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标签归档:ORA-600 kfklLibFetchNext00
一个朋友的历史库出现故障,在linux 4的平台上asm的10.2.0.1的单库,asm使用asmlib来处理。
--以前故障 SQL> ALTER DISKGROUP ALL MOUNT Thu Sep 6 14:23:16 2012 NOTE: cache registered group DGARC number=1 incarn=0x2bf96274 NOTE: cache registered group DGDATA number=2 incarn=0x2c196275 NOTE: cache registered group DGSYS number=3 incarn=0x2c196276 Thu Sep 6 14:23:16 2012 Errors in file /opt/app/oracle/admin/+ASM/bdump/+asm_rbal_10204.trc: ORA-15183: ASMLIB initialization error [driver/agent not installed] Thu Sep 6 14:23:16 2012 Errors in file /opt/app/oracle/admin/+ASM/bdump/+asm_rbal_10204.trc: ORA-15183: ASMLIB initialization error [/opt/oracle/extapi/64/asm/orcl/1/libasm.so] ORA-15183: ASMLIB initialization error [driver/agent not installed] Thu Sep 6 14:23:16 2012 ERROR: no PST quorum in group 1: required 2, found 0 Thu Sep 6 14:23:16 2012 NOTE: cache dismounting group 1/0x2BF96274 (DGARC) NOTE: dbwr not being msg'd to dismount ERROR: diskgroup DGARC was not mounted Thu Sep 6 14:23:16 2012 ERROR: no PST quorum in group 2: required 2, found 0 Thu Sep 6 14:23:16 2012 NOTE: cache dismounting group 2/0x2C196275 (DGDATA) NOTE: dbwr not being msg'd to dismount ERROR: diskgroup DGDATA was not mounted Thu Sep 6 14:23:16 2012 ERROR: no PST quorum in group 3: required 2, found 0 Thu Sep 6 14:23:16 2012 NOTE: cache dismounting group 3/0x2C196276 (DGSYS) NOTE: dbwr not being msg'd to dismount ERROR: diskgroup DGSYS was not mounted --现在故障 Thu Jan 24 13:49:45 2013 SQL> ALTER DISKGROUP ALL MOUNT Thu Jan 24 13:49:45 2013 NOTE: cache registered group DGARC number=1 incarn=0xf388cee9 NOTE: cache registered group DGDATA number=2 incarn=0xf3a8ceea NOTE: cache registered group DGSYS number=3 incarn=0xf3a8ceeb Thu Jan 24 13:49:45 2013 Errors in file /opt/app/oracle/admin/+ASM/bdump/+asm_rbal_13449.trc: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kfklLibFetchNext00], [18446744073709551614], [0], [], [], [], [], [] Thu Jan 24 13:49:46 2013 Errors in file /opt/app/oracle/admin/+ASM/bdump/+asm_rbal_13449.trc: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kfklLibFetchNext00], [18446744073709551614], [0], [], [], [], [], [] Thu Jan 24 13:49:46 2013 ERROR: no PST quorum in group 1: required 2, found 0 Thu Jan 24 13:49:46 2013 NOTE: cache dismounting group 1/0xF388CEE9 (DGARC) NOTE: dbwr not being msg'd to dismount ERROR: diskgroup DGARC was not mounted Thu Jan 24 13:49:46 2013 ERROR: no PST quorum in group 2: required 2, found 0 Thu Jan 24 13:49:46 2013 NOTE: cache dismounting group 2/0xF3A8CEEA (DGDATA) NOTE: dbwr not being msg'd to dismount ERROR: diskgroup DGDATA was not mounted Thu Jan 24 13:49:46 2013 ERROR: no PST quorum in group 3: required 2, found 0 Thu Jan 24 13:49:46 2013 NOTE: cache dismounting group 3/0xF3A8CEEB (DGSYS) NOTE: dbwr not being msg'd to dismount ERROR: diskgroup DGSYS was not mounted Shutting down instance: further logons disabled
----- Call Stack Trace ----- calling call entry argument values in hex location type point (? means dubious value) -------------------- -------- -------------------- ---------------------------- ksedst()+31 call ksedst1() 000000000 ? 000000001 ? 000000000 ? 000000000 ? 000000000 ? 000000001 ? ksedmp()+610 call ksedst() 000000000 ? 000000001 ? 000000000 ? 000000000 ? 000000000 ? 000000001 ? ksfdmp()+21 call ksedmp() 000000003 ? 000000001 ? 000000000 ? 000000000 ? 000000000 ? 000000001 ? kgerinv()+161 call ksfdmp() 000000003 ? 000000001 ? 000000000 ? 000000000 ? 000000000 ? 000000001 ? kgesinv()+33 call kgerinv() 006469D40 ? 0064E1C58 ? 000000000 ? 000000000 ? 000000001 ? 000000001 ? kgesinw()+166 call kgesinv() 006469D40 ? 0064E1C58 ? 000000000 ? 000000000 ? 000000001 ? 000000001 ? kfklLibScanNext()+2 call kgesinw() 006469D40 ? 000000000 ? 39 000000001 ? 000000000 ? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE ? 000000000 ? kfkLibFetchNext()+3 call kfklLibScanNext() 0064DDD70 ? 7FBFFFDCD0 ? 43 000000001 ? 000000000 ? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE ? 000000000 ? kfuitrnInit()+524 call kfkLibFetchNext() 006469D40 ? 2A971DFF90 ? 000000001 ? 000000000 ? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE ? 000000000 ? kfkLibIterInit()+18 call kfuitrnInit() 006469D40 ? 2A971DFCB0 ? 0 2A971DFF90 ? 000000009 ? 000000009 ? 