_874715183.dbf' (error 333) Tue Dec 19 16:20:46 2023 Archived Log entry 51 added for thread 1 sequence 3657132 ID 0x5d907698 dest 1: Tue Dec 19 16:21:28 2023 Archived Log entry 52 added for thread 1 sequence 3657133 ID 0x5d907698 dest 1: Tue Dec 19 16:22:13 2023 Archived Log entry 53 added for thread 1 sequence 3657134 ID 0x5d907698 dest 1: RESETLOGS after incomplete recovery UNTIL CHANGE 161052517347 Resetting resetlogs activation ID 1569748632 (0x5d907698) Tue Dec 19 16:23:43 2023 Setting recovery target incarnation to 3 Tue Dec 19 16:23:43 2023 Assigning activation ID 1683789043 (0x645c94f3) LGWR: STARTING ARCH PROCESSES Tue Dec 19 16:23:43 2023 ARC0 started with pid=40, OS id=5391 ARC0: Archival started LGWR: STARTING ARCH PROCESSES COMPLETE ARC0: STARTING ARCH PROCESSES Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 2 (thread open) Tue Dec 19 16:23:44 2023 ARC1 started with pid=41, OS id=5393 Tue Dec 19 16:23:44 2023 ARC2 started with pid=42, OS id=5395 ARC1: Archival started Tue Dec 19 16:23:44 2023 ARC3 started with pid=43, OS id=5397 ARC2: Archival started ARC1: Becoming the 'no FAL' ARCH ARC1: Becoming the 'no SRL' ARCH ARC2: Becoming the heartbeat ARCH Thread 1 opened at log sequence 2 Current log# 2 seq# 2 mem# 0: /data/oradata/orcl/redo2.log Successful open of redo thread 1 Tue Dec 19 16:23:44 2023 MTTR advisory is disabled because FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET is not set Tue Dec 19 16:23:44 2023 SMON: enabling cache recovery Tue Dec 19 16:23:44 2023 NSA2 started with pid=44, OS id=5399 ORA-01555 caused by SQL statement below (SQL ID: 4krwuz0ctqxdt, SCN: 0x0025.7f7d42df): select ctime, mtime, stime from obj$ where obj# = :1 Errors in file /oracle/app/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_94696.trc: ORA-00704: 引导程序进程失败 ORA-00704: 引导程序进程失败 ORA-00604: 递归 SQL 级别 1 出现错误 ORA-01555: 快照过旧: 回退段号 27 (名称为 "_SYSSMU27_4233559991$") 过小 Errors in file /oracle/app/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_94696.trc: ORA-00704: 引导程序进程失败 ORA-00704: 引导程序进程失败 ORA-00604: 递归 SQL 级别 1 出现错误 ORA-01555: 快照过旧: 回退段号 27 (名称为 "_SYSSMU27_4233559991$") 过小 Error 704 happened during db open, shutting down database USER (ospid: 94696): terminating the instance due to error 704 Instance terminated by USER, pid = 94696 ORA-1092 signalled during: alter database open resetlogs... opiodr aborting process unknown ospid (94696) as a result of ORA-1092
1. 客户的硬件或者文件系统可能有问题,通过系统日志进一步确认底层异常
Dec 19 08:28:38 tdb2 kernel: sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Result: hostbyte=DID_OK driverbyte=DRIVER_SENSE Dec 19 08:28:38 tdb2 kernel: sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Sense Key : Medium Error [current] Dec 19 08:28:38 tdb2 kernel: sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Add. Sense: Unrecovered read error Dec 19 08:28:38 tdb2 kernel: sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] CDB: Read(10): 28 00 47 bc ff c0 00 01 00 00 Dec 19 08:28:38 tdb2 kernel: end_request: critical medium error, dev sdb, sector 1203568576 Dec 19 08:28:38 tdb2 kernel: end_request: critical medium error, dev dm-3, sector 1203568576 Dec 19 08:28:38 tdb2 kernel: sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Result: hostbyte=DID_OK driverbyte=DRIVER_SENSE Dec 19 08:28:38 tdb2 kernel: sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Sense Key : Medium Error [current] Dec 19 08:28:38 tdb2 kernel: sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Add. Sense: Unrecovered read error Dec 19 08:28:38 tdb2 kernel: sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] CDB: Read(10): 28 00 47 bd 00 c0 00 01 00 00 Dec 19 08:28:38 tdb2 kernel: end_request: critical medium error, dev sdb, sector 1203568832 Dec 19 08:28:38 tdb2 kernel: end_request: critical medium error, dev dm-3, sector 1203568832 Dec 19 08:28:38 tdb2 kernel: sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Result: hostbyte=DID_OK driverbyte=DRIVER_SENSE Dec 19 08:28:38 tdb2 kernel: sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Sense Key : Medium Error [current] Dec 19 08:28:38 tdb2 kernel: sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Add. Sense: