asm恢复 bbed bootstrap$ dul In Memory kcbzib_kcrsds_1 kccpb_sanity_check_2 MySQL恢复 ORA-00312 ORA-00607 ORA-00704 ORA-00742 ORA-01110 ORA-01555 ORA-01578 ORA-01595 ORA-08103 ORA-600 2131 ORA-600 2662 ORA-600 3020 ORA-600 4000 ORA-600 4137 ORA-600 4193 ORA-600 4194 ORA-600 16703 ORA-600 kcbzib_kcrsds_1 ORA-600 KCLCHKBLK_4 ORA-15042 ORA-15196 ORACLE 12C oracle dul ORACLE PATCH Oracle Recovery Tools oracle加密恢复 oracle勒索 oracle勒索恢复 oracle异常恢复 Oracle 恢复 ORACLE恢复 ORACLE数据库恢复 oracle 比特币 OSD-04016 YOUR FILES ARE ENCRYPTED 勒索恢复 比特币加密文章分类
- Others (2)
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- 操作系统 (103)
- 数据库 (1,738)
- DB2 (22)
- MySQL (75)
- Oracle (1,588)
- Data Guard (52)
- GoldenGate (24)
- ORA-xxxxx (160)
- ORACLE 12C (72)
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- Oracle 23ai (8)
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- Oracle备份恢复 (582)
- Oracle安装升级 (95)
- Oracle性能优化 (62)
- 专题索引 (5)
- 勒索恢复 (83)
- PostgreSQL (27)
- pdu工具 (5)
- PostgreSQL恢复 (9)
- SQL Server (29)
- SQL Server恢复 (10)
- TimesTen (7)
- 达梦数据库 (2)
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- 软件开发 (37)
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- ORA-39773: parse of metadata stream failed故障处理
- sql数据库备份失败—失败: 23(数据错误(循环冗余检查)
- vmdk文件被加密恢复(虚拟机文件加密)
- 差点被误操作的ORA-600 kcratr_nab_less_than_odr故障
- win平台19c 打patch遭遇2个小问题汇总
- pg单个数据库目录恢复-pdu恢复单个数据库目录数据
- pg删除数据恢复—pdu恢复pg delete数据
- .[OnlyBuy@cyberfear.com].REVRAC勒索mysql恢复
- 表dml操作权限授权给public,导致只读用户失效
- 21c数据库恢复遭遇ora-600 ktugct: corruption detected
- pg_control丢失/损坏处理
- 当前主流数据库版本服务支持周期-202503
- pg启动报invalid checkpoint record处理
- 删除redo导致ORA-00313 ORA-00312故障处理
- Navicat连接postgresql时出现column “datlastsysoid” does not exist错误解决
- aix磁盘损坏oracle数据库恢复
- pg误删除数据恢复(PostgreSQL delete数据恢复)
- PostgreSQL表文件损坏恢复—pdu恢复损坏的表文件
- linux rm -rf 删除数据文件恢复
- PostgreSQL恢复工具—pdu恢复单个表文件
标签归档:ORA-600 4137
硬件故障导致ORA-600 2662错误处理
前几天恢复了一个40多T的CASE:ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [16513], [1403] 恢复,又一个近30T的库由于硬件故障,通过其他人一系列恢复之后,无法正常open,让我们提供技术支持:
Fri Feb 19 09:03:49 2021 Errors in file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\xifenfei\xifenfei\trace\xifenfei_ora_3460.trc: ORA-01114: 将块写入文件 849 时出现 IO 错误 (块 # 3871748) ORA-27070: 异步读取/写入失败 OSD-04016: 异步 I/O 请求排队时出错。 O/S-Error: (OS 1167) 设备没有连接。 ORA-01114: 将块写入文件 849 时出现 IO 错误 (块 # 3871748) ORA-27070: 异步读取/写入失败 OSD-04016: 异步 I/O 请求排队时出错。 O/S-Error: (OS 1167) 设备没有连接。
通过其他人一系列处理后,数据库报ORA-600 2662错误
Sat Feb 20 08:19:35 2021 MTTR advisory is disabled because FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET is not set Sat Feb 20 08:19:35 2021 SMON: enabling cache recovery Errors in file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\xifenfei\xifenfei\trace\xifenfei_ora_5304.trc(incident=1960181): ORA-00600:internal error code,arguments:[2662],[4],[2185364344], [4],[2185453722],[893388032],[],[],[],[],[],[] Errors in file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\xifenfei\xifenfei\trace\xifenfei_ora_5304.trc: ORA-00600:internal error code,arguments:[2662],[4],[2185364344], [4],[2185453722],[893388032],[],[],[],[],[],[] Errors in file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\xifenfei\xifenfei\trace\xifenfei_ora_5304.trc: ORA-00600:internal error code,arguments:[2662],[4],[2185364344], [4],[2185453722],[893388032],[],[],[],[],[],[] Error 600 happened during db open, shutting down database USER (ospid: 5304): terminating the instance due to error 600 Instance terminated by USER, pid = 5304 ORA-1092 signalled during: ALTER DATABASE OPEN... opiodr aborting process unknown ospid (5304) as a result of ORA-1092 Sat Feb 20 08:19:42 2021 ORA-1092 : opitsk aborting process
通过对scn处理,数据库顺利绕过该错误,然后报ORA-600 4194错误
