asm恢复 bbed bootstrap$ dul In Memory kcbzib_kcrsds_1 kccpb_sanity_check_2 kfed MySQL恢复 ORA-00312 ORA-00607 ORA-00704 ORA-01110 ORA-01555 ORA-01578 ORA-08103 ORA-600 2131 ORA-600 2662 ORA-600 2663 ORA-600 3020 ORA-600 4000 ORA-600 4137 ORA-600 4193 ORA-600 4194 ORA-600 16703 ORA-600 kcbzib_kcrsds_1 ORA-600 KCLCHKBLK_4 ORA-15042 ORA-15196 ORACLE 12C oracle dul ORACLE PATCH Oracle Recovery Tools oracle加密恢复 oracle勒索 oracle勒索恢复 oracle异常恢复 Oracle 恢复 ORACLE恢复 ORACLE数据库恢复 oracle 比特币 OSD-04016 YOUR FILES ARE ENCRYPTED 勒索恢复 比特币加密文章分类
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标签归档:TX Enqueue contention
分析一例 TX Enqueue contention案例
SQL> select * from v$version; BANNER ---------------------------------------------------------------- Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Production TNS for IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - Production SQL> select A.INST_ID,count(*), event 2 from Gv$session_wait a 3 where event not in ('SQL*Net more data to client', 4 'rdbms ipc message', 5 'smon timer', 6 'pmon timer', 7 'SQL*Net message from client', 8 'lock manager wait for remote message', 9 'ges remote message', 10 'gcs remote message', 11 'gcs for action', 12 'client message', 13 'pipe get', 14 'null event', 15 'PX Idle Wait', 16 'single-task message', 17 'PX Deq: Execution Msg', 18 'KXFQ: kxfqdeq - normal deqeue', 19 'listen endpoint status', 20 'slave wait', 21 'wakeup time manager','jobq slave wait') 22 group by INST_ID,event 23 order by 1 desc,2 desc; INST_ID COUNT(*) EVENT ---------- ---------- -------------------------------------- 2 8 enqueue 2 1 async disk IO 2 1 db file sequential read 2 1 SQL*Net message to client 2 1 PX Deq: reap credit 1 2 global cache cr request 1 1 async disk IO 1 1 PX Deq: reap credit 1 1 PX Deq: Execute Reply 9 rows selected.
发现enqueue等待有些多,怀疑是TX enquenue,查询阻塞者
SQL> set linesize 100 SQL> set pagesize 66 SQL> col c1 for a15 SQL> col c1 heading "Program Name " SQL> select l.inst_id,l.SID,program c1,l.TYPE,l.ID1,l.ID2,l.LMODE,l.REQUEST 2 from gv$lock l,gv$session s 3 where l.type like 'TX' and l.REQUEST =6 4 and l.inst_id=s.inst_id and l.sid=s.sid 5 order by id1 6 / INST_ID SID Program Name TY ID1 ID2 LMODE REQUEST ---------- ---------- --------------- -- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 2 295 rtStopMain@zwq_ TX 1441805 2391806 0 6 bill_2 (TNS V1- V3) 2 992 rtStopMain@zwq_ TX 1441805 2391806 0 6 bill_2 (TNS V1- V3) 2 1238 rtStopMain@zwq_ TX 6946827 2546365 0 6 bill_2 (TNS V1- V3) 2 1298 rtStopMain@zwq_ TX 6946827 2546365 0 6 bill_2 (TNS V1- V3) 2 1684 rtStopMain@zwq_ TX 6946827 2546365 0 6 bill_2 (TNS V1- V3) 2 1553 rtStopMain@zwq_ TX 6946827 2546365 0 6 bill_2 (TNS V1- V3) 2 75 rtStopMain@zwq_ TX 12451856 199146 0 6 bill_2 (TNS V1- V3) 2 1125 rtStopMain@zwq_ TX 14352404 63837 0 6 bill_2 (TNS V1- V3)
SQL> set linesize 100 SQL> set pagesize 66 SQL> col c1 for a15 SQL> col c1 heading "Program Name " SQL> select l.inst_id,l.SID,program c1,l.TYPE,l.ID1,l.ID2,l.LMODE,l.REQUEST 2 from gv$lock l,gv$session s 3 where l.type like 'TX' and l.LMODE =6 and (l.ID1,l.ID2) in 4 (select id1,id2 from gv$lock where type like 'TX' and REQUEST =6) 5 and l.inst_id=s.inst_id and l.sid=s.sid 6 order by id1 7 / INST_ID SID Program Name TY ID1 ID2 LMODE REQUEST ---------- ---------- --------------- -- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 2 75 rtStopMain@zwq_ TX 1441805 2391806 6 0 bill_2 (TNS V1- V3) 2 992 rtStopMain@zwq_ TX 6946827 2546365 6 0 bill_2 (TNS V1- V3) 2 295 rtStopMain@zwq_ TX 12451856 199146 6 0 bill_2 (TNS V1- V3) 2 1553 rtStopMain@zwq_ TX 14352404 63837 6 0 bill_2 (TNS V1- V3)