Unrecovered read error Dec 19 08:28:38 tdb2 kernel: sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] CDB: Read(10): 28 00 47 bd 00 80 00 00 08 00 Dec 19 08:28:38 tdb2 kernel: end_request: critical medium error, dev sdb, sector 1203568768 Dec 19 08:28:38 tdb2 kernel: end_request: critical medium error, dev dm-3, sector 1203568768 Dec 19 16:20:01 tdb2 kernel: sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Result: hostbyte=DID_OK driverbyte=DRIVER_SENSE Dec 19 16:20:01 tdb2 kernel: sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Sense Key : Medium Error [current] Dec 19 16:20:01 tdb2 kernel: sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Add. Sense: Unrecovered read error Dec 19 16:20:01 tdb2 kernel: sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] CDB: Read(10): 28 00 9b 1a 28 20 00 01 00 00 Dec 19 16:20:01 tdb2 kernel: end_request: critical medium error, dev sdb, sector 2602182688 Dec 19 16:20:01 tdb2 kernel: end_request: critical medium error, dev dm-3, sector 2602182688 Dec 19 16:20:01 tdb2 kernel: sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Result: hostbyte=DID_OK driverbyte=DRIVER_SENSE Dec 19 16:20:01 tdb2 kernel: sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Sense Key : Medium Error [current] Dec 19 16:20:01 tdb2 kernel: sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Add. Sense: Unrecovered read error Dec 19 16:20:01 tdb2 kernel: sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] CDB: Read(10): 28 00 9b 1a 29 20 00 01 00 00 Dec 19 16:20:01 tdb2 kernel: end_request: critical medium error, dev sdb, sector 2602182944 Dec 19 16:20:01 tdb2 kernel: end_request: critical medium error, dev dm-3, sector 2602182944 Dec 19 16:20:01 tdb2 kernel: sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Result: hostbyte=DID_OK driverbyte=DRIVER_SENSE Dec 19 16:20:01 tdb2 kernel: sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Sense Key : Medium Error [current] Dec 19 16:20:01 tdb2 kernel: sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Add. Sense: Unrecovered read error Dec 19 16:20:01 tdb2 kernel: sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] CDB: Read(10): 28 00 9b 1a 29 00 00 00 08 00 Dec 19 16:20:01 tdb2 kernel: end_request: critical medium error, dev sdb, sector 2602182912 Dec 19 16:20:01 tdb2 kernel: end_request: critical medium error, dev dm-3, sector 2602182912
2. 数据库在强制拉库的时候,很可能是屏蔽了一致性,导致文件头scn过小
3. 在resetlogs之前,先offline了83号文件,这个将导致该文件的reseltogs scn和其他文件不一致,通过Oracle数据库异常恢复检查脚本(Oracle Database Recovery Check)
这个库由于客户在resetlogs之前offline了数据文件,导致一些麻烦,先使用Oracle Recovery Tools修改resetlogs scn
HCheck Version 07MAY18 on 26-12月-2023 18:44:20 ---------------------------------------------- Catalog Version (1102000100) db_name: ORCL Catalog Fixed Procedure Name Version Vs Release Timestamp Result ------------------------------ ... ---------- -- ---------- -------------- ------ .- LobNotInObj ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:20 PASS .- MissingOIDOnObjCol ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:20 PASS .- SourceNotInObj ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:20 PASS .- IndIndparMismatch ... 1102000100 <= 1102000100 12/26 18:44:21 PASS .- InvCorrAudit ... 1102000100 <= 1102000100 12/26 18:44:21 PASS .- OversizedFiles ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:21 PASS .- PoorDefaultStorage ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:21 PASS .- PoorStorage ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:21 PASS .- PartSubPartMismatch ... 1102000100 <= 1102000100 12/26 18:44:21 PASS .- TabPartCountMismatch ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:21 *** 2023-12-26 18:44:21.507 PASS .- OrphanedTabComPart ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:21 PASS .- MissingSum$ ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:21 PASS .- MissingDir$ ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:21 PASS .- DuplicateDataobj ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:21 PASS .- ObjSynMissing ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:21 PASS .- ObjSeqMissing ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:22 PASS .