Doing block recovery for file 213 block 4688 No block recovery was needed Errors in file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\xifenfei\xifenfei\trace\xifenfei_smon_7048.trc(incident=1984136): ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4194], [38.4.1381252], [0], [], [],[],[],[],[],[],[],[] Sat Feb 20 10:50:45 2021 Doing block recovery for file 213 block 4688 No block recovery was needed Fatal internal error happened while SMON was doing active transaction recovery. Errors in file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\xifenfei\xifenfei\trace\xifenfei_smon_7048.trc: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4194], [38.4.1381252], [0], [], [],[],[],[],[],[],[],[] SMON (ospid: 7048): terminating the instance due to error 474 Errors in file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\xifenfei\xifenfei\trace\xifenfei_ora_6652.trc(incident=1984185): ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4194], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4194], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4194], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4194], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] Sat Feb 20 10:50:52 2021 Instance terminated by SMON, pid = 7048
通过对异常事务进行处理,屏蔽smon进程进行回滚,数据库open成功,但是报ORA-600 4137错误
Sat Feb 20 10:53:46 2021 Sweep [inc][1992133]: completed Stopping background process MMNL Sat Feb 20 10:53:47 2021 Trace dumping is performing id=[cdmp_20210220105347] Errors in file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\xifenfei\xifenfei\trace\xifenfei_smon_6576.trc(incident=1992134): ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4137], [23.13.3094188], [0], [0], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ORACLE Instance xifenfei (pid = 14) - Error 600 encountered while recovering transaction (23, 13). Errors in file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\xifenfei\xifenfei\trace\xifenfei_smon_6576.trc: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4137], [23.13.3094188], [0], [0], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] Sat Feb 20 10:53:47 2021 Sweep [inc2][1992133]: completed Sat Feb 20 10:53:47 2021 Sweep [inc][1992134]: completed Stopping background process MMON Trace dumping is performing id=[cdmp_20210220105348] Errors in file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\xifenfei\xifenfei\trace\xifenfei_smon_6576.trc(incident=1992135): ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4137], [38.4.1381252], [0], [0], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] Starting background process MMON Starting background process MMNL Sat Feb 20 10:53:48 2021 MMON started with pid=16, OS id=6448 ALTER SYSTEM enable restricted session; Sat Feb 20 10:53:48 2021 MMNL started with pid=36, OS id=6840 ORACLE Instance xifenfei (pid = 14) - Error 600 encountered while recovering transaction (38, 4). Errors in file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\xifenfei\xifenfei\trace\xifenfei_smon_6576.trc: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4137], [38.4.1381252], [0], [0], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] Sat Feb 20 10:53:49 2021 Sweep [inc][1992135]: completed Trace dumping is performing id=[cdmp_20210220105349] replication_dependency_tracking turned off (no async multimaster replication found) Completed: alter database open
HCheck Version 07MAY18 on 20-FEB-2021 11:35:11 ---------------------------------------------- Catalog Version (1102000100) db_name: JYJG Catalog Fixed Procedure Name Version Vs Release Timestamp Result ------------------------------ ... ---------- -- ---------- -------------- ------ .- LobNotInObj ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:11 PASS .- MissingOIDOnObjCol ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:11 PASS .- SourceNotInObj ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:11 PASS .- IndIndparMismatch ... 1102000100 <= 1102000100 02/20 11:35:12 PASS .- InvCorrAudit ... 1102000100 <= 1102000100 02/20 11:35:12 PASS .- OversizedFiles ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:12 PASS .- PoorDefaultStorage ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:12 PASS .- PoorStorage ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:12 PASS .- PartSubPartMismatch ... 1102000100 <= 1102000100 02/20 11:35:12 PASS .- TabPartCountMismatch ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:12 PASS .