000000000 ? kfkLoadAllLibs()+36 call kfkLibIterInit() 000000000 ? 00646C7E0 ? 3 2A971DFF90 ? 000000009 ? 000000009 ? 000000000 ? kfkDiscoverString() call kfkLoadAllLibs() 000000000 ? 00646C7E0 ? +107 2A971DFF90 ? 000000009 ? 000000009 ? 000000000 ? Cannot find symbol Cannot find symbol Cannot find symbol kfdDiscoverString() call kfkDiscoverString() 067A53768 ? 00646C7E0 ? +28 2A971DFF90 ? 000000009 ? 000000009 ? 000000000 ? kfdDiscoverShallow( call kfdDiscoverString() 067A53768 ? 000000000 ? )+315 2A971DFF90 ? 000000009 ? 000000009 ? 000000000 ? kfgbDriver()+1174 call kfdDiscoverShallow( 000000180 ? 000000000 ? ) 2A971DFF90 ? 000000009 ? 000000009 ? 000000000 ? ksbabs()+564 call kfgbDriver() 7FBFFFE5C0 ? 000000048 ? 000000000 ? 000000009 ? 000000009 ? 000000000 ? ksbrdp()+727 call ksbabs() 7FBFFFE5C0 ? 000000048 ? 000000000 ? 000000009 ? 000000009 ? 000000000 ? opirip()+616 call ksbrdp() 7FBFFFE5C0 ? 000000048 ? 000000001 ? 06002C770 ? 000000009 ? 000000000 ? opidrv()+582 call opirip() 000000032 ? 000000004 ? 7FBFFFF6C8 ? 06002C770 ? 000000009 ? 000000000 ? sou2o()+114 call opidrv() 000000032 ? 000000004 ? 7FBFFFF6C8 ? 06002C770 ? 000000009 ? 000000000 ? opimai_real()+317 call sou2o() 7FBFFFF6A0 ? 000000032 ? 000000004 ? 7FBFFFF6C8 ? 000000009 ? 000000000 ? main()+116 call opimai_real() 000000003 ? 7FBFFFF730 ? 000000004 ? 7FBFFFF6C8 ? 000000009 ? 000000000 ? <0x3c9fb1c40b> call main() 000000003 ? 7FBFFFF730 ? 000000004 ? 7FBFFFF6C8 ? 000000009 ? 000000000 ? --------------------- Binary Stack Dump ---------------------
因为客户的库是一个历史库,基本上不怎么使用,在2012年启动asm就出现了ORA-15183错误,然后在2013年重启机器后,再次启动asm就出现了ORA-00600[kfklLibFetchNext00]错误,通过2012年的错误提示,我们大概可以判断出来该问题和ASMLIB有关系,查询mos发现429945.1,发现Call Stack Trace完全一致,可以定位是该问题(如果想深入分析,可以通过strace继续分析)
ORA-600: [kfklLibFetchNext00], [18446744073709551614], [0] when mounting diskgroup in ASM
Applies to: Linux OS - Version: 2.0.1-1 and later [Release: RHEL4 and later ] Information in this document applies to any platform. Linux Kernel - Version: 2.0.1 Symptoms 3 RAC db. 2 nodes are up and functioning except for 1 node - ASM did not come back up after the reboot eventhough all disks show available from asmlib's perspective: Changes All that was done with resources were stopped on Node1 and an extra LUN added. A reboot was then performed. Cause The cause of the issue is libasm.o corruption Ran the following to confirm that disks are ok: /dev/oracleasm listdisks /usr/sbin/asmtool -I -l /dev/oracleasm -n /dev/sdg1 -a label /usr/sbin/oracleasm-discover 'ORCL:*' dd if=/dev/sdg1 bs=8192 count=1 | od -c ==> output checked out fine . kfod asm_diskstring='ORCL:*' ==> this failed on Node1 KFOD-00600: file not found; argument [610][kfklLibFetchNext00] even though libasm.o exists You might see the following call stack as well ----- Call Stack Trace ----- kfklLibScanNext kfkLibFetchNext kfuitrnInit kfkLibIterInit kfkLoadAllLibs kfkDiscoverString kfdDiscoverString kfdDiscoverShallow kfgbDriver strace showed Node1-failing ------- stat("/opt/oracle/extapi/64/asm/orcl/1/libasm.so", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0777, st_size=19344, ...}) = 0 getdents64(4, /* 0 entries */, 4096) = 0 <<<< close(4) = 0 open("/opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/rdbms/mesg/kfodus.msb", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) open("/opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/rdbms/mesg/kfodus.msb", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) fstat(1, {st_mode=S_IFCHR|0620, st_rdev=makedev(136, 2), ...}) = 0 mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x2a9750d000 write(1, "KFOD-00600: file not found; argu"..., 69) = 69 Node2-working ----- stat("/opt/oracle/extapi/64/asm/orcl/1/libasm.so", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=19344, ...}) = 0 open("/opt/oracle/extapi/64/asm/orcl/1/libasm.so", O_RDONLY) = 4 read(4, "\177ELF\2\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0>\0\1\0\0\0\20\23\0"..., 832) = 832 fstat(4, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=19344, ...}) = 0 mmap(NULL, 1066104, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_DENYWRITE, 4, 0) 0x2a9750d000
To implement the solution, reinstall the ASMlib RPM >rpm -Uvh oracleasmlib-2.0.0-1 This replaces the /opt/oracle/extapi/64/asm/orcl/1/libasm.so