- OrphanedUndo ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:22 PASS .- OrphanedIndex ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:22 PASS .- OrphanedIndexPartition ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:22 PASS .- OrphanedIndexSubPartition ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:22 PASS .- OrphanedTable ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:22 PASS .- OrphanedTablePartition ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:22 PASS .- OrphanedTableSubPartition ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:22 PASS .- MissingPartCol ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:22 PASS .- OrphanedSeg$ ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:22 PASS .- OrphanedIndPartObj# ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:22 PASS .- DuplicateBlockUse ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:22 PASS .- FetUet ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:22 PASS .- Uet0Check ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:22 PASS .- ExtentlessSeg ... 1102000100 <= 1102000100 12/26 18:44:22 PASS .- SeglessUET ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:22 PASS .- BadInd$ ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:22 PASS .- BadTab$ ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:22 PASS .- BadIcolDepCnt ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:22 PASS .- ObjIndDobj ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:22 PASS .- TrgAfterUpgrade ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:22 PASS .- ObjType0 ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:22 PASS .- BadOwner ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:22 PASS .- StmtAuditOnCommit ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:22 PASS .- BadPublicObjects ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:22 PASS .- BadSegFreelist ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:22 PASS .- BadDepends ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:22 *** 2023-12-26 18:44:22.571 PASS .- CheckDual ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:22 PASS .- ObjectNames ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:22 PASS .- BadCboHiLo ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:22 PASS .- ChkIotTs ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:23 PASS .- NoSegmentIndex ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:23 PASS .- BadNextObject ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:23 PASS .- DroppedROTS ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:23 PASS .- FilBlkZero ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:23 PASS .- DbmsSchemaCopy ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:23 PASS .- OrphanedObjError ... 1102000100 > 1102000000 12/26 18:44:23 PASS .- ObjNotLob ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:23 PASS .- MaxControlfSeq ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:23 PASS .- SegNotInDeferredStg ... 1102000100 > 1102000000 12/26 18:44:23 PASS .- SystemNotRfile1 ... 1102000100 > 902000000 12/26 18:44:23 *** 2023-12-26 18:44:23.779 PASS .- DictOwnNonDefaultSYSTEM ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:23 PASS .- OrphanTrigger ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:23 PASS .- ObjNotTrigger ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 12/26 18:44:23 PASS --------------------------------------- 26-12月-2023 18:44:23 Elapsed: 3 secs --------------------------------------- Found 0 potential problem(s) and 0 warning(s)
ORA-00333 ORA-01595 恢复
Tue Jul 05 15:05:54 2022 ALTER DATABASE RECOVER datafile 1 Media Recovery Start Serial Media Recovery started Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 2 Group 4 Seq 29973 Reading mem 0 Mem# 0: E:\ORADATA\GROUP_4.266.822672441 Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 2 Seq 38422 Reading mem 0 Mem# 0: E:\ORADATA\GROUP_2.262.822672137 Incomplete read from log member 'E:\ORADATA\GROUP_2.262.822672137'. Trying next member. Media Recovery failed with error 333 ORA-283 signalled during: ALTER DATABASE RECOVER datafile 1 ...