- OrphanedTabComPart ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:12 PASS .- MissingSum$ ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:12 PASS .- MissingDir$ ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:12 PASS .- DuplicateDataobj ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:12 PASS .- ObjSynMissing ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:13 PASS .- ObjSeqMissing ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:13 PASS .- OrphanedUndo ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:13 PASS .- OrphanedIndex ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:13 PASS .- OrphanedIndexPartition ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:13 PASS .- OrphanedIndexSubPartition ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:13 PASS .- OrphanedTable ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:13 PASS .- OrphanedTablePartition ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:13 PASS .- OrphanedTableSubPartition ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:13 PASS .- MissingPartCol ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:13 PASS .- OrphanedSeg$ ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:13 PASS .- OrphanedIndPartObj# ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:13 PASS .- DuplicateBlockUse ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:13 PASS .- FetUet ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:13 PASS .- Uet0Check ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:13 PASS .- ExtentlessSeg ... 1102000100 <= 1102000100 02/20 11:35:13 PASS .- SeglessUET ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:13 PASS .- BadInd$ ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:13 PASS .- BadTab$ ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:13 PASS .- BadIcolDepCnt ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:13 PASS .- ObjIndDobj ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:13 PASS .- TrgAfterUpgrade ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:13 PASS .- ObjType0 ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:13 PASS .- BadOwner ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:13 PASS .- StmtAuditOnCommit ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:13 PASS .- BadPublicObjects ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:13 PASS .- BadSegFreelist ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:13 PASS .- BadDepends ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:13 PASS .- CheckDual ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:14 PASS .- ObjectNames ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:14 PASS .- BadCboHiLo ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:14 PASS .- ChkIotTs ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:15 PASS .- NoSegmentIndex ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:15 PASS .- BadNextObject ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:15 PASS .- DroppedROTS ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:15 PASS .- FilBlkZero ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:15 PASS .- DbmsSchemaCopy ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:15 PASS .- OrphanedObjError ... 1102000100 > 1102000000 02/20 11:35:15 PASS .- ObjNotLob ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:15 PASS .- MaxControlfSeq ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:15 PASS .- SegNotInDeferredStg ... 1102000100 > 1102000000 02/20 11:35:18 PASS .- SystemNotRfile1 ... 1102000100 > 902000000 02/20 11:35:18 PASS .- DictOwnNonDefaultSYSTEM ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:19 PASS .- OrphanTrigger ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:19 PASS .- ObjNotTrigger ... 1102000100 <= *All Rel* 02/20 11:35:19 PASS --------------------------------------- 20-FEB-2021 11:35:19 Elapsed: 8 secs --------------------------------------- Found 0 potential problem(s) and 0 warning(s) PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. Statement processed.