SQL> set linesize 110 SQL> col c0 for 999 SQL> col c0 heading "INS" SQL> col c1 for a15 SQL> col c1 heading "Program Name " SQL> select inst_id c0,sid,program c1,ROW_WAIT_OBJ# object_no, ROW_WAIT_FILE# Rfile_no, 2 ROW_WAIT_BLOCK# Block_no ,ROW_WAIT_ROW# Row_no 3 from gv$session 4 where (inst_id,sid) in (select inst_id,sid from gv$session_wait where p1='1415053318') 5 / INS SID Program Name OBJECT_NO RFILE_NO BLOCK_NO ROW_NO ---- ---------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 2 75 rtStopMain@zwq_ 1323132 13 122601 111 bill_2 (TNS V1- V3) 2 295 rtStopMain@zwq_ 1323132 13 122601 100 bill_2 (TNS V1- V3) 2 992 rtStopMain@zwq_ 1323132 13 122601 101 bill_2 (TNS V1- V3) 2 1125 rtStopMain@zwq_ 1323132 84 38445 70 bill_2 (TNS V1- V3) 2 1238 rtStopMain@zwq_ 1323132 15 255066 41 bill_2 (TNS V1- V3) 2 1298 rtStopMain@zwq_ 1323132 14 118411 8 bill_2 (TNS V1- V3) 2 1553 rtStopMain@zwq_ 1323132 15 255066 19 bill_2 (TNS V1- V3) 2 1684 rtStopMain@zwq_ 1323132 14 118411 21 bill_2 (TNS V1- V3) 8 rows selected. SQL> set linesize 100 SQL> set pagesize 100 SQL> col owner for a10 SQL> col object_name for a20 SQL> col object_type for a10 SQL> select owner,object_name,object_id,object_type 2 from dba_objects 3 where 4 object_id in (select ROW_WAIT_OBJ# from gv$session 5 where (inst_id, sid) in (select inst_id,sid from gv$session_wait where p1='1415053318')) 6 / OWNER OBJECT_NAME OBJECT_ID OBJECT_TYP ---------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- DBACCADM DCUSTCREDITBALANCE 1323132 TABLE
SQL> SQL> set linesize 120 SQL> set pagesize 66 SQL> col c0 for 999 SQL> col c0 heading "INS" SQL> col c1 for a9 SQL> col c1 heading "OS User" SQL> col c2 for a9 SQL> col c2 heading "Oracle User" SQL> col c3 for a15 SQL> col c3 heading "Program Name" SQL> col b1 for a9 SQL> col b1 heading "Unix PID" SQL> col b2 for 9999 justify left SQL> col b2 heading "ORA SID" SQL> col b3 for 999999 justify left SQL> col b3 heading "SERIAL#" SQL> col sql_text for a45 SQL> set space 1 SQL> break on b1 nodup on c0 nodup on c3 nodup on c1 nodup on c2 nodup on b2 nodup on b3 skip 2 SQL> select a.inst_id c0,b.sid b2,c.spid b1, b.program c3, b.username c2,b.serial# b3, a.sql_text 2 from gv$sql a, gv$session b, gv$process c 3 where 4 a.address = b.sql_address 5 and b.paddr = c.addr 6 and a.hash_value = b.sql_hash_value 7 and a.inst_id=b.inst_id and a.inst_id=c.inst_id 8 and a.inst_id like '&inst_id' and b.sid like '&sid' 9 order by c.spid,a.hash_value 10 / Enter value for inst_id: 2 Enter value for sid: 75 old 8: and a.inst_id like '&inst_id' and b.sid like '&sid' new 8: and a.inst_id like '2' and b.sid like '75' INS ORA SID Unix PID Program Name Oracle Us SERIAL# SQL_TEXT ---- ------- --------- --------------- --------- ------- --------------------------------------------- 2 75 1167392 rtStopMain@zwq_ DBCUSTOPR 42815 update dcustcreditbalance set limit_owe=:b0, bill_2 (TNS V1- unbill_fee=:b1,prepay_fee=:b2,owe_fee=:b3,op_ V3) time=sysdate where id_no=:b4 SQL> / Enter value for inst_id: 2 Enter value for sid: 992 old 8: and a.inst_id like '&inst_id' and b.sid like '&sid' new 8: and a.inst_id like '2' and b.sid like '992' INS ORA SID Unix PID Program Name Oracle Us SERIAL# SQL_TEXT ---- ------- --------- --------------- --------- ------- --------------------------------------------- 2 992 2760870 rtStopMain@zwq_ DBCUSTOPR 56282 update dcustcreditbalance set limit_owe=:b0, bill_2 (TNS V1- unbill_fee=:b1,prepay_fee=:b2,owe_fee=:b3,op_ V3) time=sysdate where id_no=:b4 SQL> / Enter value for inst_id: 2 Enter value for sid: 295 old 8: and a.inst_id like '&inst_id' and b.sid like '&sid' new 8: and a.inst_id like '2' and b.sid like '295' INS ORA SID Unix PID Program Name Oracle Us SERIAL# SQL_TEXT ---- ------- --------- --------------- --------- ------- --------------------------------------------- 2 295 1639008 rtStopMain@zwq_ DBCUSTOPR 35740 update dcustcreditbalance set limit_owe=:b0, bill_2 (TNS V1- unbill_fee=:b1,prepay_fee=:b2,owe_fee=:b3,op_ V3) time=sysdate where id_no=:b4