错误信息比较明显,在读入redo进行恢复的时候遭遇“ORA-00333: 重做日志读取块 11557 计数 731 出错”错误,从而无法继续恢复.这次故障运气比较好,通过分析v$datafile和v$datafile_header关系
进行一些操作,绕过redo block 11557,顺利recover成功,并且open库
ALTER DATABASE RECOVER database Media Recovery Start started logmerger process Tue Jul 05 15:17:46 2022 Parallel Media Recovery started with 32 slaves Tue Jul 05 15:17:46 2022 Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 2 Group 4 Seq 29973 Reading mem 0 Mem# 0: E:\ORADATA\GROUP_4.266.822672441 Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 2 Seq 38422 Reading mem 0 Mem# 0: E:\ORADATA\GROUP_2.262.822672137 Completed: ALTER DATABASE RECOVER database
通过分析alert日志发现有ORA-600 4194错误
QMNC started with pid=58, OS id=15980 LOGSTDBY: Validating controlfile with logical metadata LOGSTDBY: Validation complete Tue Jul 05 15:18:24 2022 Tue Jul 05 15:18:24 2022 Block recovery from logseq 38423, block 152 to scn 16218380250500 Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 1 Seq 38423 Reading mem 0 Mem# 0: E:\ORADATA\GROUP_1.261.822672135 Block recovery stopped at EOT rba 38423.154.16 Block recovery completed at rba 38423.154.16, scn 3776.583740804 Block recovery from logseq 38423, block 152 to scn 16218380250497 Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 1 Seq 38423 Reading mem 0 Mem# 0: E:\ORADATA\GROUP_1.261.822672135 Block recovery completed at rba 38423.154.16, scn 3776.583740804 Errors in file F:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\diag\rdbms\xff\xff1\trace\xff1_smon_5660.trc: ORA-01595: 释放区 (2) 回退段 (8) 时出错 ORA-00600: 内部错误代码, 参数: [4194], [], [ Completed: alter database open
SQL> @e:/oradata/txt/11.txt HCheck Version 07MAY18 on 05-7月 -2022 16:30:18 ---------------------------------------------- Catalog Version (1102000300) db_name: xff Catalog Fixed Procedure Name Version Vs Release Timestamp Result ------------------------------ ... ---------- -- ---------- -------------- ------ .- LobNotInObj ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:18 PASS .- MissingOIDOnObjCol ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:19 PASS .- SourceNotInObj ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:19 PASS .- OversizedFiles ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:19 PASS .- PoorDefaultStorage ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:19 PASS .- PoorStorage ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:19 PASS .- TabPartCountMismatch ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:20 PASS .- OrphanedTabComPart ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:20 PASS .- MissingSum$ ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:20 PASS .- MissingDir$ ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:20 PASS .- DuplicateDataobj ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:20 PASS .- ObjSynMissing ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:20 PASS .- ObjSeqMissing ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:21 PASS .- OrphanedUndo ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:21 PASS .- OrphanedIndex ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:21 PASS .- OrphanedIndexPartition ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:21 PASS .- OrphanedIndexSubPartition ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:21 PASS .- OrphanedTable ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:21 PASS .- OrphanedTablePartition ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:21 PASS .- OrphanedTableSubPartition ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:21 PASS .- MissingPartCol ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:21 PASS .- OrphanedSeg$ ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:21 PASS .- OrphanedIndPartObj# ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:21 PASS .- DuplicateBlockUse ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:21 PASS .- FetUet ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:21 PASS .- Uet0Check ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:21 PASS .- SeglessUET ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:21 PASS .- BadInd$ ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:21 PASS .- BadTab$ ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:22 PASS .- BadIcolDepCnt ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:22 PASS .- ObjIndDobj ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:22 PASS .- TrgAfterUpgrade ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:22 PASS .- ObjType0 ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:22 PASS .- BadOwner ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:22 PASS .- StmtAuditOnCommit ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:22 PASS .- BadPublicObjects ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:22 PASS .- BadSegFreelist ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:22 PASS .- BadDepends ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:22 PASS .- CheckDual ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:23 PASS .- ObjectNames ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:23 WARN HCKW-0018: OBJECT name clashes with SCHEMA name (Doc ID 2363142.1) Schema=BSHRP INDEX=XFF.XFF .- BadCboHiLo ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:23 PASS .- ChkIotTs ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:24 PASS .- NoSegmentIndex ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:24 PASS .- BadNextObject ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:24 PASS .- DroppedROTS ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:24 PASS .- FilBlkZero ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:24 PASS .- DbmsSchemaCopy ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:24 PASS .- OrphanedObjError ... 1102000300 > 1102000000 07/05 16:30:24 PASS .- ObjNotLob ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:24 PASS .- MaxControlfSeq ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:24 PASS .- SegNotInDeferredStg ... 1102000300 > 1102000000 07/05 16:30:25 PASS .- SystemNotRfile1 ... 1102000300 > 902000000 07/05 16:30:25 PASS .- DictOwnNonDefaultSYSTEM ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:25 PASS .- OrphanTrigger ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:25 PASS .- ObjNotTrigger ... 1102000300 <= *All Rel* 07/05 16:30:25 PASS --------------------------------------- 05-7月 -2022 16:30:25 Elapsed: 7 secs --------------------------------------- Found 0 potential problem(s) and 1 warning(s) Contact Oracle Support with the output and trace file to check if the above needs attention or not PL/SQL 过程已成功完成。
ORA-00333 故障恢复
SQL> startup ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 1241513984 bytes Fixed Size 1219136 bytes Variable Size 218105280 bytes Database Buffers 1006632960 bytes Redo Buffers 15556608 bytes Database mounted. ORA-00333: redo log read error block 48641 count 8192
数据库启动报ORA-00333错误,官方解释为读redo log发生错误.