发表在 非常规恢复
标签为 O/S-Error: (OS 1167), ORA-01114, ORA-27070, ORA-600 2662, ORA-600 4137, ORA-600 4194, OSD-04016
ORA-15096: lost disk write detected
又一例由于存储掉电导致asm磁盘组,由于ORA-15096: lost disk write detected,导致无法mount的恢复请求
SQL> ALTER DISKGROUP DATA MOUNT /* asm agent *//* {1:45277:148} */ NOTE: cache registered group DATA number=2 incarn=0x73886b6a NOTE: cache began mount (first) of group DATA number=2 incarn=0x73886b6a NOTE: Assigning number (2,2) to disk (/dev/asm-data3) NOTE: Assigning number (2,1) to disk (/dev/asm-data2) NOTE: Assigning number (2,0) to disk (/dev/asm-data1) Fri Nov 06 19:06:56 2020 NOTE: GMON heartbeating for grp 2 GMON querying group 2 at 94 for pid 30, osid 11596 NOTE: cache opening disk 0 of grp 2: DATA_0000 path:/dev/asm-data1 NOTE: F1X0 found on disk 0 au 2 fcn 0.0 NOTE: cache opening disk 1 of grp 2: DATA_0001 path:/dev/asm-data2 NOTE: cache opening disk 2 of grp 2: DATA_0002 path:/dev/asm-data3 NOTE: cache mounting (first) external redundancy group 2/0x73886B6A (DATA) Fri Nov 06 19:06:57 2020 * allocate domain 2, invalid = TRUE kjbdomatt send to inst 2 Fri Nov 06 19:06:57 2020 NOTE: attached to recovery domain 2 NOTE: starting recovery of thread=1 ckpt=25.7986 group=2 (DATA) NOTE: starting recovery of thread=2 ckpt=33.364 group=2 (DATA) NOTE: BWR validation signaled ORA-15096 Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/asm/+asm/+ASM1/trace/+ASM1_ora_11596.trc: ORA-15096: lost disk write detected NOTE: crash recovery signalled OER-15096 ERROR: ORA-15096 signalled during mount of diskgroup DATA NOTE: cache dismounting (clean) group 2/0x73886B6A (DATA) NOTE: messaging CKPT to quiesce pins Unix process pid: 11596, image: oracle@db1 (TNS V1-V3) NOTE: lgwr not being msg'd to dismount kjbdomdet send to inst 2 detach from dom 2, sending detach message to inst 2 freeing rdom 2 NOTE: detached from domain 2 NOTE: cache dismounted group 2/0x73886B6A (DATA) NOTE: cache ending mount (fail) of group DATA number=2 incarn=0x73886b6a NOTE: cache deleting context for group DATA 2/0x73886b6a GMON dismounting group 2 at 95 for pid 30, osid 11596 NOTE: Disk DATA_0000 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment NOTE: Disk DATA_0001 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment NOTE: Disk DATA_0002 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment ERROR: diskgroup DATA was not mounted ORA-15032: not all alterations performed ORA-15096: lost disk write detected ERROR: ALTER DISKGROUP DATA MOUNT /* asm agent *//* {1:45277:148} */
通过判断,通过一系列处理之后,数据库进行了mount操作发现报错ORA-600 2130
Fri Nov 06 17:03:27 2020 ALTER DATABASE RECOVER database Media Recovery Start started logmerger process Parallel Media Recovery started with 40 slaves Fri Nov 06 17:03:29 2020 Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/ynhis/ynhis1/trace/ynhis1_pr00_7393.trc (incident=195869): ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [2130], [2], [1], [2], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] Incident details in: /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/ynhis/ynhis1/incident/incdir_195869/ynhis1_pr00_7393_i195869.trc Fri Nov 06 17:03:30 2020 Use ADRCI or Support Workbench to package the incident. See Note 411.1 at My Oracle Support for error and packaging details. Media Recovery failed with error 600 ORA-10877 signalled during: ALTER DATABASE RECOVER database ...