00333, 00000, "redo log read error block %s count %s" // *Cause: An IO error occurred while reading the log described in the // accompanying error. // *Action: Restore accessibility to file, or get another copy of the file.
Sat Apr 14 00:39:13 2018 alter database open Sat Apr 14 00:39:13 2018 Beginning crash recovery of 1 threads parallel recovery started with 7 processes Sat Apr 14 00:39:13 2018 Started redo scan Sat Apr 14 00:39:14 2018 Errors in file /oracle/admin/oa/udump/oa_ora_5659.trc: ORA-00333: redo log read error block 54785 count 2048 ORA-00312: online log 1 thread 1: '/oracle/oradata/oa/redo01.log' ORA-27072: File I/O error Linux Error: 5: Input/output error Additional information: 4 Additional information: 54785 Additional information: 957952 Sat Apr 14 00:39:14 2018 Errors in file /oracle/admin/oa/udump/oa_ora_5659.trc: ORA-00333: redo log read error block 48641 count 8192 ORA-00312: online log 1 thread 1: '/oracle/oradata/oa/redo01.log' ORA-27091: unable to queue I/O ORA-27072: File I/O error Linux Error: 5: Input/output error Additional information: 4 Additional information: 54785 Additional information: 957952 Sat Apr 14 00:39:14 2018 Aborting crash recovery due to error 333 Sat Apr 14 00:39:14 2018 Errors in file /oracle/admin/oa/udump/oa_ora_5659.trc: ORA-00333: redo log read error block 48641 count 8192 ORA-333 signalled during: alter database open...
Apr 14 11:14:58 oa kernel: Info fld=0x0, Current sda: sense key Hardware Error Apr 14 11:14:59 oa kernel: Additional sense: Internal target failure Apr 14 11:14:59 oa kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 190500041 Apr 14 11:14:59 oa kernel: SCSI error : <0 0 0 0> return code = 0x8000002 Apr 14 11:14:59 oa kernel: Info fld=0x0, Current sda: sense key Hardware Error Apr 14 11:14:59 oa kernel: Additional sense: Internal target failure Apr 14 11:14:59 oa kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 190500049 Apr 14 11:14:59 oa kernel: SCSI error : <0 0 0 0> return code = 0x8000002 Apr 14 11:14:59 oa kernel: Info fld=0x0, Current sda: sense key Hardware Error Apr 14 11:14:59 oa kernel: Additional sense: Internal target failure Apr 14 11:14:59 oa kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 190500057 Apr 14 11:14:59 oa kernel: SCSI error : <0 0 0 0> return code = 0x8000002 Apr 14 11:14:59 oa kernel: Info fld=0x0, Current sda: sense key Hardware Error Apr 14 11:14:59 oa kernel: Additional sense: Internal target failure Apr 14 11:14:59 oa kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 190500065 Apr 14 11:14:59 oa kernel: SCSI error : <0 0 0 0> return code = 0x8000002
大量类似I/O error, dev sda, sector错误,很可能是由于硬件方面异常导致.
针对这样的情况,由于是硬件故障,先要通过dbv或者rman检查其他数据文件是否正常,如果有数据文件不能读,那需要对数据文件进行特殊处理.本次恢复的中,客户相对比较幸运,所有数据文件全部可以正常访问,只是当前redo异常,通过隐含参数强制拉库,然后导出数据,重建库解决.类似文章:又一起存储故障导致ORA-00333 ORA-00312恢复