判断redo异常,通过resetlogs打开库,发现报错ORA-00600 2662
Fri Nov 06 18:21:32 2020 alter database open resetlogs RESETLOGS is being done without consistancy checks. This may result in a corrupted database. The database should be recreated. RESETLOGS after incomplete recovery UNTIL CHANGE 8670753264 Resetting resetlogs activation ID 306909514 (0x124b114a) Redo thread 2 enabled by open resetlogs or standby activation Fri Nov 06 18:21:39 2020 Setting recovery target incarnation to 2 Initializing SCN for created control file Database SCN compatibility initialized to 3 Warning - High Database SCN: Current SCN value is 8670753267, threshold SCN value is 0 Fri Nov 06 18:21:39 2020 Assigning activation ID 408224320 (0x18550240) Thread 1 opened at log sequence 1 Current log# 1 seq# 1 mem# 0: /orabak/data/group_1.289.954514319 Successful open of redo thread 1 MTTR advisory is disabled because FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET is not set Fri Nov 06 18:21:40 2020 SMON: enabling cache recovery Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/ynhis/ynhis1/trace/ynhis1_ora_24310.trc (incident=231847): ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [2662], [2], [80818679], [2], [93545365], [4194545], [], [], [], [], [],[] Incident details in: /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/ynhis/ynhis1/incident/incdir_231847/ynhis1_ora_24310_i231847.trc Fri Nov 06 18:21:42 2020 Dumping diagnostic data in directory=[cdmp_20201106182142],requested by(instance=1,osid=24310),summary=[incident=231847] Fri Nov 06 18:21:43 2020 Use ADRCI or Support Workbench to package the incident. See Note 411.1 at My Oracle Support for error and packaging details. Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/ynhis/ynhis1/trace/ynhis1_ora_24310.trc: ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [2662], [2], [80818679], [2], [93545365],[4194545],[],[],[],[],[],[] Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/ynhis/ynhis1/trace/ynhis1_ora_24310.trc: ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [2662], [2], [80818679], [2], [93545365],[4194545],[],[],[],[],[],[] Error 704 happened during db open, shutting down database USER (ospid: 24310): terminating the instance due to error 704 Instance terminated by USER, pid = 24310 ORA-1092 signalled during: alter database open resetlogs... opiodr aborting process unknown ospid (24310) as a result of ORA-1092
处理该错误之后,数据库resetlog之后,数据库open成功但是报错ORA-00600 4137
Database Characterset is ZHS16GBK Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/ynhis/ynhis1/trace/ynhis1_smon_26195.trc (incident=255799): ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4137], [25.33.122556], [0], [0], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] Incident details in: /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/ynhis/ynhis1/incident/incdir_255799/ynhis1_smon_26195_i255799.trc Use ADRCI or Support Workbench to package the incident. See Note 411.1 at My Oracle Support for error and packaging details. No Resource Manager plan active Fri Nov 06 18:30:46 2020 replication_dependency_tracking turned off (no async multimaster replication found) ORACLE Instance ynhis1 (pid = 23) - Error 600 encountered while recovering transaction (25, 33). Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/ynhis/ynhis1/trace/ynhis1_smon_26195.trc: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4137], [25.33.122556], [0], [0], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
在数据库恢复遭遇ORA-07445 kgegpa错误
接到客户恢复请求,数据库启动报ORA-600 2662错误
Fri Apr 24 19:52:58 2020 alter database open resetlogs RESETLOGS is being done without consistancy checks. This may result in a corrupted database. The database should be recreated. RESETLOGS after incomplete recovery UNTIL CHANGE 15491509441794 Resetting resetlogs activation ID 1460987657 (0x5714e709) Fri Apr 24 19:52:59 2020 Setting recovery target incarnation to 3 Fri Apr 24 19:52:59 2020 Assigning activation ID 1566342598 (0x5d5c7dc6) Thread 1 opened at log sequence 1 Current log# 1 seq# 1 mem# 0: Y:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\ORADATA\ORCL\REDO01.LOG Successful open of redo thread 1 MTTR advisory is disabled because FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET is not set Fri Apr 24 19:52:59 2020 SMON: enabling cache recovery Errors in file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_ora_3860.trc (incident=8561): ORA-00600: 内部错误代码, 参数: [2662], [3606], [3857372426], [3606], [3857377059], [12583040], [], [], [], [], [], [] Incident details in: d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\incident\incdir_8561\orcl_ora_3860_i8561.trc Errors in file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_ora_3860.trc: ORA-00600: 内部错误代码, 参数: [2662], [3606], [3857372426], [3606], [3857377059], [12583040], [], [], [], [], [], [] Errors in file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_ora_3860.trc: ORA-00600: 内部错误代码, 参数: [2662], [3606], [3857372426], [3606], [3857377059], [12583040], [], [], [], [], [], [] Error 600 happened during db open, shutting down database USER (ospid: 3860): terminating the instance due to error 600 Instance terminated by USER, pid = 3860 ORA-1092 signalled during: alter database open resetlogs...
SQL> startup mount pfile='d:/pfile.txt'; ORACLE 例程已经启动。 Total System Global Area 1.3696E+10 bytes Fixed Size 2188768 bytes Variable Size 6878661152 bytes Database Buffers 6777995264 bytes Redo Buffers 37044224 bytes 数据库装载完毕。 SQL> alter database open; alter database open * 第 1 行出现错误: ORA-03113: 通信通道的文件结尾 进程 ID: 5884 会话 ID: 66 序列号: 3
Fri Apr 24 20:57:49 2020 SMON: enabling cache recovery Successfully onlined Undo Tablespace 2. Dictionary check beginning Dictionary check complete Verifying file header compatibility for 11g tablespace encryption.. Verifying 11g file header compatibility for tablespace encryption completed SMON: enabling tx recovery Database Characterset is ZHS16GBK No Resource Manager plan active Exception [type: ACCESS_VIOLATION, UNABLE_TO_READ] [ADDR:0x898ADE43] [PC:0x9287D88, kgegpa()+38] Dump file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\alert_orcl.log Fri Apr 24 20:57:49 2020 ORACLE V11. - 64bit Production vsnsta=0 vsnsql=16 vsnxtr=3 Windows NT Version V6.1 CPU : 16 - type 8664, 16 Physical Cores Process Affinity : 0x0x0000000000000000 Memory (Avail/Total): Ph:21429M/32767M, Ph+PgF:54255M/65533M Fri Apr 24 20:57:49 2020 Errors in file ORA-07445: caught exception [ACCESS_VIOLATION] at [kgegpa()+38] [0x0000000009287D88] Fri Apr 24 20:57:52 2020 PMON (ospid: 2496): terminating the instance due to error 397 Instance terminated by PMON, pid = 2496
这里的主要错误是由于ORA-07445 kgegpa,根据以前恢复经验,该问题很可能和undo有关,对undo进行处理之后启动库
SQL> startup mount pfile='d:/pfile.txt' ; ORACLE 例程已经启动。 Total System Global Area 1.3696E+10 bytes Fixed Size 2188768 bytes Variable Size 6878661152 bytes Database Buffers 6777995264 bytes Redo Buffers 37044224 bytes 数据库装载完毕。 SQL> recover database; 完成介质恢复。 SQL> alter database open; 数据库已更改。
SMON: enabling tx recovery Database Characterset is ZHS16GBK SMON: Restarting fast_start parallel rollback Fri Apr 24 21:01:28 2020 Errors in file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_p000_4360.trc (incident=13377): ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4198], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] Incident details in: d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\incident\incdir_13377\orcl_p000_4360_i13377.trc Stopping background process MMNL Doing block recovery for file 3 block 296 Resuming block recovery (PMON) for file 3 block 296 Block recovery from logseq 3, block 25 to scn 15491947056761 Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 3 Seq 3 Reading mem 0 Mem# 0: Y:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\ORADATA\ORCL\REDO03.LOG Block recovery completed at rba 3.25.16, scn 3607.20090 Doing block recovery for file 6 block 165592 Resuming block recovery (PMON) for file 6 block 165592 Block recovery from logseq 3, block 33 to scn 15491947056769 Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 3 Seq 3 Reading mem 0 Mem# 0: Y:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\ORADATA\ORCL\REDO03.LOG Block recovery completed at rba 3.58.16, scn 3607.20098 Errors in file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_smon_4912.trc (incident=13321): ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4198], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] Incident details in: d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\incident\incdir_13321\orcl_smon_4912_i13321.trc SMON: Parallel transaction recovery slave got internal error SMON: Downgrading transaction recovery to serial Stopping background process MMON Fri Apr 24 21:01:29 2020 Trace dumping is performing id=[cdmp_20200424210129] Errors in file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_smon_4912.trc (incident=13322): ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4137], [12.30.1712324], [0], [0], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] Incident details in: d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\incident\incdir_13322\orcl_smon_4912_i13322.trc ORACLE Instance orcl (pid = 14) - Error 600 encountered while recovering transaction (12, 30). Errors in file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_smon_4912.trc: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4137], [12.30.1712324], [0], [0], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] Completed: alter database open upgrade Fri Apr 24 21:01:30 2020 MMON started with pid=16, OS id=4980 Fri Apr 24 21:01:31 2020 Sweep [inc][13322]: completed Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00c395ee (file 3, block 234990) Fractured block found during buffer read Data in bad block: type: 2 format: 2 rdba: 0x00c395ee last change scn: 0x0e16.e5ead38b seq: 0x2b flg: 0x04 spare1: 0x0 spare2: 0x0 spare3: 0x0 consistency value in tail: 0xdb720232 check value in block header: 0xebe2 computed block checksum: 0xb60b Reading datafile'Y:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\ORADATA\ORCL\UNDOTBS01.DBF'for corruption at rdba: 0x00c395ee (file 3,block 234990) Reread (file 3, block 234990) found same corrupt data Corrupt Block Found TSN = 2, TSNAME = UNDOTBS1 RFN = 3, BLK = 234990, RDBA = 12817902 OBJN = 0, OBJD = -1, OBJECT = , SUBOBJECT = SEGMENT OWNER = , SEGMENT TYPE = Errors in file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_m001_4852.trc (incident=13641): ORA-01578: ORACLE data block corrupted (file # 3, block # 234990) ORA-01110: data file 3: 'Y:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\ORADATA\ORCL\UNDOTBS01.DBF' Incident details in: d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\incident\incdir_13641\orcl_m001_4852_i13641.trc
SQL> create undo tablespace undotbs2 datafile 2 'Y:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\ORADATA\ORCL\undo_xff02.dbf' size 128M autoextend on; 表空间已创建。 SQL> drop tablespace undotbs1 including contents and datafiles; 表空间已删除。 SQL> shutdown immediate; 数据库已经关闭。 已经卸载数据库。 ORACLE 例程已经关闭。 SQL> create spfile from pfile='d:/pfile.txt'; 文件已创建。 SQL> startup mount ORACLE 例程已经启动。 Total System Global Area 1.3696E+10 bytes Fixed Size 2188768 bytes Variable Size 6878661152 bytes Database Buffers 6777995264 bytes Redo Buffers 37044224 bytes 数据库装载完毕。 SQL> alter database open; 数据库已更改。
数据库启动之后继续报出来的ORA-600 4198和ORA-600 4137以及undo坏块均证明是由于undo异常引起的问题,通过重建新undo,数据库open正常,安排客户进行数据导出导入到新库